About us

Well, hello there!

Welcome to Slowhop, where instead of leaving everything behind and moving to some remote place, we show you those who actually dared to do it…

About Slowhop
What does Slowhop mean?

It’s a trip to a unique hideaway with soul and character, a little break from reality, the ability to explore and find what you’re passionate about. Slowhop.com is an online platform with extraordinary locations and expeditions, courses, and workshops organised by remarkable people.

How are we different?

We only feature places that meet our specific criteria: beautiful interior, local food, passionate hosts. We describe them using our own writing style. We believe that it’s important to show others that free time can be enjoyed in many different ways. And we’re committed to finding the best spots out there.

We created Slowhop for ourselves and for people like us. We travel to places where there are no big hotel chains, we eat where they feed us local products, we go for adventures with those, who are passionate about it.
Slowhop team


Senior age. Almost. Spent his early years in corporations, then worked in the largest international Internet companies and startups. He recently renovated an old barn and decided to buy a goat. While the goat is still in the planning phase, Martin uses his professional experience as head of Slowhop.


Her age is almost senior as well, but she's still doing well. She's a PR person with a passion for writing and creating stories. Spends her free time in Poland, Masuria, where she writes a crime novel. Slowhop's originator, because she needed to find interesting hosts without spending hours browsing the Internet.


Young, brisk, decisive. National Geographic should feature her as the youngest woman in the world who was (almost) everywhere and did (almost) everything. Among others, she plans to open a guesthouse in the south of France. Good cook and wine expert. Recently headed the international team of DaWanda.

Pawel & Maciek

Code creators, masters of programming, wizards of technology. In order not to go crazy, Paul is preparing for a triathlon, and Maciek is a gym lover.


Former professional in laying out sanitary installations. She knows everything about designing the pipes and how the water flows and, so why shouldn't she deal with user experience at Slowhop.