We 22 Jan 2025 - Fr 24 Jan 2025 (2 nights)
up to 6 people
No meals
About place
Two houses for exclusive use - for max 6 people each, in the buffer zone of a nature reserve, a stone's throw from Warsaw. With unlimited baths in the hot tub included in the price of the stay.
Marika Tomek i Kot
Hi! Half of our marriage comes from Kociewie, and the other half from Warsaw, where we live. And although we love this city, sometimes we want to escape to some place cut off from the world - then we choose Pieńki. And to Pieńki we invite urban refugees who will appreciate the peace and quiet of a house in the middle of... nowhere. In our free time, we travel, climb peaks, ski, drink wine and eat vegetarian food. And about the house itself, we can tell you that it is located at Wiewiórki Street in Pieńki Słubickie, so Pieńki Wiewiórki is a shortened address, at the same time reflecting the character of this place - the seasons of the year, the day and forest animals rule here.
The third member of our Pieńkowa team, Piotr, nicknamed "Kot", will tell you more about the place and the surrounding forests, who knows only a little less about the subject than our 200-year-old linden tree. It is from Kot that you will most often receive the keys to Pieńków. Come for a rest!
Jeśli tu trafiłeś to znaczy, że szukasz miejsca wchłoniętego przez naturę, gdzie rytm życia wyznaczają pory roku, a sąsiedzi to zaprzyjaźnione rodziny Łosi i Wiewiórek. Pewnie lubisz też wygrzać się w gorącej balii pod gwiazdami. Gdy dodatkowo szukasz bezpiecznej przestrzeni dla swojego czworonożnego przyjaciela dotarłeś do celu, aż trudno uwierzyć, że to tylko 30 min od Warszawy.
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