Preilos namai - hodnocení


Everything was great and we had wonderful time. Highly recommended


Na ocenę tego wypoczynku zabrakłoby mi gwiazdek :) Pobyt na koniec czerwca okazał się strzałem w dziesiątkę. Pogoda dopisała, pozwalając zarówno na plażowanie i kąpiele, jak i piesze wycieczki - a na mierzei nie brakuje miejsc do zwiedzania. Przepiękna architektura wiosek rybackich zachwyca na każdym kroku, tak samo jak samo wnętrze apartamentu. Znajdziecie w nim wszystko, co potrzebne do wypoczynku. Hamaki na zewnątrz, ogrodowy zestaw mebli i grill, prezentowy zestaw kosmetyków i w pełni wyposażona kuchnia - tak aby nic nie zakłóciło czasu urlopu. Plaże są wspaniałe, bez trudu można znaleźć miejsce do rozłożenia się, zarówno z czworonogami, jak i dla rodzin z dziećmi. Inga zawsze służy pomocą i jest doskonałą gospodynią. Bardzo dziękujemy za przyjęcie nas i wspaniały tydzień nad morzem.

Hostitel: Inga

Dear Paulina, thank you very much for a nice review! I really hope one day you would love to come back! Have a nice summer, Inga


I was very lucky to find Inga's apartment. You can see from the photos its ideal location and how nice it is inside. What you can't see in the pictures though: The experience was absolutely wonderful from the very first messages we had exchanged. Before our stay Inga asked some questions to adjust the apartment to be perfect for us - about the configuration of beds and blankets, what coffee, tea and water we like the most etc. I was worried my grandma wouldn't be able to walk up and down the stairs. Inga counted them and sent me the photos just to make sure my grandma would be comfortable. Don't hesitate to ask - she is a perfect host and is willing to get you a desk, a bedside table and anything else if needed. You will also get a set of restaurants recommendations upon arrival and if you are lucky enough Inga will take some amazing photos of you. :) During our stay Inga was always just a whatsapp message away to answer any questions we had, it was so comfortable. I absolutely loved the short exit interview Inga conducted to learn what she could do to improve her guests' experience next time. The apartment is placed just a short walk away from the bay, a moment away from a super nice restaurant and like five steps (it's in the same building) from the best bakery I have ever shopped at, I SWEAR (and I have extremely high standards when it comes to bread). It is run by a lady who bakes everything by herself and sells the goods from her window sill and everyday I crawled from my bed with my eyes still closed and to the bakery in my pajamas looking like an absolute mess just to get the taste of the pesto pull-apart bread. The breakfasts on the forest terrace are fabulous and just taste better than anything in the world! I cannot believe I have only discovered the Curonian Split and Preila this year. This is the most peaceful and tidy place on Earth and I am completely in love with it. I will definitely come back and I recommend everyone the unquestionable pleasure of meeting Inga and staying in her beautiful place.

Hostitel: Inga

Paulina, I expected 3 sentences review, but instead of this I got THE BEST REVIEW ever! To have You, Your Mom & Grandma it was a honour for me. You are amazing client, ladies. I am so excited you enjoyed the vacation even it was absolutely windy week! And if one day you decide to come back to Preila, I will be more than happy ! Best wishes to Your Mom & Grandma!