Aquas de Villaharta
Hotel / Spa

Lourdes, Máximo, and their five children welcome guests with the warmth typical of Andalusian hospitality. The 19th-century hotel is their life's project. They say it's the only spa in the province of Córdoba!
The hammam, traditional Arab baths, whisper tales of times when elegant ladies and distinguished gentlemen bathed in waters richer in minerals than the Sultan's treasury in gold. Here, you can feel like a 19th-century aristocrat, but without uncomfortable corsets and with Wi-Fi at hand! In the kitchen, Máximo works his magic, serving specialties like partridge stew. His dishes are a culinary journey through the traditional flavors of Andalusia.
You can go with the flow of relaxation here, not worrying about the turbulence of everyday life. Drift on a wave of blissful idleness. And when you've soaked up the wonderful waters like a sponge, Andalusia awaits you in all its glory! After all, this is the heart of the Sierra Morena nature park! Want to go cycling? Please do! Horseback riding? Why not! Or perhaps you prefer to explore the nearby towns - Córdoba and Villaharta? Everything is at your fingertips!
How will you find us?
Our address: Camino de Pedrique, 2, Villaharta , Andalusia, Spain
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