Czerwony Domek

Tiny housePets are welcomeSelf catering
Brick house in the manor complex for up to 5 guests
We have bikes for you
Pets are welcome, but don't let them go upstairs
Find us in Kuflew between Warsaw and Minsk Mazowiecki
Pond 3ha, anglers are welcome
A party tent is available for rent, up to 60 people

Quick check

This story did not take place behind seven mountains or seven seas, or in any other more or less fairytale landscape. It all happened in the Mazovian land, and the heroes were generations of Polish nobility, a distiller’s brick house, the remains of a moat around the nineteenth-century manor and a Polish-English marriage who with great courage saved this property from oblivion.

The estate in Kuflewo is about 5 ha, which houses the manor, the Red House, i.e. a former distiller’s house, the ruins of a former stable, the Agronomówka building and part of the park with a column of St. Anthony, which was funded by Countess Weronika Dąbrowska in gratitude for expelling the Russians from her property in 1864.

The property was passed down several times. From the Jasieńczyk family, through the Oborski and Dąbrowski families, to the Szweycer family. It was Bronisław Szweycer who built a distillery and a house for a distillery man in Kuflewo in 1896. In 1943, the distillery building was blown up by the Home Army soldiers as a sabotage and diversionary action, but the red distillery house was spared and stands in the park to this day. It is the pride of the estate and a mainstay of Kuflew’s rest. In 2019, after a time-consuming renovation, we offer the house to guests and now we are happy to invite you inside the walls of history. The interior does not resemble that of the nineteenth century. Inside you will find a comfortable space for 5 people, a living room with a beautiful tiled fireplace, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms and an armful of books, including ones about the history of Kuflew.

Open the windows to a beautiful park with a pond and old trees, where squirrels live in the chestnut trees and nut trees. At breakfast time you can greet the deer, during a walk you can observe the pheasant and search for traces of hungry beavers. We also designed comfortable nests for storks and each year, they fly to Kuflew and proudly parade around in the surrounding fields.

We invite you to our enchanted garden, in which new meets really old, and unknown stories come to light.



Milena i Patrick

We speak these languages: Polish, English, German, French

We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

Parents of three kids and guardians of Polo the dog, Polish and English, lovers of large spaces and spending time in the garden. My husband loves the countryside, I love the city, and we both love working outdoors. That’s probably why 13 years ago while living in London, we dived into the unknown and became the owners of a 5-hectare estate in Kuflew. The Dworsko – Pałacowy team sounded great, but the amount of work exceeded our wildest expectations. In the beginning, we wanted to renovate the nineteenth-century manor and live in it, but life presented a different scenario. However, we saved it from complete destruction, secured it, and then dealt with the renovation of the Red House. This project, fortunately, was successful and now we can invite guests who are hungry for silence and want to learn about the mysterious history of our property. We realise that the property is our life-long project. Endless renovation plans are our daily bread. Now we are focusing on the stable. We want to save it from complete destruction, and this is really the last chance.

The host is an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is an entrepreneur, so you are protected by EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


6 ppl. – Czerwony Domek na wylacznosc

  • 104 m²

  • Without pets

Our Red House is complete for you, i.e. two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen with a living room and 10 hectares of land.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • Fast Internet/WiFi

  • By the lake

  • In / at the edge of the forest

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Access via the forest/gravel road

  • On cold days, you have to light the fireplace yourself

  • You light the fireplace

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Kuflew 32, Kuflew, Mazovia Province, Poland

Public transportation

  • Nearest stops

  • Train: Mrozy, (7 km), You can reach us from the railway station in Ceglów or Mrozy by bike or we can pick up guests by car.

Place rules


  • Pets are welcome (small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 6 people

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00

  • Departure to 11:00

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Other rules

  • Please pay 100% of the amount immediately via the Slowhop system. You can cancel your booking free of charge up to one week from the time of booking. However, it must be at least three weeks before the chosen date.
    Additional guests joining during the stay will pay a minimum of 2 nights each ie PLN 100.

Reviews - Czerwony Domek

5.0Number of opinions: 46


526 Jan 2025

Pobyt w czerwonym domku był dla nas dokładnie tym, czego potrzebowaliśmy. Mogliśmy odpocząć od miasta, wyciszyć się i spędzić czas blisko natury. Domek jest klimatycznie urządzony, przestrzenny i zapewnia prywatność. Będziemy miło wspominać ten czas :-)


51 Oct 2024

Weekend, który spędziliśmy w tym domku, był wyjątkowy. Nasza córka była zachwycona każdym zakątkiem, a my odpoczęliśmy jak nigdy wcześniej. Widać, że gospodarze zadbali o każdy szczegół, tworząc przytulną atmosferę. Piękny ogród był idealnym miejscem na relaks. Z pewnością wrócimy tu ponownie, by ponownie przeżyć te wspaniałe chwile. Dziękujemy za gościnność i serdeczność!


56 Jul 2024

Cicho, prywatnie, spokojnie i zielono. Gospodarze - Milena i Patrick - bardzo dbają o domek, który jest czysty, schludny i posiada wszystko, żeby udało się wypocząć. Okolica bardzo dobra do jazdy na rowerze.


56 May 2024

Dla szukających spokoju, ciszy i bliskości przyrody nie ma lepszego miejsca niż Czerwony Domek. Domek jest na uboczu w pewnym oddaleniu od dworu i kompleksu stawów co daję przyjemną prywatność. Domek jest niesamowicie przytulny, wyposażony we wszystkie potrzebne sprzęty. Wszystko jest wysokiej jakości a sam wystrój po prostu zachwyca. Teren, park i stawy są czyste i zadbane jednak nie pozbawione ...


518 Mar 2024

Domek piękny, bardzo oryginalny, idealny na krótki wypad. Klimat nie do podrobienia :-) Piękna okolica, przesympatyczni właściciele, nic dodać nic ująć. Polecam serdecznie!


518 Nov 2023

Cisza, spokój, pełna prywatność - idealne miejsce na odpoczynek od miasta. Domek bardzo czysty, świetnie wyposażony w najpotrzebniejsze rzeczy, bardzo mili właściciele. Na pewno wrócimy :)


530 Oct 2023

Wspa-nia-łe miejsce! Cisza, przestrzeń, spokój. Idealne miejsce, żeby się wyciszyć i odpocząć od bodźców i zgiełku. Milena i Patrick są super i wykonali kawał dobrej roboty przy renowacji i wyposażeniu domku. Polecam serdecznie.


519 Sep 2023

Cisza spokój, piekna okolica i piekny domek. (ale 7km od domku miasteczka ze wszsytkim co moze na urlopie sie przydac). No i te gwiazdziste niego cos pieknego. Pozdrawiamy.