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Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza 

Poland, Warmia Region, Jeziorany

1 house

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Owczarnia Lefevre is simply a sheepfold. Everyday work is in full swing, everyone is bustling around, we make cheese, we herd sheep, shear them, give birth to them, pet them and generally treat them with tenderness. A vegetable garden was built right next to it. And it's not small either because it has Jerusalem artichoke, asparagus, sweet potatoes, artichokes and kale is 1000 m 2. We included La Maison du Jardinier and La Maison du Pêcheur to this farm. Gardener's House and Angler's House. We invite guests who want to see what it is like to live in a sheepfold in Warmia and how it tastes like France here. We have some surprises for them, good places, we even have theatre premieres. Come to us in Warmia. Everything tastes better here.

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We came here from Paris in search of something completely different. We wanted to live a life with passion, for which in our previous life there was neither space nor time. Warmia was perfect, and at the sight of the farm in Kiersztanów, we simply knew that this is where we would unpack our suitcases. First, we brought our dogs Jeudi, Jilou, Marco and Aloe from France. Then the cats (Libellule - Waszka and Chenille - Gąsiennica). And the girls, the French sheep, because their milk is used to make our favourite cheese. There are also red rabbits of the Fauve de Bourgogne breed and tricoloured (like the flag of France) Poulet de Bresse hens. The farm orchard is also home to bees. And then there are us, their people, who look after all this company. We have our own world here, our own cheeses and our own friends, with whom we make real theatre. Come and visit.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English, French

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Eco Alert

We mainly use eco-friendly detergents
We promote waste segregation among guests
We work with the local community
We plant and care for trees
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Our charms

We don't have televisions
Steep stairs
We don't have air conditioning

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Cozy cottage for 6 people
Cozy cottage for 6 people
2 meals served by the hosts and their own vegetable garden
2 meals served by the hosts and their own vegetable garden
Our own sheep's cheeses made according to French recipes
Our own sheep's cheeses made according to French recipes
About 15 minutes by car to the lake
About 15 minutes by car to the lake
Organic farm certificate
Organic farm certificate
Because of lambs and sheep - come without dogs
Because of lambs and sheep - come without dogs

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 house
Icon for up to 6 people
Icon 55 m²
Icon bathroom: 1
Icon king bed : 1
Icon single bed : 2
Icon sofa bed: 1
Icon Without pets
Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza  - Where will I relax?
Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza  - Where will I relax?
Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza  - Where will I relax?
Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza  - Where will I relax?

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You should know a few things right away. Well, we are a farm, which means that flies fly here. Sometimes quite a lot. There may be times when sheep wake you up. Sometimes they bleat quite briskly. It can also smell like countryside. And the hosts will not always have time for you. Welcome to the real countryside. Come here with tolerance to the reality of the farm. You can watch it, maybe even help, and we will repay you with real food and good wine. The Angler's House is the bigger brother of the Gardener's House. We arranged it in the image of memories of my grandfather's fishing cabin. Inside there are equipment such as fishing rods and nets. You will also find pots and zinc tubs that we invented and collected ourselves. It was the same with the furniture. We wanted something with a soul of history, not like classic Ikea furniture. And so, for example, we found an old tailor's furniture in Silesia, we tendered it to us and made a few corrections, and this is how the kitchen furniture was created. The cottage can accommodate 6 people and has: -large room with an open kitchen and a sofa bed -bathroom with toilet -bedroom with a double bed -mantresol with two single beds Outside, there is a terrace by the pond and several kilometers to the lake.

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Pond in the garden
Barbecue area
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Medium speed Internet / WiFi
Good cell phone reception
We don't have TVs

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What will I eat?

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We serve breakfast and a three-course dinner prepared with products from our ecological farm and local products. We taste French, we have eco products and we promise you that you will do well. It will be a bit of Paris in Kiersztanów near Jeziorany. Maybe there they have a view of the city worth masses, but our view is not much worse and you don't have to sacrifice anything for it.

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Food on-site

Local products(cheese, vegetables, wine)

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Kitchen access

Private kitchenettes in homes / rooms
Capsule coffee maker
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You can buy eco products nearby

Eko targ w Jezioranach (6 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In the countryside

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Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza  - Will I not be bored?
Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza  - Will I not be bored?

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The vicinity of Jeziorany is primarily: - Revita Warmia Gallery, which is worth visiting for local art, but also at the eco market every Saturday - Our theater - Theater not very ordinary - Nowe Kawkowo with all local bohemians, galleries and the Węgajty Theater - Several local lakes - clean and beautiful - Reszel - the city of citta slow (i.e. the city of good life) - Święta Lipka with the famous sanctuary and the legend of miracles But you can also stay with us, watch and talk about life.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths (0,2 km)
Beach (4 km)

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For hedonists

Massages (on request)

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For sports enthusiasts

Horse riding (10 km)
Kayaks (10 km)
Road bicycle routes (0,7 km)

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Our pets


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What’s there for children?

Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza  - What’s there for children?
Owczarnia Lefevre - Domek Wędkarza  - What’s there for children?

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We do not have special attractions for children, if you expect a playground and a playroom. We have sheep, however, very small in spring, and the whole world revolves around these sheep. So welcome, if that's what you expect ... And if needed, we'll bring a toddler bed.

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Additionally available

Portable / travel bed for children
Bath tub for babies
High chair

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Kiersztanowo 27, Jeziorany, Warmia Region, Poland

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Price for 1 adult with breakfast

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Place rules

Icon We do not accept pets
Icon Maximum number of guests: 6 people

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 15.00 to 20.00
Departure from 8.00 to 11.00
If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

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Icon Other rules
The condition for confirming the reservation is prepayment by the Slowhop system

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Cudowne miejsce do wypoczynku. Śniadanie na trawie (przepyszne śniadanie), drzemka na hamaku, wieczorne mizianie kota i wino na tarasie. Owce dodają mnóstwa uroku miejscu a sami Gospodarze przemili i zorganizowani.


Od pierwszego dnia naszego pobytu w Owczarni wiedziałam, że to będzie zbyt krótki urlop. Państwo Lefevre wybrali dla siebie chyba najpiękniejszy zakątek Polski i stworzyli tam cudowne miejsce, w którym z niezwykłym wyczuciem i ciepłem dbają o swoich gości. Szkoda, że nie zostaliśmy do niedzieli, żeby wziąć udział w targu z cyklu Przystanek Łąka; szkoda, że nie zostaliśmy na jeszcze kilka przepysznych śniadań i kolacji, że nie mieliśmy więcej okazji do patrzenia na szczęśliwe owce, do głaskania kotów, słuchania żab i ptaków, do odpoczynku na tarasie, spacerów po okolicy, do poznawania przepięknej Warmii. Polecam wszystkim i mam nadzieję, że my również jeszcze wrócimy do Owczarni :)

Host: Magdalena

Bardzo dziękujemy i do zobaczenia. Pozdrawiam. Stephane


Zaplanowałam tygodniowy wyjazd z wnukami: 2,5 i 3,5 lat. Znalazłam Owczarnię Lefevre na Slowhop'ie - myślę, owcze sery to na pewno nie dla Maluchów, ale za to owieczki, krowy i bociany, piękna okolica, plażowanie nad jeziorami - to jest to! Porównałam ceny - 6.osobowy domek, 525 zł. za dobę z wliczonym śniadaniem - w sumie dla 1 osoby + 2 osóbki to pewnie rozrzutność, ale czego się nie robi dla wnuków! Przyjechaliśmy w niedzielę pod wieczór, więc poprosiłam o obiad - tak, był smaczny, ale to mogłam docenić jedynie ja, a nie takie małe dzieci, dla których kuchnia prowansalska to abstrakcja. Ok, nie dogadałam sprawy, mea culpa, zapłaciłam 185 zł, a Maluchy zjadły kanapki, które na szczęście zabrałam na drogę. Przeleciało mi przez głowę, że przecież pisałam, że będę z małymi dziećmi... no ale nie psujmy sobie humoru, po prostu coś nie wyszło. Trudno. W czwartek wieczorem przyjechał mój mąż, a w piątek wieczorem córka z mężem i wnukiem w wieku 5,5 lat. Pogoda dalej piękna, po śniadaniu ruszaliśmy nad jezioro w Kikitach (polecam - zwłaszcza z dziećmi), wracaliśmy późnym wieczorem. Zgłosiłam przyjazd rodziny prosząc o uwzględnienie tego przy śniadaniu. Było miło do chwili wyjazdu rano w niedzielę kiedy otrzymałam rachunek 7x175 zł. za śniadania. Czyli dodatkowo 1225 zł. Tak, nauczka dla mnie. Podsumowując: nie polecam na wyjazd z dziećmi.

4.8 17 opinii