Bohogotka (Selanka Off road Hill View)

Glamping / campingPets are welcomeSelf catering
caravan in the open air without unnecessary light smog
a small space so that you are really close to each other
White Carpathians, castles, stories, unspoiled nature
outdoor bathroom with latrine and style shower
we are bio and we try to operate zero waste
if you want to come with your pet, be sure to ask us

Quick check

Asi 80 kilometrový úsek pohoria Bielych Karpát je výnimočný. Kto vie, či je to tými susedskými vzťahmi slovensko-českými, či tým, že je to chránená oblasť alebo možno je to tou bošáckou slivovicou? Ale ešte sú tu hrady, ktorýmkoľvek smerom by ste sa (ne)vybrali, vzácne kosatce, orchidey a motýle i Baricovie lúky. A tiež sú tu aj s bázňou podávané príbehy o žitkovských bohyniach a k tomu život na kopaniciach pod Veľkou Javorinou. Takže rozhodnúť sa pre jeden konkrétny dôvod, je akoby ste si chceli vybrať z lentiliek len tie červené. Takže nevyberajte, vezmite si celú krabičku a príďte.
Máme tu takú divočinu, že istý čas sa nám tu po Karpatoch potulovali aj medvede. A nám sa tá divočina a samota páči. Totálne súžitie s prírodou, to, čo jej dáte, sa vám vráti. Keď vstávate ešte pred sliepkami a idete spať až po nich. Keď pozorujete nočné nebo bez všetkých zbytočných mestských svetiel, keď sa ozýva do nočnej tmy výr - počujete? A fakt, ten náš off road, je off aj road a aj hill view. Záverečné etapy Rally Dakar si dajte hore kopcom po lúke (pozor po daždi), off môžete byť aj z Wifi alebo elektriny a hill view... tak o tom vám už nič nemusíme hovoriť. Hľaďte na tú našu Selanku.




We speak these languages: English, German, Slovak

We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

There are three of us - Vlado, Lucia and our little one Liam and we decided to live a little differently. We threw the city and the hustle and bustle behind our heads and moved to the kicks. Here, where time has stopped, we are fulfilling the dream of being in nature. We take care of her and she takes care of us. We grow on the farm and grow our own crop. Therefore, if you want to try something else and you are ECO friendly, come to us. Here we have a little accommodation for every corner. You will experience the silence of Kopaničiar solitude, you will shower in the rainwater, you can meditate on the latrine and try it in our wild garden. We want to live in connection with nature, use ecologically what it gives us and recycle without unnecessary waste generation. We collect rainwater for showering and washing dishes, thanks to which we save drinking water from the well. And we only release ecological bubbles into the waste, because you are bubbling BIO? Simply, no classics and we want to share this beautiful piece of land with you.

Where will I sleep?


3 ppl. – Bohogotka

  • Without pets

Eco-friendly holiday in Kopaničiarska solitude in a gypsy caravan in the White Carpathians. A refreshing experience in the form of an outdoor bathroom. Possible digi detox on request :) If you want to come to us with an animal, ask us.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • No Internet/WiFi

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • In the mountains

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Access via the forest/gravel road

  • We don't have air conditioning

  • You light the fireplace

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Členkovec 1283, Moravské Lieskové , Stredné Považie, Slovakia

Place rules


  • Pets are welcome (small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 3 people

Night break

  • Quiet hours from 22:00 to 06:00

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00 to 21:00

  • Departure from 06:00 to 11:00

  • We will stick to defined checkin / checkout times

Other rules

  • 1. Domáce zvieratá sú dovolené na požiadanie - môže byť za ne účtovaný poplatok.
    2. Nie je priestor na detské postieľky a prístelky.
    3. Oslavy ani rozlúčky so slobodou nie sú dovolené.