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Dom Pod Lipkami

Poland, Tatra Mountains, Podhale Region, Zakopane

Apartment 3 rooms

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Without animals


for guests over the age of 8


Self catering

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The inhabitants of Zakopane called her "Aunt Bułeckula". Our grandmother was probably the most famous carnivore in Podhale. Although the guesthouse they built with Grandpa in the 1960s was an ordinary highlander cottage with squeaky stairs and lots of wood, but without any luxuries, diplomats and movie stars, poets and musicians used to visit it. In the queue for the only bathroom at that time, you could meet Jeremy Przybora, Alina Janowska, and even the entire 2 + 1 team. The English writer Robert Graves was looking for inspiration here, and Wacław Kowalski (Pawlak from "Sami Himself") repaired all the taps. Grandma created a warm, home-like atmosphere here, fed them to their heart's content and often invited her guests to participate in numerous feasts (parties). After my grandparents, my parents ran the guesthouse for 25 years, and now it's time for us. We refreshed the rooms, and bathrooms were added a little earlier. We do not change more, because it is not necessary - Grandfather - an artistic soul and lover of Podhale - designed it with heart and a pragmatic intuition. The walls are still decorated with traditional highlander paintings painted on glass, and in the rooms there are furniture made by Grandpa and his students. The stairs are still creaking and you can still walk to trails from the yard. We invite you to our Zakopane, to the House under Lipki.

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Hanka i Kuba
We are both from Zakopane. Hanka and Kuba - graphic designer and geologist. :) We come from a highlander family full of folk artists who cultivate the traditions of the Podhale region. We brought Warsztat Dziadka (Grandpa's Workshop) and a tiny family guesthouse back to life to share Zakopane with those who want to get to know it from the real side. We want to invite you to the workshop and Dom Pod Lipkami - a place with soul and history, which we will be happy to tell you!

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English
We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

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Eco Alert

We promote waste segregation among guests
We work with the local community
No natural leather, fur or hunting trophies in our interiors
We segregate garbage

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Our charms

Creaky floors
We don't walk around the house in shoes
We don't have air conditioning
There are sometimes martens on the roof

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mali, a family pension with tradition
mali, a family pension with tradition
Tatra trails outside the window
Tatra trails outside the window
double rooms (but the trio will also fit)
double rooms (but the trio will also fit)
we invite adults and teenagers over 8 years of age
we invite adults and teenagers over 8 years of age
we have a garden - you can relax in it or make a barbecue
we have a garden - you can relax in it or make a barbecue
we do not host animals
we do not host animals

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Where will I relax?

Icon 3 rooms

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The house was built in the 1960s by our grandparents - Zofia and Bolesław. It is a traditional highlander cottage with a sunny terrace and a large garden. We don't have luxuries, but we have a place with soul and history. The location is very convenient, both for mountaineers and for those who prefer to explore the city - the house is located in the central part of Zakopane, although it is not as noisy as it might seem. To go to the mountains you don't have to go anywhere by car, just go through our garden, behind which there is a hill, and behind the hill, a straight road to the outlet of the Strążyska Valley and the paths under Reglami. We have a garden behind the house. You can lay down on the blanket and rest in it. There is also our grandfather's old workshop, which we renovated and which you can also find at Slowhop (more precisely here: The rooms are upstairs. In each of them there is a mini bathroom with a shower, a double bed, a sofa, a wardrobe, a table with chairs, a fridge, a kettle, a set of dishes and cutlery.

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Common space


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Barbecue area
Beach chairs
Tables in the garden

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Medium speed Internet / WiFi
Good cell phone reception

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
Towels (complete set per stay)

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What will I eat?

Dom Pod Lipkami - What will I eat?

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Unfortunately, there is no kitchen in the house in the full sense of the word and you must know that. In the hall, next to the rooms, there is a small kitchenette. There you will find a microwave and a sink. Due to the pandemic, we have placed dishes and cutlery in the rooms so that you can be their sole users. Each room has a fridge and kettle. So: you can heat something, drink tea or coffee too, but for dinner you have to go to one of the nearby pubs. We recommend a few of them below.

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Kitchen access

No access to the kitchen

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We recommend nearby restaurants

Bistro Bubuja (0,9 km)
Cristina Ristorante & Pizzeria (0,6 km)
Restauracja Widok w Hotelu Harnaś (15 km)
Restauracja Regionalna Bąkowo Zohylina Wyźnio (2 km)
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You can buy eco products nearby

Pani Małgosia (żytnie chleby na zakwasie, chleby bezglutenowe) (2 km)
Pani Kasia (kawa, ciasta, wino) (0,5 km) (0,5 km)
Pani Maria (oscypki, korbacze, buntz, żentyca) (10 km)

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Grocery stores nearby

Sklep Spożywczy (0,2 km)
Warzywniak (0,2 km)
Sklep Mięsny (0,2 km)
Apteka (0,2 km)
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Will I not be bored?

Icon In the city
Icon In the mountains

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It is difficult to get bored here, because apart from the mountains, there are many interesting places to visit in Zakopane. We are happy to share with you our knowledge of the city and its surroundings and help you discover the parts of Zakopane that you have not visited so far. Hanka will tell you where you can meet the highlander culture and tradition, and Cuba will be happy to tell you about the Tatras, climbing and skiing (he will also recommend the best instructors and guides). We also know the routes well, so we will help you choose the right route that suits your wishes and possibilities. We will advise you where to go to the sunrise or sunset, we will share our secret places, we will organize a guided trip to the Monk. And if you just want to breathe after a day of excitement, there is a garden at your disposal - you can lie on a deckchair or make a barbecue.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths
Mountain trail (1,6 km)

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For sports enthusiasts

Ski lift (2 km)
Cross-country ski trail
Tennis court
Cross-country trails
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For those craving art

Teatr im. Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza (2,5 km)
Kino Studyjne Miejsce (0,5 km)
Galeria Sztuki XX wieku w wilii Oksza (1,9 km)
Miejska Galeria Sztuki im. Władysława hr. Zamoyskiego (0,9 km)

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Our pets


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Muzeum Karola Szymanowskiego w willi "Atma" (0,2 km)
Centrum Kultury Rodzimej w willi "Czerwony Dwór (0,2 km)
Muzeum Stylu Zakopiańskiego im. Stanisława Witkiewicza (0,8 km)
Narodowe Muzeum Tatrzańskie im. dra Tytusa Chałubińskiego (0,8 km)

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What’s there for children?

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We invite young people to us - from 8 years of age. Our Zakopane house has its own rules, and one of them is that if a baby slept with us, all guests knew about it - wooden walls do not allow for perfect soundproofing of every room. That is why we are happy to host older children with us who do not pose the risk of sleepless nights for you and for other guests of our house :)

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Pod Lipkami 12, Zakopane, Tatra Mountains, Podhale Region, Poland

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Icon Public transportation

Nearest stops

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Train: Stacja kolejowa w Zakopanem (2,5 km)

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Additional pricing information
A third person can sleep in the room (on the sofa). We set the cost of the stay individually.

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Place rules

Icon Minimum age of guests: 8 years old
Icon We do not accept pets
Icon Maximum number of guests: 6 people
Icon Quiet hours from 22:00 to 06:00

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 16:00
Departure to 10:00
We will stick to defined checkin / checkout times

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Icon Other rules
Due to the additional disinfection of the rooms, the time of arrival may change. We will inform our guests about any changes in advance.

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Miejsce naprawdę świetne! Idealny widok na Giewont przy każdej pogodzie :) Bardzo doceniliśmy polecenia miejsc w mieście i okolicach, w których można było znaleźć perełki kulinarne i klimatyczne miejsca. Dlatego też brak kuchni w domu nam nie doskwierał :) Lokalizacja idealna do wędrówek, gdyż wszędzie było stosunkowo blisko a jednak w zacisznym miejscu co było na plus po mocno aktywnych dniach.


Świetna lokalizacja w centrum Zakopanego - blisko zarówno do „cywilizacji”, jak i szlaków górskich. Dom klimatyczny - udane połączenie tradycji i nowoczesności. Na pewno będę chciała wrócić :)


Przemiłe miejsce, w którym można spokojnie wypocząć po intensywnym odkrywaniu Zakopanego. Wygodna lokalizacja w centrum, ale w cichym zakątku. Budynek z duszą, wypełniony rodzinnymi pamiątkami. Dobrze wyposażony pokój, dodatkowo aneks kuchenny i taras do dyspozycji gości. Wspaniałe widoki z okna. Bezproblemowy kontakt z Właścicielami. Miejsce godne polecenia!

4.9 31 opinii