Latosowo - Domek Bańczyka (z wyżywieniem)

Tiny houseGuests without pets are welcomeWe cook for you
a small wooden house with a fireplace for 3 people
has a steam sauna
We cook breakfasts and dinners from our own products
welcome without pets
we are 1.5 hours away from Warsaw
outer bath barrel

Quick check

If you have heard about wild agro in Mazovia, a stone's throw from Bug, it could have been about us. On 5 hectares, we have animals that we care for and who give us the best they have. We drink pine shoots syrup, eat everything pickled, boil weeds, make baths in spring backwaters and naturally visit us. Once in one, now in three houses. We live in the largest one, we also serve breakfasts and dinners there and we share rooms with guests. The house by the road is our newest purchase, but this time we invite you to the Bańczyk House.

Do you know who a bubble is? This is a person who deals with the procedures in the Russian banya. A magician who creates a performance in clouds of steam. He knows how to use wreaths to whip (oak or birch twigs), knows how to drive the air, when to cool it, when to turn up the temperature. Our bubble is Bartłomiej - a host who has visited many Russian bananas while traveling to the east and is able to relax everyone. The cottage was created from an old, over a hundred-year-old granary, which we moved from a nearby farm. We adapted the body to the appearance of a large house, modestly but comfortable and here it is. We call it "dwarf's house" because it is compact and very cozy. There is space for 3 people, sauna, hot tub, but no kitchen. For breakfasts and creative dinners, we invite you to us, next door. Come on in, we are waiting.



Katarzyna i Bartłomiej

We speak these languages: Polish, English, German, Russian

We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

We are city fugitives who started their rural adventure in 2006, moving to the Mazowieckie-Podlasie borderland. The host is a zootechnician by education and he is responsible for the animals in our summer yard. The hostess, on the other hand, is an archaeologist and this is where the summer passion for history and antiquities comes from. We have 15 hectares of meadows, forests, we breed goats, rabbits, coypus and chickens. We have two horses, lots of wild neighbors and beautiful nature circumstances. As parents of three children, we know that sometimes you need to catch your breath from the hardships of parenthood and recharge your batteries away from your offspring. This is the guiding principle in our Latosów, a place for adults, without children but also without big parties, We save all old and small old items from oblivion and give them a new life. We like to eat a lot, necessarily tasty and healthy, which is why we grow vegetables, fruits and herbs. We also reach for local goods from nearby markets or from friendly farmers. In addition to hosting guests, we love traveling, from which we bring not only local spices and products, but also recipes, ideas for dishes or small things home. We love cuisines from all corners of the world, so we experiment not only with Polish cuisine, but also with Mediterranean, Caucasian, Russian, Czech and Far Eastern cuisine.

The host is not an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is not an entrepreneur, so you are not subject to protection under EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


3 ppl. – Domek Bańczyka

  • Without pets

It is a tiny house for 3 people. There are three beds in the attic of the cottage, two of them can be joined. Downstairs there is a tiny lounge with a fireplace, a bathroom and a room with a Russian bathtub, i.e. a wet sauna. There are also two large terraces at your disposal - upstairs and downstairs.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • We cook for you

  • Slow speed Internet / WiFi

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • Outdoor hot tub

  • Steam sauna

  • Banya

  • Natural bathing pond

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Mosquitos on warm days

  • Steep stairs

  • We don't walk around the house in shoes

  • Flies

  • Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)

  • Old house: it squeaks and sulks

  • We don't have air conditioning

  • Attic - it can get hot in the summer

  • There are sometimes martens on the roof

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Henrysin, Kosów Lacki, Mazovia Province, Poland

  • Since the capital is the closest to us from the big cities, we will describe the route from Warsaw. You drive along the S8, turn towards Brok and go straight to Małkinia. There, after the tracks, turn right towards Sokołów Podlaski. You reach Kosów Lacki and set off towards Ceranów. Just behind the market square and before the cemetery, you will see a sign with the name Henrysin on the right. Go all the way to the end, the road ends at our farm, you won't get lost ;)

Public transportation

  • Nearest stops

  • Bus: Kosów Lacki, (2 km), We will gladly pick you up or arrange transport. If you do not have a lot of things and the weather is nice, we encourage you to walk. You will walk through the streets of a small town to the city market and then the road will lead us to the right (there is a signpost for Henrysin), among fields and meadows. You will not get lost, because the narrow asphalt ends at our farm, then only forests.

  • Train: Małkinia, (20 km), At the Małkinia station there is a PKS bus stop, from which buses go through Kosów Lacki. If you choose one that goes on the Małkinia/Ceranów route and get off at the "Nurska" stop, you will have only 2 km to us. You can walk, we can jump you.

Place rules


  • Guests without pets are welcome

Number and age of guests

  • Number of guests: 3 people

  • Minimum age of Guests: 18 years

Night break

  • Quiet hours from 22:00 to 07:00

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00

  • Departure from 12:00 to 12:00

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Other rules

  • It is not possible to organize loud and boozy parties here, we invite you to a quiet rest and respect the peace of other guests. Due to the immediate proximity of pastures and the presence of our animals, such as horses, goats, or summer cats, and due to the large group of guests allergic to fur, it is not possible to stay with a pet

Additional pricing information

  • During the heating season, the house will have a ready supply of wood for the fireplace, which, if used wisely, is enough to maintain the optimal temperature during the entire stay. We are on site, so we will instruct and teach inexperienced people what to do and how to do it. However, if this supply is used earlier, e.g. by constantly and quickly adding fuel to the fire and airing the house at the same time, it will be possible to purchase an additional basket of wood.

    The price of the Russian tub/steam sauna (PLN 150 for the first two hours) and the barrel/bathing tub (PLN 250) and bathtubs (PLN 220) includes towels, kilts, hotel slippers and felt hats.

    On holidays and long weekends, a special, 10% higher price list applies to accommodation only
    Stay during New Year's Eve is priced individually

Reviews - Latosowo - Domek Bańczyka (z wyżywieniem)

5.0Number of opinions: 21


526 Jan 2025

Cudowne miejsce, polecam wszystkim chcącym odpocząć w spokojnym i uroczym miejscu. Byliśmy z dziewczyną na krótkim wypadzie, nie zbadaliśmy okolicy, więc na ten temat nie mogę się wypowiedzieć. Natomiast sam pobyt był wspaniały, przepyszne jedzenie, Gospodarze dbają o to żeby podawać gościom jedynie to co lubią i jedzą. Wszystko było przepyszne, domek klimatyczny, sen wspaniały, gorąca balia jak i...


521 Oct 2024

Super miejsce! Udało się wyłączyć na chwile, pobyt był fantastyczny, i już planujemy kolejny. Mieliśmy okazje skorzystać z beczki kąpielowej oraz sauny w domku, super doświadczenie. Przepyszne posiłki z lokalnych produktów. Przemili Gospodarze, którzy mogą doradzić jak spędzić czas w tak niezwykłym miejscu. Piękne lasy i łąki dookoła. To był niezwykły pobyt! Z całego serca polecam!


521 Sep 2024

Przekazuję wrażenia od Marty i Krzysztofa: fantastyczne miejsce, w którym można się bratać ze zwierzętami 😊 wspaniale jedzenie, niezwykle sympatyczni Gospodarze, w dodatku pogoda dopisała nadzwyczajnie.


514 Sep 2024

Byliśmy tam tylko przez weekend, ale już wiemy, że z pewnością wrócimy. Domek Bańczyka jest idealny dla pary i oferuje aż trzy miejsca do odpoczynku na zewnątrz, w tym taras w koronie gruszy, na który można wejść bezpośrednio z sypialni. Serwowane posiłki na długo zapadną nam w pamięć, były pięknie podane, przygotowane z lokalnych produktów i pełne smaku. Polecamy również inne domowe wyroby po kon...


518 Aug 2024

Pobyt w Latosowie podczas długiego, sierpniowego weekendu był wspaniały i niezwykle relaksujący. Wszędzie cisza, spokój, rano budzące odgłosy ptaków z oddali, zieleń drzew kojąca oczy, przestrzeń - dokładnie to, czego oczekiwaliśmy z mężem. Domek Bańczyka - to „ strzał w dziesiątkę „- co prawda salonik malutki, ale dwa ogromne tarasy, plus platforma na drzewie z hamakami, plus beczka z podgrzewaną...


58 Aug 2024

Ciche i przyjemne miejsce na uboczu z doskonałym jedzeniem i pozytywnymi gospodarzami. Szczerze i zasłużone poleconko.


55 Jul 2024

Super miejsce na relaks i złapanie oddechu z zaangażowanymi gospodarzami. Przepyszne jedzenie, bliskość natury i dużo miejsc do wypoczynku. Ciekawa oferta dodatkowych atrakcji, szczególnie polecamy saunę z usługa Bańczyka Bartka 😁


527 Jun 2024

Przepiękne miejsce z pysznym jedzeniem. Gospodarze są bardzo mili i gościnni. To był wspaniały wypoczynek. Bardzo polecam i na pewno będę wracać!