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Leśny Apartament Shuuumi Las

Poland, Kashubia Region, Chmielno

1 house

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With animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, cats


Self catering

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Bedeker Kaszubski, an encyclopedic dictionary devoted to the Kashubs, speaks so beautifully about our corner. “The colorful land of Kashubia has not forgotten about the necklace which would decorate it with dignity. Among her hills and forests she sprang a string of ten lakes, pinning four more lake jewels here and there. The necklace is the famous Raduńskie Lakes ”. And in the middle of the Raduń Circle, among the beads of lakes, you will find us. Forest Apartment with a frog croaking good morning and good night. Located on a 25 hectare estate, it has constant access to silence, trees, a pond and privacy itself. Here you can hide in pairs, go on a trip as friends and do the minimum. In the plan of the least resistance line, it is definitely worth including a bicycle trip around Kółek Raduński or along it - by canoes. It is also worth lighting an evening fire or when it is raining, a fireplace in the living room. And read and play and chat and take a nap. You come here with the intention of relaxing, relaxing, appreciating closeness and nature. Come to work, stay together, go to Kashubia.

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Hi! My name is Kasia. I love traveling, renovations and ... vacuuming;) I work at school every day. Forest Apartment - Shuuumi Las was created out of a passion for building and the desire to create a place that gives "breath." The design of the house structure is an individual project, a compromise between austere cabins and comfortable apartments. Our climate of northern Poland can be extremely capricious. Often the needs to spend time in nature are destroyed by the weather, so we wanted huge glazing, which, even in the most severe weather conditions, would be allow you to enjoy the closeness of nature. However, we are uncompromising in terms of privacy. Our absolute priority is the "intimacy" of our guests. Shuuumi Forest is definitely a place where no one looks through the windows of our guests ... maybe with the exception of a hare, a few roe deer, a fox or a badger;)

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English, Russian, Italian
We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

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Eco Alert

We work with the local community
We plant and care for trees
We segregate garbage

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Our charms

Mosquitos on warm days
Access via the forest/gravel road
Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)
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modern house for a couple or up to 3 people in the forest
modern house for a couple or up to 3 people in the forest
we have 25 ha and our own pond with birch reflections
we have 25 ha and our own pond with birch reflections
and a place for a bonfire by the terrace
and a place for a bonfire by the terrace
we have bikes for you
we have bikes for you
and we have 1-2 km to the three surrounding lakes
and we have 1-2 km to the three surrounding lakes
pets are welcome
pets are welcome

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 house
Icon for up to 3 people
Icon 45 m²
Icon bathroom: 1
Icon king bed : 1
Icon sofa bed: 1
Icon We accept small dogs, cats, medium dogs

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In a modern cottage in Kashubia with its own pond, forest around and a fireplace for coziness. The house is intimate - for a couple, a couple with a child or up to 3 adults (comfortably). The house is one-story. It has a living room with a kitchenette. There is a sofa in the living room, which allows you to unfold it to sleep 140 cm. There is also a separate bedroom - a 160 cm wide bed here - for two adults. On request, we provide a travel cot for babies. There was also a bathroom with a large shower. The house has a large terrace, a fireplace and no fence so as not to be cut off from nature. There are barriers at the entrances to our 25 ha property, which, however, does not apply in the case of "fleeing" pets. We have LTE coverage - according to the operator, it is 150 mb / s. In our opinion, it is possible to conduct a videoconference. We personally connected to the cabin via FaceTime and Teams. Our guests also used other business messengers.

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Common space


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Pond in the garden
Barbecue area
Beach chairs
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Fast Internet/WiFi
Good cell phone reception
TVs in the rooms

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
We clean during your stay on request (extra fee)
Towels (complete set per stay)
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What will I eat?

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Food on-site

Possibility to order meals with delivery

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Kitchen access

Private kitchenettes in homes / rooms
Espresso machine
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We recommend nearby restaurants

Stanica Wodna (3 km)
Bar Szwagier (2 km)
Checz u Kaszubę (2 km)
Modra Sobótka (4 km)
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You can buy eco products nearby

Truskawki (1 km)
Jaja (1 km)

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Grocery stores nearby

Ribena (2 km)
U Hani (2 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon By the lake
Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside

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Fall into nature. Just an hour from Gdańsk, in the buffer zone of the Raduńskie Circle (i.e. 3 lakes), on 25 hectares of private land with a forest, fields, meadows and a pond, we have a comfortable house-apartment. One that no one expects in this place. Next to it there is a blueberry plantation, an orchard, behind the forest our second house (at an intimate distance), nearby there is a clearing for organizing a picnic. And next to the Shuuumi Forest there is a sunny terrace, a view of the rustling birches and spruces, a pond, and a place for a bonfire. And the extremely loud screeching of frogs. And in the morning, when the Lamp comes to life, you can notice hares and deer blazing trails outside the window. The Raduńskie Circle, where the Shuumi Forest is located, is a tourist water route along the lakes of the Kashubian Switzerland located in the Kashubian Landscape Park. The beginning of the trail is Stężyca, the end is Lake Lubowisko, and we are in the middle of this loop. There is a beautiful landscaped bicycle route along the lakes, leading along public roads, dirt roads and field paths. It so happens that we have bicycles for you on site, so all you have to do is move. It is worth dividing the route into several stages (2-3 days), stopping at interesting points along the way. You can visit Kartuzy with numerous monuments, Ostrzyce and Chmielno, Wieżyca with the highest hill in Kashubia and an observation tower at the top, and Szymbark with an open-air museum. PS The route is quite difficult and intended for cyclists experienced in riding in almost mountainous conditions (numerous uphill and downhill sections). But it's worth it, because the landscapes are worth it. We have a real treat for kayaking enthusiasts. Swimming the entire Raduński Circle. Most often, the trip starts in Stężyca and ends in Ostrzyce (2 days - with overnight stay), through the Raduńskie Dolne lake, then Kłodno lake (here you can also visit the Białe and Rekowo lakes located nearby), from the Kłodno lake we sail to the Kłodno lake. Brodno Małe, then Brodno Wielkie, Lake Ostrzyckie and, for those interested, Lake Potulskie. From Potulskie you can still get to Lake Dąbrowskie and Lubowisko. This is, of course, a proposition for trained rowers. For Sunday kayakers, there are shorter trips on the lakes only, without paddling the Radunia River, which has almost mountainous stages along its length. For swimming, we recommend Lake Raduńskie Dolne (2 km from us) with a municipal beach, a pier and a toilet on the beach. However, there are a lot of people here during the season, so if you don't have children who need a comfortable access to the water, look for more secluded places. Note - rocky bottom. Where else is worth venturing? - The center of Chmielno, a beautiful tourist town, is only 2.5 km away. - Tourists are often attracted by the newest Polish castle, built in the 1980s and 1990s, Łapalice Castle. And when you are in Łapalice, be sure to visit the FIORD Stables, where beautiful horses of the unique Fjord breed live. - Another architectural gem of the area is the Collegiate Church in Kartuzy with a coffin-shaped roof. - Kashubia also has its own Miniature Park in Strysza Buda, near the beautiful Sanctuary of the Queen of Kashubia in Sianów. - Walks in the Mirachow Forests are perfect nature therapy.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths (0 km)
Beach (2 km)

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For hedonists

Outdoor pool
Bath towels available

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For sports enthusiasts

Ski lift (13 km)
Golf course (45 km)
Kayaks (2 km)
Cross bicycle routes (0 km)
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For those craving art

Pracownia Ceramiki Kaszubskiej wraz z ekspozycją (2 km)
Muzeum Kaszubskie (13 km)
Galeria Refektarz (13 km)
Gołubieński Ogród Botaniczny (17 km)
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Our pets


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Kolegiata Kartuska (13 km)
Kaszubski Park Etnograficzny im. Teodory i Izydora Gulgowskich we Wdzydzach (42 km)
Zamek Krzyżacki w Bytowie (47 km)
Zamek w Łapalicach (6,5 km)
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What’s there for children?

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Children are welcome, but I honestly do not recommend Shuuumi Las for couples with 1-4 year olds due to the pond which is fenced with a very minimalist fence. A stay with such young children can bring more stress than relaxation in our forest.

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Attractions for children

Mushroom picking

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Additionally available

Portable / travel bed for children

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Attractions for children in the area

Skansen u Słodkiego (4 km)
Kaszubski Park Miniatur (21 km)
Kino za Rogiem (3 km)
Stajnia Fiord (7 km)
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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Lampa 80, Chmielno, Kashubia Region, Poland

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The remaining amount can be transferred upon arrival to the account: Lease Katarzyna Grzenkowicz Lamp 80 83-333 Chmielno 23 1160 2202 0000 0004 8243 1539

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, cats
Icon Maximum number of guests: 3 people

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 15:00
Departure to 10:00
If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

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Icon Other rules
Reservations for 1 or 2 days are not possible.

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Gdybym miała jednym słowem opisać pobyt w Shuuumi Lesie, powiedziałabym, że jestem ZACH-WY-CO-NA! Otoczenie domku zdecydowanie pomaga się wyciszyć i zrelaksować. Cały dzień można przeleżeć na leżaku, wsłuchując się w śpiew ptaków i szum drzew. Aktywniejsi mogą wskoczyć na rowery i podziwiać największe atrakcje Szwajcarii kaszubskiej. Sam domek urządzony z gustem, bardzo dobrze wyposażony - właściciele zadbali nawet o takie drobiazgi jak zestaw do golenia, czy szczoteczki do zębów dla zapominalskich. Właścicielka przemiła i bardzo pomocna. Aż żal było wyjeżdżać. Na pewno jeszcze odwiedzimy to miejsce :)

Host: Katarzyna

Bardzo dziękujemy Pani Maju, cieszymy się każdym słowem Pani opinii :)


Co można powiedzieć żeby nie przesłodzić :) Może zacznę tak. Cisza, spokój i pełna intymność nie licząc cudownego śpiewu ptaków, pływających kaczek po stawku, MEGA zająca i napotkanego w pobliży borsuka. Aranżacja najbliższej przestrzeni przy domku przemyślana i komfortowa dla każdego rodzaju odpoczynku i relaksu. Wnętrze domku urządzone bardzo gustownie i praktycznie z dbałością o szczegóły by czuć się komfortowo. Jest tam wszystko co potrzebujemy ( i dużo więcej) podczas takiego pobytu. Usytuowanie apartamentu w samym sercu "Szwajcarii Kaszubskiej" daje na możliwości wspaniałych wycieczek z pięknymi widokami. Pani Kasia, ( właścicielka ) przemiła, bardzo kontaktowa osoba. Całość polecam, z 10 możliwych punktów daję 10+... po prostu nie ma się do czego doczepić. Pozdrawiam Panią Kasię i życzę wszystkim odwiedzającym to miejsce podobnych wspomnień :).

Host: Katarzyna

Dziękujemy ślicznie, czystą radość sprawiali nam Państwo tą opinią :)


Cudowne miejsce, wszędzie blisko,piękne widoki. Domek swietnie wyposażony. Polecam w 100%i pozdrawiam przemiłą właścicielkę:)

Host: Katarzyna

Dziękuję :)

5.0 3 opinii