Chalúpka • The Cottage

Tiny houseSome pets are welcomeSelf catering
cottage in the middle of nature
own fruits, vegetables and herbs
sauna for relaxation and regeneration
sitting by the fireplace
peaks and valleys for walks
relaxation in a unique garden

Quick check

On the Slovak land, between the Tríbeč and Pohronský Inovec mountains, which is divided by the serpenting river Žitava...
In this way, we could start with the fact that you know where Chalúpka stands with the garden as from another world. And even more specifically, to tune your GPS coordinates, so on the Borisko stands near Jedľové Kostoľany. A magical piece of the land of Ponitrie, interwoven with history, provided a refuge for a nice woman. Her name is Lucia and they might have called her an herbalist or a witch. The name still fits 😉 Who knows. In any case, it "enchants". Because Chalúpka got her unique face thanks to her sense of beauty and perception of the world. At first glance, someone might say a little creative chaos, but at first however... for unknown reasons, you can feel at home very quickly ...After all, we have to say - it´ s magic.

And to make that impression perfect, you will also find the work of her creative mind and hands outside. This is where she conjured a garden. You can safely say that experimental. Lucia knows herself, she is an expert. Unknowingly, you can indulge in a cleansing bath for your mind, connecting the inner world with the outer. And besides, no one will be cut short by ecology either. Here it lives, buzzes, buzzes and smells. It is wild and domestic here. Sublime and earthy.

It is not known if it is that piece of land, castles scattered around, unique creativity. What will we tell you - try to figure it out for yourself, right here in Chalúpka.




We speak these languages: English, Czech, Slovak, Dutch

We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

My passion is to play with the space in which we live. Since childhood, my life evolves around the garden, design and beauty. Shortly after obtaining a master's degree in garden architecture, I moved to Belgium, where I worked for my favorite garden designer, Mr. Jacques Wirtz and his studio Wirtz International. Here I have worked on many large-scale projects in China, Singapore and the United Kingdom. After years of rich international experience, I founded the studio of garden and landscape architecture adamickova landscapes, based in Slovakia.

The host is an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is an entrepreneur, so you are protected by EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


5 ppl. – Chalúpka • The Cottage

  • Without pets

If you want to get lost in the wild Slovak nature, you can rent the whole Chalúpka for 5 people. With 2 bedrooms for 4 people and one study room where a fifth person sleeps.


2 ppl. – Modrá izba s balkónom

  • Without pets

If you would like to come in pairs or singles and you do not want to rent the whole Cottage, you can rent the Blue Room. The room has a double bed, a reading corner, a tiled stove and a balcony with views of the surrounding countryside. Of course there is access to the bathroom, kitchen and garden.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • Medium speed Internet / WiFi

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • Dry Sauna

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Access via the forest/gravel road

  • Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)

  • We don't have air conditioning

  • Attic - it can get hot in the summer

  • We have a lot of souvenirs and trinkets

  • There are sometimes martens on the roof

  • On cold days, you have to light the fireplace yourself

  • You light the fireplace

How do I get there?


  • Our address: 406, Jedľové Kostoľany, Ponitrie, Slovakia

Public transportation

  • Nearest stops

  • Bus: Jedľové Kostoľany, (2,2 km),

Place rules


  • Some pets are welcome (small dogs, cats)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 5 people

Night break

  • Quiet hours from 22:00 to 06:00

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00 to 20:00

  • Departure to 12:00

  • We will stick to defined checkin / checkout times

Other rules

  • NATURE: Borisko is originally a very peaceful cottage settlement, some families live here permanently. Please respect and greet this little community and maintain silent hours (after 22.00 o´clock). Since we are in very close touch with nature here, we try to have as little impact as possible on her (e.g. by lowering the amount of waste and energy consumption). Therefore we prefer guests who are respectful towards nature, come here mainly to relax. Naturally, this is not a place for heavy parties.

    CLEANING: We believe at Chalúpka that our guests are civilized people therefore we don´t have a cleaning fee. We do have a CLEANING DEPOSIT of 50 €, which you pay on arrival. It is going to be returned on your departure once you keep Chalúpka in clean condition. We expect you to treat Chalúpka respectfully, same as you treat your own home. We have a simple rule, as you find our Chalúpka on arrival, prepared cozy & clean for you, we expect you to leave it in the same condition on your departure. Regarding trash, whatever trash you produce, take it with you (material & emotional :)). Except paper trash & kitchen organic leftovers, that you may leave. For organic leftovers there is a pot in the kitchen and one outside in the garden. Please empty the one in the kitchen to the one outside before you leave.

    SAUNA: There is a sauna at the property, accessible on request. Please take a shower before you enter and use a towel during your stay in the sauna.

    ANIMALS: Pets are welcome in all outdoor spaces within the property. They can enjoy freely the four-terraced garden. For resting and sleeping, there is a roofed part of the cottage, right next to the front door. We would prefer that pets stay exclusively outdoors.

Reviews - Chalúpka • The Cottage

4.9Number of opinions: 9


522 Oct 2024

Realita hlboko prekonala naše očakávania. Bolo to dokonalé, akoby sa zastavil čas. Prostredie, prístup hostiteľky a samotná atmosféra chalúpky. To sa nedá ani slovami opísať. Ako ja rada hovorím - Kto nezažil - neuverí. Bol to taký ten čas len my a tu a teraz. Zrazu sa ocitnete v inom svete a chcete tam ostať. Náramne sme si to užili a chalúpku doporučujem všetkými desiatimi. Písala by som tu klud...


52 Sep 2024

To, čo sa podarilo vytvoriť Lucke na Chalúpke a v jej záhrade, je skutočná mágia. Láska, energia a srdce, ktoré hostiteľka vkladá do chalúpky, sa preniesla aj na mňa. Toto miesto je čarovné a ako stvorené na relax a oddych od uponáhľaného sveta. Chalúpka je perfektne vybavená na všetko, nič vám nebude chýbať. Nikde som sa necítila tak skvele, ako u Lucky. Určite sa ešte vrátim!


520 Nov 2023

Pre nás osobne zatiaľ najkrajšia chalupa na akej sme boli, na ktorej je vidieť, že domáci do nej vložili srdce. To platí aj pre záhradu. Chalupa je vybavená so všetkým čo treba na príjemný pobyt. Okolitá príroda stojí za to, možnosti turistiky sú fakt slušné. A hlavne, pani domáca je veľmi ústretová a ochotná, komunikácia s ňou bola príjemná, nič nebol problém a všetko sa dalo vyriešiť. Čiže odpo...


529 Oct 2023

Lucka je veľmi príjemná, milá hostiteľka. Chalúpka je tiché, príjemné, pokojné miesto, ideálne na oddych. Odporúčame pozorovanie hviezd, nebo je tam nádherné. V chalúpke sme sa cítili ako doma, bolo nám krásne. Ďakujeme Lucke, že vytvára raj na zemi a delí sa oň. Jana a Michal


51 May 2023

Pri hľadaní domčeka v prírode som dúfala, že sa mi podarí nájsť miesto, na ktoré by som sa chcela vracať a podarilo sa mi to na prvý krát! Chalúpka je skvelé miesto na oddych a Lucia je nesmierne srdečná a pohodová hostiteľka. Je tu úžasné ticho. Z balkóna v Modrej izbe a zo záhrady, s láskou upravenej, je fantastický výhľad. Chalúpka je tak zariadená, ze nám v nej nechýbalo nič.


510 Sep 2022

Pri hľadaní miesta pre náš pobyt (5 nocí) sme objavili Chalúpku, ktorá si nás získala svojim vyžarovaním a pokojom. Dostali sme viac, ako sme očakávali, cítili sme sa tu ako doma. Chalúpka ponúka príjemné trávenie spoločných chvíľ v záhrade plnej zákutí a tajomstiev, ale aj v jej vkusne a s citom pre detail zariadenom interiéri pri šálke kávy alebo čaju s knihou pri kozube. Našli sme tu všetko, čo...


56 Jul 2022

Chalúpka je má čarovnú atmosféru, cítili sme sa ako v rozprávke :). Našli sme presne čo sme hľadali, páčilo sa dospelým aj detvákom. Ďakujeme!


44 Apr 2022

Lucia and her cottage is like from fairytale. If somebody realy like plants, herbst and special garden, go. The wiew is also glorious.