Boso Po Rosie - photos

Where will I relax?

Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?
Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?
Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?
Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?
Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?
Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?
Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?
Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?
Boso Po Rosie - Where will I relax?

dom na wyłączność

Boso Po Rosie - dom na wyłączność
Boso Po Rosie - dom na wyłączność
Boso Po Rosie - dom na wyłączność
Boso Po Rosie - dom na wyłączność
Boso Po Rosie - dom na wyłączność

What will I eat?

Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?
Boso Po Rosie - What will I eat?

Will I not be bored?

Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Jezioro Serwy 
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?
Boso Po Rosie - Will I not be bored?

What’s there for children?

Boso Po Rosie - What’s there for children?
Boso Po Rosie - What’s there for children?
Boso Po Rosie - What’s there for children?
Boso Po Rosie - What’s there for children?
Boso Po Rosie - What’s there for children?
Boso Po Rosie - What’s there for children?

What’s there for employees?

Boso Po Rosie - For employees?
Boso Po Rosie - For employees?
Boso Po Rosie - For employees?
Boso Po Rosie - For employees?

More photos

Boso Po Rosie
Boso Po Rosie
do plaży  z pomostem  i łagodnym wejściem około 200 m 
Boso Po Rosie
Boso Po Rosie
Boso Po Rosie
Boso Po Rosie
ukwiecony ganek:  hortensje ,lobelie, liliowe surfinie 
Boso Po Rosie
rowerem po lesie , od Przewięzi ścieżka rowerowa do Augustowa
Boso Po Rosie
Boso Po Rosie
Boso Po Rosie