
Tiny housePets are welcomeSelf catering
two cottages (for 4 people) on a beautiful wooded plot
whether for the climate or for the sausage, there must be a bonfire
come with the pooch so that he won't be sad
on foot to Żarnowieckie, by bike to the Baltic Sea
Piaśnica River around the corner, so take your oars
and after returning from attractions, it's time for a sofa and a fireplace

Quick check

Irena Santor sang that it was in vain to look for wild beaches, and Wodecki invited nudists to Chałupy. And we have both in the vicinity. Pack your bags and come to Lubków, a small Kashubian village, by the lake, near the forest, surrounded by fields. So real with horses and cows. It is a quiet vestibule of the Baltic beaches. It is close enough to reach the most beautiful places by bike, and far enough to avoid the hustle and bustle of seaside open-air museums. Here are our Komorebi houses with windows through which you can pick acorns from oaks. They have goat-warm hearts, dog-friendly interiors, terraces with a view of the forest and beds that can even accommodate night owls from the next room.

We have a lake beach or even two. By the lake, which due to its size is called the "Kashubian Sea". Jumping platforms, the beginning of bicycle paths. There is a forest, a lot of iodine, Lubiatowskie Dunes quite close and a nudist beach in Dębki even closer. There are many birds, and in the forest, deer will sooner meet deer than passersby. You can reach the Baltic Sea by canoes, light a fire in the garden in the evening or drink wine and eat cheese under a garland sparkling with lights. We wish you such a vacation.



Natalia i Przemek

We speak these languages: Polish, English, German

We are not on-site, but friendly help will look after you

Our common life adventure began in 2005 and we were connected by a passion for traveling. At the beginning, we specialized in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand), regularly expanding the range of visited destinations to other countries. Mexico, Colombia, India, Nepal and many European countries have jumped into our portfolio. For now, however, Asia remains the closest to our hearts. At the beginning of travel, i.e. right after graduation, our accommodation was adequate to the budget, rattan / bamboo huts, which we loved for the fact that we were practically on the beach while on the terrace. We always tried to stay in local places, avoided large hotels and we have stayed that way to this day. Times have changed and so has the budget. Over the past 15 years, we've had the opportunity to visit many fantastic places, both cheaper and more expensive, and we've had a plan for some time. We wanted to create a unique place, such as ours. It is from these travel experiences that Komorebi was created, pampered down to the last blanket and picture, houses that will be your haven on the road.

Where will I sleep?


4 ppl. – Amazonia Green

  • 70 m²

  • Without pets

The layout of the houses does not differ at all, they are distinguished by colors. This one has additions of muted green. It also has a kitchen open to the dining room, a sitting area with a fireplace, a bathroom with a shower and two bedrooms - one with a double bed and the other with two single beds.


4 ppl. – Wadi Brown

  • 70 m²

  • Without pets

The layout of the houses does not differ at all, they are distinguished by colors. This one has extinguished brick additions. It also has a kitchen open to the dining room, a sitting area with a fireplace, a bathroom with a shower and two bedrooms - one with a double bed and the other with two single beds.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • Fast Internet/WiFi

  • By the sea

  • By the lake

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • Beach (5 km)

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Access via the forest/gravel road

  • We don't walk around the house in shoes

  • On cold days, you have to light the fireplace yourself

  • You light the fireplace

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Bukowa, Lubkowo, Kashubia Region, Gdańsk Pomerania, Poland

Place rules


  • Pets are welcome (small dogs, medium dogs)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 10 people

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00 to 12:00

  • Departure from 00:00 to 11:00

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Reviews - Komorebi

5.0Number of opinions: 25


51 Aug 2024

Uprostřed chaosu, který může o prázdninách u Baltského moře být, je Komorebi oáza klidu. Domek je velmi dobře zařízený, moc se nám líbil. Nejvíce oceňuji kvalitu matrací, spalo se nám výborně a velký stůl v jídelně s výhledem na terasu. Na přivítanou jsme dostali pečivo, bylo to milé. Zahrada je společná pro oba domky, v dubovém lese na zahradě je posezení a ohniště. Z Komorebi jste za 10 minut na...


526 Jun 2024

Cudowny domek, wspaniali gospodarze, ładna okolica, do morza blisko, zaplecze gastro w okolicy również spore i smaczne. Do Trójmiasta (na np. pociąg na Śląsk;)) rzut kamieniem. Polecamy i pozdrawiamy


47 May 2024

Miejsce bardzo klimatyczne! Myślę, że nawet przy słabej pogodzie przyjemnością byłoby spędzenie czasu w tym domku. Do tego pyszna niespodzianka na powitanie. Na minus, bo niestety dla nas to dość kluczowa kwestia - "niedziałająca" klimatyzacja (brak możliwości samodzielnego uruchomienia i ustawienia i stracony czas na szukanie pilota) . Przy grzejącym cały dzień słońcu (mimo 20 stopni na dworze)...


522 Apr 2024

Wspaniałe, klimatyczne miejsce. Głowa zresetowana, baterie naładowane- urlop taki jaki sobie wymarzyliśmy. Domek oraz ogród świetnie wyposażone- w meble i sprzęty najwyżej jakości. Z cakego serca polecamy, ~dwa człowieki i jeden piesełek ;)


526 Feb 2024

Cudowny domek w bardzo urokliwej okolicy. Idealne miejsce na odpoczynek od zgiełku miasta. Bardzo blisko las oraz duże jezioro. Kilka kilometrów do pięknej bałtyckiej plaży.


523 Feb 2024

Komorebi...po prostu promyczek! Promyk na mapie Polski! Cudowne miejsce! Przytulnie, sielsko, nietuzinkowo! Blisko natury, z dala od zgiełku! Fantastyczni, kontaktowi Gospodarze! Bajeczna okolica! POLECAM najmocniej, ja wrócę na pewno! Anna z Rodziną


515 Feb 2024

Było cudownie! Domek świetnie położony, super wyposażony, przytulny, niewymagający niczego poza gośćmi i co warte podkreślenia, mimo swojej "slowhop'owskiej" koncepcji, daje poczucie przestrzeni. Gospodarze bardzo uprzejmi i pomocni. Wyłącznie same dobre rzeczy i zdecydowanie godny polecenia:)


517 Oct 2023

Polecam. Idealne miejsce do pracy zdala od miasta, w miarę blisko do morza i przy lesie. Super domek z przytulną kozą i przeszkloną ścianą. Wszystko w wysokim standardzie oraz dużo pomocy w trakcie pobytu. Dziękuję