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Gorczańskie Siedlisko

Poland, Gorce Mountains, Ochotnica Górna

2 houses

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With animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs


Self catering

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No more jokes, gentlemen and ladies, the stairs begin. However, there is a reward after overcoming sharp turns and steep climbs. Silence interspersed with sheep and rooster crowing, a panoramic view of the Tatra Mountains and the Jamny stream valley, the warmth of the fireplace and a lot of negative ions emitted by the forests. Where are such rarities? In Gorce, at 830 m above sea level, in the hamlet of Jamne. We have 3 houses here, one for us - newcomers from West Pomerania, and two for you, seekers of a small-town atmosphere. For food with a highlander hint, you can climb to the neighboring agritourism, for animal therapy it is enough to go out to the garden, and for real oscypek in the nearby hall. In winter, we dig tunnels in the snow and put chains on the wheels (we also recommend you), in spring we admire the road crossing Ochotnica, in summer we drink fresh żętyca, and in autumn we soak up tourists. Bring kids, pets, comfortable shoes and don't forget the towels. I'll see you there.

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Daria i Piotr
Hi, my name is Daria. I love nature, the smell of the forest, chillout music and massages. Together with my husband Piotr, we come from the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, we also lived in Gdańsk and Warsaw and traveled quite a lot around the world, but Gorka attracted us at every free moment. In the end, we realized that we are a small town and we moved to Gorce with our two daughters to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and slow down the pace of life. Now we have sheep, kittens, a rooster - a friend of children and chanterelles. We ride snowmobiles in winter, motorbikes and bicycles in summer, and we enjoy our peace of mind. We have our piece of heaven in Ochotnica Górna and we will be happy to share it with you <3

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English
We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

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Eco Alert

We have treated tap water
House made of natural materials (e.g. clay, straw, hemp)
There is a shopping bag or basket in every room
We promote waste segregation among guests
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Our charms

We don't walk around the house in shoes
We don't have air conditioning

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two log cabins - each for up to 8 people
two log cabins - each for up to 8 people
with an amazing view of the Jamne valley and the Tatra Mountains
with an amazing view of the Jamne valley and the Tatra Mountains
Cameroonian sheep and cats live in the habitat
Cameroonian sheep and cats live in the habitat
Your pets are welcome
Your pets are welcome
Here we have steep and winding - in winter snow chains necessary
Here we have steep and winding - in winter snow chains necessary
You can eat delicious local meals in the neighboring agritourism
You can eat delicious local meals in the neighboring agritourism

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Where will I relax?

Icon 2 houses

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We have two houses for you at the heights with a view of the Jamne valley and the Tatra Mountains. They are designed for 6 - 8 people. In the case of a team of 8 people, two will sleep on a fold-out sofa in the living room. On the ground floor there is a living room with a kitchenette and a bathroom, and upstairs there are two 3-person bedrooms and a bathroom. Outside there is a grill hut with a view of the Tatra Mountains, on each terrace there is a swing to rest and bathe the eyes in green, white, orange - depending on the season. Bring towels with you. Comfortable hiking shoes will also be useful, because with us, if not uphill, then downhill.

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Common space

Living room with couches
Dining room with tables
Fireplace corner
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Barbecue area
Beach chairs
Tables in the garden

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Good cell phone reception
TVs in the rooms

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
We clean during your stay on request (extra fee)
Hair dryer

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What will I eat?

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Each cottage has its own well-equipped kitchen. But many of our guests climb for meals to the neighboring agritourism and praise these climbs very much. A 10-minute walk with views is an agrotourism, where delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners are served. Our highlander neighbor knows cooking like no other and uses her heart and local products. In addition, you can buy bread, eggs, cheese, honey, sausages, tinctures, depending on what is available.

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Food on-site

Lunch for an extra fee (40 PLN)
Breakfast for an extra fee
Full board for an extra fee
Half board for an extra fee
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Kitchen access

Private kitchenettes in homes / rooms
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We recommend nearby restaurants

Och (8 km)
Agroturystyka nad nami (0,1 km)

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You can buy eco products nearby

Pani Krysia (świeże jajka, sery, chleb i placki, ciasto drożdżowe) (2,5 km)
Pani Ania (miody, sery, chleb i placki, obiady i śniadania) (0,1 km)

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Grocery stores nearby

u Magdy (1 km)
u Sołtysa (5 km)
Carrefour Express (8 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In the mountains
Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside

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Once you rest from stress, slow down and enjoy the beautiful views of the Jamne valley and the Tatra Mountains - the Gorce area has more to offer than you could dream of. You can, for example, take advantage of the offer of a massage performed in the cottage, go hiking (even directly from the cottage, which is located on the trail to Gorc) and breathe in the forest. It is worth climbing Gorc, because firstly it is right above your head (the route is 4 km one way, but it is steep and almost all the time uphill), secondly, at the top (1228 m above sea level) there is a wooden observation tower with an impressive panorama Slovak Tatras, Beskid Wyspowy and Gorce. Thirdly, and very importantly, on the way you can stop at the Gorczańska Chata hostel. There are no restaurants or cooks there, but there is a well-equipped kitchen where you can make yourself a cup of tea or warm up, and there is also a very friendly atmosphere. We recommend listening to the interesting stories of the custodian of Wojtyłowa Gazdówka, where Karol Wojtyła stayed at the ski camp, go to the Bacówka u Bucka, where in the summer you will see how sheep are grazed and how cheese is traditionally produced. In the pastures by the Jamne stream, in an absolutely beautiful place, at an altitude of approx. 900 m above sea level. over 700 sheep are grazed by over a dozen farmers. Here you can buy real oscypek cheese and bryndza and drink refreshing Żętca. By bicycle (if you have the stamina) or by car, you can go to the Czorsztyn Lake to go swimming or rent a kayak or yacht. The route, depending on whether around or closer, is from 20 to 40 km one way. We recommend choosing the shorter one, and then continue around the lake along a beautiful bicycle path that will take you to Nowy Targ. You can also drive a car to Szczawnica (you can also rent bicycles there) and go on a route along the Dunajec River (e.g. 10 km, and back, for a variety, the rental offers rafting on a pontoon). If you are not interested in driving kilometers, park your car at the Czorsztyński Lake and go to see the castle in Niedzica or the ruins of the castle in Czorsztyn with beautiful panoramas of the surrounding area. In warm months, it is worth taking part in a traditional Dunajec rafting trip with raftsmen or go for a walk around the "architectural reserve" of Osada Czorsztyn. For walkers, we recommend the lookout towers in Magurki and Lubań. Coming back from the tower in Magurki, it is worth making a loop and passing the Monument to the Liberator Catastrophe, where the remains of the B-24 Liberator plane from the Second World War are located. Almost 80 years ago, only 4 km from Gorce Siedlisko, on December 18, 1944 at 12:45 a 10-person crew of a US Army Air Force bomber parachuted. You can start the trail to the tower in Lubań in Kluszkowce or in Ochotnica Dolna. It is also worth going to the famous Janosik cave in the Białka Gorge, going to Slovakia to Tatranská Lomnica, to take the lifts to Łomnicki Szczyt, as a last resort, you can jump to Zakopane in 40 minutes and see how it has changed, look closely at the Tatra Mountains and escape back to Gorczański Siedlisko. In winter, however, we have a fantastic base for ski slopes in Kluszkowce, Białka, Szczawnica and Slovakia.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths
Mountain trail (0 km)
Board games

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For hedonists

Dry Sauna
Massages (on request)

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For sports enthusiasts

Ski lift (25 km)
Cross bicycle routes
Mountain bike routes (0 km)
Cross-country ski trail (1 km)
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For those craving art

Wiejski Ośrodek Kultury (4 km)

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Our pets


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Drewniany kościół w Ochotnicy Dolnej (10 km)
Ruiny Zamku Czorsztyn (25 km)
Zamek w Niedzicy (30 km)
Drewniany Kościół w Dębnie (30 km)

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What’s there for children?

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Whether it's spring, summer, fall or winter, kids will always find something to do here and they will be delighted. We can see it in our few-year-old daughters, who, if they do not slide down on a sled with the rooster Adaś on their laps, then feed little sheep with spoons, build corridors in snowdrifts, spend time in the playground, graze the goat Barnabas, sunbathe, take us to the mountains or skiing. You can take the kids for a walk by the Jamne stream, wet your feet in the icy water, build a stone fortress, return through the meadows. As we have already mentioned, the attractions package includes our pets - sheep, a goat, geese, a pair of ducklings and cats, all to admire and stroke. In the quiet of Gorce, there is a very quick integration on a swing or a slide and the kids immediately make holiday friendships. In winter, we have brilliant sledge slopes, body and soul toughening, i.e. warming up in the sauna and cooling down in the snow, intergenerational sleigh rides in a large sleigh with a highlander band and skis on the nearby slopes. In spring and autumn, be sure to come to Redyk, i.e. official introduction of sheep by shepherds to the pastures in spring and the end of the grazing season in autumn, at St. Michael. Several hundred sheep, dressed in juhasi gala and shepherds, pass through Ochotnica, and a solemn mass is held. This is a unique event in the village.

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Attractions for children

Children's playground
Children's toys and books
Work with animals
Feeding of rural animals
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Additionally available

Crib for babies
Portable / travel bed for children

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Attractions for children in the area

Park Linowy w Krościenku (25 km)
Park Trampolin Nowy Targ (25 km)
Tor saneczkowy Czorsztyn (25 km)
Wieża Widokowa Gorc (3,5 km)
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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Jamne 185a, Ochotnica Górna, Gorce Mountains, Poland

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We have two places for charging electric cars that can be used simultaneously. Outside each cottage there is a single-phase 230V AC socket. Unfortunately, we do not have a charging plug and we leave this to our guests. We have a counter plugged into the contact and on this basis, after using the service, we settle accounts with guests.

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Additional pricing information
We add utility charges to the stay based on electricity consumption (PLN 1.4 per kWh) - usually around PLN 30 per day. We mainly care about the ecological awareness of our guests :) Prices may vary depending on whether the rental is during the week or weekend and on the current occupancy and length of the rental. It is always worth contacting us and asking for an offer :)

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs
Icon Maximum number of guests: 8 people
Icon Quiet hours from 00:00 to 07:00

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 15:00 to 23:00
Departure from 07:00 to 10:00
If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

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Icon Other rules
The prepayment paid by the Slowhop system is treated as a deposit.

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Cudowne miejsce! Domki świetne wyposażone, widok niesamowity i na dodatek blisko szlaków. Gospodarze przesympatyczni. Cicho i spokojnie a w nocy można pooglądać gwiazdy. Bardzo miło spędziliśmy nasz urlop:)


Piękny domek. Wystarczająco dużo miejsca dla pięcioosobowej rodziny. Ciche miejsce sprzyjające odpoczynkowi z dala od zgiełku miasta. Widoki zapierające dech. Tutaj można się zresetować. A jednocześnie nie było problemem by sobie gdzieś dojechać i pozwiedzać, gdy przyszła na to ochota. W okolicy jest mnóstwo atrakcyjnych miejsc.


Położenie rewelacyjne - widok Domek bez zarzutu - zgodny z opisem .Pani Dario - dziękujmy za rekomendacje tras Polecamy katering od Pani Bożenki

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