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Gorzelnia w Żarnowcu (ŻAR)

Poland, Kashubia Region, Gdańsk Pomerania, Żarnowiec

Apartment 2 apartments

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With some animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, cats


Self catering

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No matter how trivial it may sound, there is truly an idyllic atmosphere here, just like on the pages of Pan Tadeusz. There is a manor house, there are carpets of meadows, there is a rooster crowing in the morning. A bit of Soplicowo, a bit of monastic whispers, because we are adjacent to the Benedictine Abbey, and former state farm landscapes. From the windows you can see Lake Żarnowieckie, count all the storks in the pasture, and almost see the sea through binoculars. This is not your standard country glamour. It's a real village. And in this village there is a distillery from 1900, which produced industrial spirit until 2007 - not very romantic percentages. After closing, the distillery stood there and alcohol was leaking from the walls, until we came and decided to turn the pension into an industrial holiday resort. Here you can sip frizzante while sitting on the distillery window sill, cook long pasta for long conversations, go to a wild beach with a towel on your shoulder in flip-flops, or kayak to the sea. To live dolce far niente in the old fabric of the farm.

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I am an artist, I make films. I love interiors and beautiful architecture. After seven years in London, I returned to Warsaw to fall in love with Pomerania. In 2020, my husband and I started the first renovation at Stara Gorzelnia in Żarnowiec.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English, Russian, French
Sometimes we are on-site, sometimes we're not

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Eco Alert

We segregate garbage

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Our charms

We don't have televisions
Creaky floors
Steep stairs
Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)
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3 bedroom apartment for 6 people in an old distillery
3 bedroom apartment for 6 people in an old distillery
there is a fully equipped kitchen and the possibility of buying eggs
there is a fully equipped kitchen and the possibility of buying eggs
only 1 km to the beach on Lake Żarnowieckie
only 1 km to the beach on Lake Żarnowieckie
and 5 km to the beach in Dębki
and 5 km to the beach in Dębki
pets are welcome here
pets are welcome here

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Where will I relax?

Icon 2 apartments

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In the distillery from 1900, which has produced a lot over the years, and now, after well-deserved retirement, it has turned into an industrial holiday resort. With a view of the meadows, Lake Żarnowieckie, former state farm buildings. You enter the Distillery through the main door, and after entering, you will see a 5-meter-high vestibule. On the left you will see a door with a sign: Apparatus. Behind them there are the guts of the old distillery, but we cannot invite you there for now. We are working on this space, so everything in due time. On the right, wooden, quite steep stairs lead to the first floor. There is an apartment where you can make yourself comfortable. There are 3 bedrooms with double beds, a living room with a kitchen and windows overlooking the fields, barns and Lake Żarnowieckie, and a bathroom with a panoramic bathtub. In the living room, all the furniture faces the window, this is our nature program broadcasting 24 hours a day. There are also binoculars waiting for you on site, so you can take a closer look at cows in the pasture, the lake, and birds in the trees. When we rest at the Distillery, we sit on the windowsill and spend hours staring at the idyll outside the window. You can also use the gardens in front of the Manor, where there is a small playground and a place for a barbecue and bonfire.

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Common space

Living room with couches
Dining room with tables
Fireplace corner
Shared kitchen

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Barbecue area
Beach chairs

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Medium speed Internet / WiFi
Good cell phone reception
We don't have TVs

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
We clean during your stay on request (extra fee)
Towels (complete set per stay)
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What will I eat?

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Not what, how! The apartment has a fully equipped kitchen. There are many good, large shops around Żarnowiec. You can buy fresh eggs from chickens and pheasants from local products.

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Food on-site

Local products(eggs)

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Kitchen access

Private kitchen in homes / rooms
Coffee percolator
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We recommend nearby restaurants

Mirabelka Kuchnia Gosi (19 km)
Kaszubski Młyn (5,9 km)
Restauracja Ewa Zaprasza (26 km)
1906 Gourmet Restaurant (22 km)
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Grocery stores nearby

Polo Market Krokowa (5,8 km)
Delikatesy Centrum Krokowa (5,4 km)
Odido (0,1 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside

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Contrary to appearances, boredom feeds creativity, so let boredom settle down, and then kick your soul. Maybe, inspired by bucolic views, you will paint a picture, write a poem, a verse of a song like Osiecka, will you wake up at dawn to yoga or Tai Chi or will you feel like kayaking? You can rent kayaks at Lake Żarnowieckie (about 2.5 km from the Distillery) and go on the Piaśnica River straight to the Baltic Sea. This is a great section for a three-hour rafting trip. Crystal clear water, open terrain with trees or forests on the horizon, meditation while rowing. Get something to drink, a hat, and sunscreen. The same set (cream + drinks + hat) will also be useful on the beach by the lake. With a towel on your shoulder, you can splash in flip-flops to Lake Żarnowieckie (2 km), to the wild beach. If the sound of the waves must be an inseparable element of your rest, just get in the car and after 12 minutes you will land on the beach in Dębki. However, we are fans of other coastal destinations, a bit further, but more calm and beautiful. We recommend you one of the most beautiful Polish beaches - in Białogóra or Karwienskie Błota. The distillery is located on the territory of a historic farm. The old buildings and extensive gardens are an attraction in themselves. There is a badminton net and a ping-pong table in front of the manor house adjacent to the distillery. In the evenings, you can light a fire or barbecue. You can also go to the barn and take cow therapy, drawing peace from the animals. There are bike routes for those who suffer from Restless Spirit Syndrome. Take your two wheels and follow the route along the seaside towns. You can go on a bicycle trip from Żarnowiec to Władysławowo and back. On the way, visit Chłapowo, Jastrzębia Góra and Karwia on the coast. The route requires physical condition, as the distance is 56.4 km. Shorter stretches are also welcome, for example to the beach and return or to the store for ice cream.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths

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For hedonists

Winter swimming

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For sports enthusiasts

Horse riding (20 km)
Tennis court (5 km)
Kayaks (2 km)
Cross-country trails
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Our pets


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What’s there for children?

Gorzelnia w Żarnowcu (ŻAR) - What’s there for children?
Gorzelnia w Żarnowcu (ŻAR) - What’s there for children?

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We have a wonderful rope park for children - hidden among the hornbeam alley in front of the Manor House adjacent to the Distillery. For the youngest there is a sandbox and swings. Like a vacation, there's also water, and we have plenty of it in the area. We are just a stone's throw from Lake Żarnowieckie with the beach in Lubków (4 minutes by car). And you can reach the seaside, the beach in Dębki, in 12 minutes. 

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Attractions for children

Children's playground

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Klasztorna 5, Żarnowiec, Kashubia Region, Gdańsk Pomerania, Poland

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Icon Public transportation

Nearest stops

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Bus: PKS Żarnowiec

Train: Wejherowo (25 km)

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Additional pricing information
It is possible to rent 3 extra beds for an additional fee of PLN 100 per person.

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, cats
Icon Maximum number of guests: 6 people

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 14:00
Departure to 10:00
If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

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Icon Other rules
For any damage, guests will be asked to cover the cost of the repair.

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Przepiękne miejsce, wspaniałe wnętrza, niesamowity klimat. Polecam wszystkim, którzy pragną odpocząć od codziennego zgiełku i cenią sobie piękny design. Z pewnością tu wrócimy.


Jak dobrze tu być! Gorzelnia to miejsce skrojone dla osób, które poszukują wypoczynku w niebanalnym miejscu. To przestrzeń, w której chce się przebywać i do której chce się wracać. Lokalizacja prawdopodobnie świetna, ale dla nas nie miało to większego znaczenia, bo nie chciało się opuszczać tego miejsca. Minimalistyczny styl wnętrz pozwala się skupić na tym co w Gorzelni najpiękniejsze - na chatakternych belkach sufitowych oraz wiekowej podłodze ze skrzypiących desek. W kuchni będzie wszystko czego potrzebujesz, a nawet więcej (+ za świetnej jakości kawiarkę). W wannie z pięknym widokiem odnajdziesz upragniony spokój. W łóżku pierzynę, a za oknem widok na rozpościerające się pola, lasy i jezioro. Przed kominkiem godzinami będziesz wpatrywać się w ogień. Pomieszczenia z zeszłej epoki jak np. Aparatownia, w której można zaopatrzyć się w drewno kominkowe to z kolei prawdziwa gratka dla wielbicieli klimatów urbexowych. Teren jest duży - jest gdzie pochodzić, jest gdzie zajrzeć. Wam polecamy, a my tu wrócimy.


Pobyt w gorzelni był naprawdę wyjątkowy. Miejsce jest bardzo klimatyczne, a otoczenie folwarku dodaje uroku. Mieszkanie bardzo dobrze wyposażone, szczególnie kuchnia. Gospodarze wszystko wyjaśnili i odpowiadali na pytania. Planujemy powrót w innej części roku, aby czerpać jeszcze więcej z okolicznej przyrody. Polecamy!

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