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Jizerské domky - Neposeda

Czech Republic, Jizera Mountains, Haratice

Glamping / camping 1 house

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Without animals


Self catering

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The wooden house stands on a hill among the trees in Haratice near the village of Plavy. In the area, which became part of the Sudetenland in 1938, although only 22 Germans lived in the village. From the chronicle of the village of Plavy from 1938: “The demarcation line reached the borders of the Plav cadastre. It was the mouth of the Liebig drive to Kamenice against the brickyard. The village was crowded with refugees, there was a shortage of apartments. Nobody knew what the coming days would bring us. During the retreat of our army, a battalion of heavy machine guns with light mountain guns stopped in the brickyard. Our company F. Brůna treated them "patriotically": it did not give them accommodation or straw! " Brave, distinctive people are in Haratice even today. The village, which has about 500 inhabitants, is located on the border of the Jizera Mountains and the Giant Mountains. And this is where Tomáš and Cuba, fascinated by beautiful nature and interesting history, gave birth to probably the youngest permanent resident of Haratice: ecological accommodation called Neposeda. Come (not) sit on the terrace with an absolutely breathtaking view of the hilly Czechia.

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So this is us, Tomas and Cuba. We like mountains, peace and beautiful nature. And thanks to our project "Jizera Houses", we would like to share a piece of everything with you. The project was created in early 2020 with a vision of eco-friendly self-catering accommodation. We will be very happy if you come to us and taste our experience, which we have prepared for you.

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About us

We speak these languages: English, Czech
We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

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Eco Alert

We mainly use eco-friendly detergents
We promote waste segregation among guests
We segregate garbage
We support biodiversity (e.g. uncut grass, shelters for animals)

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Our charms

We don't have televisions
We don't walk around the house in shoes
We don't have air conditioning
On cold days, you have to light the fireplace yourself
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Eco-friendly accommodation
Eco-friendly accommodation
Beautiful views of the Jizera Mountains
Beautiful views of the Jizera Mountains
Own kitchenette
Own kitchenette
Fireplace and place for barbecue
Fireplace and place for barbecue
In winter the possibility of skiing
In winter the possibility of skiing
An ideal place for a romantic weekend
An ideal place for a romantic weekend

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 house
Icon for up to 4 people
Icon bathroom: 1
Icon king bed : 1
Icon single bed : 2
Icon Without pets

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A small house stands on the endless plains on the border of the Jizera Mountains and the Giant Mountains. Small, wooden, cozy, ecological ... and what's best about it is that it can be yours. At least for a while. Tiny house Neposeda accommodates 3 adults or a family with 2 children. The parents sleep on a comfortable mattress located on the first floor, the rest of the staff must then look for 2 ingeniously hidden single beds. An ingenious storage space in the staircase, just a large kitchen and a functional bathroom will lead you to the idea of how little we really need for happiness. But the most beautiful part of Neposeda is not the work of architects. Mother Nature herself is responsible for that view. You can watch him huddled in blankets, washing dishes and having breakfast. If it is unfriendly outside, flood yourself in stones and watch the natural beauty nicely from the warmth behind the glass. When the weather is clear, be sure to use the terrace for views, relaxation and barbecue.

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Common space

Terrace (10 m2)
Fireplace corner

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Barbecue area
Tables in the garden
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No Internet/WiFi
Good cell phone reception
We don't have TVs

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
Towels (complete set per stay)

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What will I eat?

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Our tiny house includes a fully equipped tiny kitchenette. Hot plate, refrigerator, running water - the fact that you are in the middle of nowhere and there is only wild nature around you, we are not ashamed to call our kitchen a luxury. Here you will prepare a beautiful large breakfast (one that you normally do not have time for), you will start the day with fresh coffee and with a view beyond the horizon you will taste what it is like NOT HURRY. Definitely don't be ashamed to enjoy the evening on the terrace with a glass of wine and a hot grill. You have everything you need for a barbecue. There is also a fireplace by the house, if you would like to remember the good old tramp years with a guitar in your hand and a burner on a stick.

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Food on-site

Free coffee
Free fruit compote, water

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Kitchen access

Private kitchen in homes / rooms
Filter coffee maker
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We recommend nearby restaurants

Minipivovar Prdek (11 km)
Pizzerie Plavy (1,8 km)
U Čápa (7,8 km)

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You can buy eco products nearby

mléko, máslo, sýry, jogurty (Biofarma Filoun - v samoobsluze VašeSamoška) (1,7 km)

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Grocery stores nearby

Samoobsluha VašeSamoška - Plavy (1,7 km)
Zdravá dobrutka (7,4 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside
Icon In the mountains

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With us, you have a great chance to become champions in the distance. When this discipline finally reaches the Olympics, you can also think about medal positions! Staring into the mountains and forests can be done: • in a semi-sitting house • sitting from the terrace • lying down from the bed upstairs • standing while working in the kitchen • in a circle while sitting around a fire • from a hammock between trees or just lying on the grass with a blade of grass in the corner of his mouth. To do this, rent one of the prepared books or board games. In summer, you can cycle around the area or in comfortable shoes. A museum dedicated to the Czech genius Jár Cimrman is waiting for you in Příchovice. At the same time there is a fairytale trail and a playground. The Jára Cimrman cycle path will take you around the legendary Liptákov. The route will also take you to Návarov, where you can relax at the castle, which was built by Countess Maria Angela Nounkel in the years 1664-1666 in the Baroque style. On hot days, you will certainly appreciate the possibility of swimming in the Jílová quarry near Držkov. In winter you will enjoy the nearby ski resorts Plavy and Zlatá Olešnice. Even the (larger) Paseky nad Jizerou and Příchovice areas are not far from us, even though you will probably appreciate your own car here. As a reward, you can start exploring the history of local breweries and microbreweries as a reward. You can also see the birth house of Antal Stašek or the famous Kramář Villa.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths
Mountain trail

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For sports enthusiasts

Ski lift (2 km)
Cross-country ski trail
Cross-country trails
Cross bicycle routes (2 km)
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For those craving art

Maják a muzeum Járy Cimrmana - Příchovice (7,7 km)
Muzeum skla a bižuterie Jablonec nad Nisou (18 km)
Muzeum obnovitelných zdrojů energie (3 km)

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Rodný dům Antala Staška (4,1 km)
Zámek Návarov (3,5 km)
Kramářova vila (7,8 km)

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What’s there for children?

Jizerské domky - Neposeda - What’s there for children?
Jizerské domky - Neposeda - What’s there for children?

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You can give freedom to independent and reasonable children here. Send them for mushrooms or collect cones and let your soul have a beneficial silence, interwoven with birdsong. Younger children will need to be kept in sight. The region is safe, but the land is not fenced. Children love the surrounding trips and do not even remember that we do not have television or internet.

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Attractions for children

Sleigh rides
Children's board games

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Attractions for children in the area

Bozkovské dolomitové jeskyně (8,1 km)
Vyhlídka Terezínka (5,7 km)
Sago Babory BikePark (2,7 km)
Pohádková cesta Příchovice (8 km)

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: , Haratice, Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic

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Parking 500 m from the accommodation facility

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Icon Public transportation

Nearest stops

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Bus: Plavy, Haratice (1,3 km)

Train: Plavy (2,5 km)

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How much will I pay?

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Additional pricing information
Children under 3 years of age have FREE accommodation. The house comfortably accommodates 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children. You can arrange the cleaning yourself, or we will be happy to do it for you / 590 CZK.

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Place rules

Icon We do not accept pets
Icon Maximum number of guests: 4 people

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 15:00
Departure to 11:00

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Neposeda je na úžasném místě, Jedna noc utekla jako voda… O samotě jen s foťákem jsem tu načerpal hrozně pozitivní energii a udělal spoustu krásných fotek. Jsem nadšený i z přístupu majitelů a servisu. Příště vyzkouším nějakou novou lokalitu, ale jako první zkušenost s glampingem a tímhle typem ubytování jsem absolutně nadšený :-):-) doporučuju a děkuji za vše 👍 Snad jen hmyz, co létá po setmění za světlem byl trochu agresivnější, ale za to nikdo nemůže :-D nezbývá, než to brát s humorem 😁

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