Domček v raji 

Tiny houseSome pets are welcomeSelf catering
little house hidden in the woods - ideal for romance in a couple
for joint conversations, peace of mind and souls, walks
our water flows - bathroom with shower
purchase an exclusive package - a basket full of goodies and prosecco
open-air fireplace & hot tub for perfect relaxation
you can wander on foot, but we can also rent e-bikes

Quick check

There is not much to say about how the corona playfully mixed our heads and priorities. We were all in this together. Up to your ears. But in all the wrong, you can find something good. We found it. Time together for each other, in pairs. For conversations, walks, but also common silence nearby. You know, everyday chaos, work, caring for children and quadrupeds and time never call. What was difficult also proved to us as a gift.

And so, during one walk together, an idea was born. So that other couples can enjoy the desired reset and rest. Slow down, turn off and be alone for a while, just in pairs. To be a little closer to each other again, kindly in love. Thanks to that and that is why Domček was born in paradise.

In solitude and yet close to people. Overlooking the Kremnica hills. In meadows where horses graze freely and run, and where you won't have that far to the lake. But we are proud of one more thing - we are outside of civilization, but you will certainly not miss electricity or water. A shower after the tour? No problem with us! Because romance with romance, but also with it, you definitely want to smell;)




We speak these languages: Slovak

We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

I want to give everyone what I have ... peace, love, well-being and that is exactly why the House in Paradise was created, which will provide you with everything and something extra that I write about. Life is about being happy .. come relax, take time for yourself and be satisfied, peaceful and happy ... I am very much looking forward to you :)

The host is an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is an entrepreneur, so you are protected by EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


2 ppl. – Domček v raji

  • 40 m²

  • Without pets

Cottage in the woods overlooking the Kremnica hills. Full network connection (water, electricity). Created with a mind for couples, but you can also seven with the offspring :) Near the restaurant and stables - the possibility of arranging horseback riding.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • No Internet/WiFi

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • In the mountains

  • Outdoor hot tub

  • Breakfast for an extra fee (50 €)

Our charms

  • Access via the forest/gravel road

  • We don't walk around the house in shoes

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Radvaň 2751, Banská Bystrica, Horehronie, Slovakia

  • The GPS coordinates will lead you to the parking lot of the Grill restaurant, where we will meet. From there I will take you directly to the House. You can go to us by car, but since the road leads through the forest, we recommend a higher chassis. Or just leave the car parked in the parking lot and go on foot (approx. 15 min. walk).

Place rules


  • Some pets are welcome (small dogs)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 2 people

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00

  • Departure from 11:00

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Other rules

  • We take off our shoes in the House, our lovely guests wash the dishes after themselves, for which we are grateful

Reviews - Domček v raji 

5.0Number of opinions: 12


525 Aug 2024

Nasz pobyt w domku w górach był wspaniały! Idealne miejsce na romantyczny wyjazd we dwoje. Domek jest przytulny, czysty, a widoki z tarasu zapierają dech w piersiach. Lokalizacja pozwala na pełen relaks, z dala od zgiełku, a jednocześnie jest blisko do szlaków i innych atrakcji. Wieczory spędzaliśmy w wannie, co dodawało niesamowitego uroku. Gospodarze byli niezwykle pomocni i dbali o nasz komfort...


514 Aug 2023

Bylo to super! Krásný malý domeček v lese, je tam klid, kolem krásná příroda. Přesto na nákup zásob do města to není moc daleko. Uvnitř je to větší, než se z fotek zdá. Snídaně na terase, pohled z postele francouzským oknem na kvetoucí louku, ohniště, dostatek dřeva, moc milá hostitelka. Je to blízko na Skalku, kde jsou suprové ferraty. Horší je přístup po lesní cestě. S nízkým autem je to trochu ...


524 Apr 2023

Moc děkujeme za pobyt v domčeku. Se snoubenkou jsme si pobyt užili na plno, odpočinuli jsme si a nabili jsme se pozitivní energii. S paní výborná komunikace a vše bylo v pořádku. Pobyt zde mužů jen doporučit ☺️. H+K


53 Apr 2023

Úžasné prostriedie, zažili sme s manželom víkend plný pohody a relaxu. Srnky a kone z okna su bonus.

Jozef a Miška

511 Oct 2022

Úžasný relax pre páry v útulnom domčeku v obklopení krásnej prírody. Majiteľka je veľmi milá, pomohla nám s batožinou a na štvorkolke nás odviezla k domčeku, v ktorom nám ukázala všetko potrebné. Určite odporúčame navštíviť toto čarovné miestečko. My si prídeme oddýchnuť aj nabudúce!


56 Sep 2022

Krásna chata v nádhernom prostredi, pobyt sme si užili dokonale. Všade naokolo ticho a božský kľud, výhľad na pasúce sa ovce, proste dokonalý relax. Ubytovanie čistučké a veľmi útulné, ohnisko sme využili tiež. Absolútne nič nám nechýbalo. Z našej strany maximálna spokojnosť. Ďakujeme.


521 Aug 2022

Krásne miesto s božským kľudom. Človek si oddýchne a načerpá sily. Vybavenie bolo na jednotku. Dúfam, že sa tam ešte raz vrátime. :)


516 Aug 2022

naozaj krásne prostredie, ticho, pokoj, len tak sedieť na terase a pozorovať západ slnka, potom nočnú oblohu, to nás každý večer veľmi očarilo 😊 ubytovanie útulné, čisté, majitelia ústretoví a milí,, dakujeme 🙂