Pod Stromcem - photos

Where will I relax?

Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?
Pod Stromcem - Where will I relax?

Pod Stromcem

Pod Stromcem - Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem - Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem - Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem - Pod Stromcem

What will I eat?

Pod Stromcem - What will I eat?
Pod Stromcem - What will I eat?
Pod Stromcem - What will I eat?
Pod Stromcem - What will I eat?
Pod Stromcem - What will I eat?
Pod Stromcem - What will I eat?
Pod Stromcem - What will I eat?
Pod Stromcem - What will I eat?

Will I not be bored?

Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Zapora Pilchowice to druga co do wysokości (62m) zapora w Polsce
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Góra Szybowcowa ( 561m n.p.m.)  doskonałe miejsce widokowe
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Spływ pontonami lub kajakami po urokliwej rzece Bóbr - Nielestno
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Perła Zachodu nad brzegiem jeziora Modre, w Siedlęcinie
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Jelenia Góra
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Stromiec (551 m n.p.m.) szczyt w Grzbiecie Małym Gór Kaczawskich
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Najstarszy w Polsce murowny Zamek Wleń oraz urokliwy Pałac Lenno
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Czternastowieczna Wieża Książęca w Siedlęcinie 
Pod Stromcem - Will I not be bored?
Zbudowany na wulkanicznej górze Zamek Grodziec

What’s there for children?

Pod Stromcem - What’s there for children?
Pod Stromcem - What’s there for children?
Pod Stromcem - What’s there for children?
Pod Stromcem - What’s there for children?
Pod Stromcem - What’s there for children?

What’s there for employees?

Pod Stromcem - For employees?

More photos

Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem
Pod Stromcem