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Poland, Kurpie Białe Region, Rogóźno

1 house

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With animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, cats


Self catering

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Forty years ago my parents fell in love with Narew. So they bought a plot of land near the river and built a Kurpie cottage on it. That's right: they did, because the cottage came to them in the form of numbered boards, together with a tiled stove, a spinning wheel, a horse collar, a dowry trunk and a flax pan. Cover to cover and that's how my favorite place on earth was created 88 km from Warsaw. SkanseNovo is a house - one could say - an escape house. He escapes to it from a stuffy capital city, an office a few traffic jams away or overly concrete playgrounds. There can be five fugitives, although with a short period of life and for a larger number there will be a comfortable corner. What are these refugees doing here? I recommend walking along the Narew River, cycling, reading books and kayaking for ice cream in Pułtusk. I also provide you with high-speed Internet with a desk if you are thinking about las office. We have company around the plot - human, forest and river, so please treat each other well here. After all, nothing improves the atmosphere like saying in the morning: beautiful weather, isn't it, neighbor beaver?

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We are pleased to share the good energy that our cottage has been giving to family and friends for almost 40 years. We are a multicultural couple open to the world and people. We speak Polish, English, Arabic, French and Russian. We value and respect everyone's freedom and right to peace and their favorite form of recreation.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English, Russian, French
We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

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Eco Alert

We mainly use eco-friendly detergents
House made of natural materials (e.g. clay, straw, hemp)
There is a shopping bag or basket in every room
We promote waste segregation among guests
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Our charms

We don't have televisions
Mosquitos on warm days
Steep stairs
Access via the forest/gravel road
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old Kurpie cottage comfortable for 5 people
old Kurpie cottage comfortable for 5 people
a short walk through the forest and you are already on the Narew
a short walk through the forest and you are already on the Narew
200 m from us you can rent kayaks
200 m from us you can rent kayaks
if you have to, take your work with you - there is fast Internet
if you have to, take your work with you - there is fast Internet
access in less than 1.5 hours from the center of Warsaw
access in less than 1.5 hours from the center of Warsaw
we have two bikes on site - the routes here are simple and pleasant
we have two bikes on site - the routes here are simple and pleasant

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 house
Icon for up to 5 people
Icon 120 m²
Icon bathroom: 1
Icon king bed : 1
Icon queen bed : 1
Icon single bed : 1
Icon We accept cats, medium dogs, small dogs

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SkanseNovo is an over 100-year-old house with a fireplace, moved 40 years ago to 2,000 m2 of forest near Narew, in the Wyszków district. In front of the house there is a sunny clearing and a place for a bonfire. Inside, there are 2 bedrooms on the first floor, and on the ground floor there is a bathroom and an open space with an equipped kitchen and an optional sleeping area on the sofa. The plot is unfenced. We know each other's neighbors, respect each other's privacy and keep the sound level at an acceptable level for others :)

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Common space

Living room with couches (30 m2)
Dining room with tables (25 m2)
Terrace (20 m2)
Fireplace corner
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Barbecue area
Beach chairs
Tables in the garden
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Fast Internet/WiFi

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
Towels (complete set per stay)
Hair dryer
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What will I eat?

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A private kitchen is waiting for your orders!

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Food on-site

Free coffee

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Kitchen access

Private kitchen in homes / rooms
Coffee percolator
Masonry stove
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We recommend nearby restaurants

Łowisko Jagiel smażalnia ryb (26 km)
U Baby Ali - pizzeria w Rząśniku (8,9 km)
Złoty Lin, Wierzbica (44 km)

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You can buy eco products nearby

miód od właściciela Słonecznych Kajaków (0,3 km)
jaja we wsi (0,8 km)
mleko we wśi (0,7 km)

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Grocery stores nearby

Sklep Wielobranżowy Leo w Rogóźnie (1 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside
Icon By the river

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Everything in our country flows with the current of the Narew River. Sunny kayaks from the rental shop (start 200 m from the house), neighbors beavers and life itself flows - but so slowly and pleasantly. I like reading here the most, so I recommend you to take at least one book from the book pile of shame. I share two bicycles free of charge on site. They may not be in their first youth, but they're still on the move. There are great walking areas around. In a few minutes you will reach the Narew River and the Narew meadows. There is also a sandy beach for swimming (about 1 km from the house) and uncomplicated bicycle routes, without any demanding climbs. A great idea for a day trip is kayaking to Pułtusk and eating ice cream on the local market - the longest in Europe! Our place is from unhurried walks, taking your head off the momentum in the capital and lazy paddle movements. If this is what you need, we cordially invite you!

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths (0,5 km)
Beach (1 km)
Board games

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For hedonists

Beach blankets

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For sports enthusiasts

Horse riding (5 km)
Kayaks (0,2 km)
Road bicycle routes (0,1 km)
Bicycles for rent
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For those craving art

Muzeum etnograficzne w Kamieńczyku (34 km)
Skansen w Brańszczyku (31 km)
Kuźnia Kurpiowska, skansen, Pniewo (23 km)

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Zamek Biskupów w Pułtusku Dom Polonii (28 km)
Kościół św. Teresy w Porządziu, 1927 (10 km)
Kościół w Nowym Lubielu, 1890r (5 km)
Drewniany Młyn i jaz na rzece Orz w Kuninie (21 km)
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What’s there for children?

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If you are coming with a child up to 3 years old, please let me know when booking. We accommodate such little people free of charge if they sleep in bed with their parents or fit into a 120 cm portable bed. Young people aged 3-12 are not treated as adults in the price plan and their stay is PLN 25 per day.

Here Slowhop will describe what’s there for children. If you want, you can also fill it in or edit the text.


Attractions for children

Inflatable children's pool
Sleeping in a tent in the garden
Cool trees for climbing
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Additionally available

Portable / travel bed for children
Bath tub for babies
High chair
Children's crockery and cutlery
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Attractions for children in the area

Odpusty w okolicznych parafiach (2 km)
Słoneczne Kajaki - spokojny spływ Narwią (0,2 km)
Nowy Lubiel, przeprawa promowa (5 km)
Bliskie spotkania z krowami (1 km)
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For employees?

Icon For remote solo work
SkanseNovoFor employees?
SkanseNovoFor employees?

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There is high-speed Internet and a lovely desk overlooking the forest. What more could you want?

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Fast Internet/WiFi
Download: Mb/s
Upload: Mb/s
Mobile LTE/5G Internet
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Work space in rooms
Common work table
Tables in some rooms

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Brzozowa 15, Rogóźno, Kurpie Białe Region, Poland

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The easiest way is to enter "Słoneczne Jajaki" in Google, which are nearby, or SkanseNovo. The route leads S7 to Wyszków, then head towards Rząśnik, after Rząśnik take the first street to the right, until Bielin. In Bielino, at the first intersection (with a mirror), turn left and the road leads through Plewica to Leo's store (it will be on the right). The first turn between the fields to the left, as indicated by the arrow, towards "sunny kayaks". Behind the tennis court, turn right into the forest road. Third house on the right. Brzozowa 15 You can also go through Zegrze and Pułtusk. Then, from Pułtusk, take the road to Wyszków, without reaching Rząśnik, turn left and continue along the route as above.

Get directions on Google Maps

Icon Public transportation

Nearest stops

Translated by Google Translate.

Bus: Bielino (3 km)

The stop is in Bielin, at the intersection with the mirror, next to the school. You should go towards Plewica, Rogóźno, passing the school on the left and keep walking along the road until you pass Leo's shop. Then we turn into the first road on the left, between the fields, and when this road ends behind the tennis court, we turn right into the forest road. SkanseNovo will be the third house on the right.

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, cats
Icon Maximum number of guests: 5 people

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 16:00 to 00:00
Departure to 10:00
If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

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Icon Other rules
The house is old and wooden, there is often drought in the forests, so when it comes to making a bonfire, please be careful and extra careful. On extremely dry days, please use the grill only. Smoking and candles are not allowed in the house. Thank you very much for your understanding.

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Z pewnością wrócimy - warto zapamiętać takie miejsca. Historia domu jest bardzo ciekawa, czuć duszę miejsca niesioną przez zapach drewna. Pani Magda zadbała o wszystko - wyposażenie kuchni, leżaki, koce, zapas drewna, miejsce na ognisko i grilla, były nawet preparaty na komary! Pomimo wysokich temperatur w środku było bardzo przyjemnie, zarówno na parterze w części dziennej jak i na piętrze w sypialniach. Choć dom nie stoi w odosobnieniu - po sąsiedzku są równie piękne drewniane budynki. Naprawdę można nacieszyć się ciszą, posłuchać ptaków. Dużo zieli wokół domu dodaje przytulności, a sam teren - ogród jest duży na tyle, że dwa psy mogły się swobodnie rozpędzić w pogodni za piłką. Pani Magda jest przemiła a kontakt z nią w trakcie jak i przed naszym pobytym to była czysta przyjemność. Po tygodniowym pobycie czujemy niedosyt i chętnie wrócimy w chłodniejszym okresie, żeby wygrzać się przy kominku. Serdecznie polecamy!


Wszystko super , piękne i spokojne miejsce.

Host: Magdalena

Dziękuję pięknie za dobre słowo. Zapraszam ponownie. W jesiennej odsłonie jest również pięknie i są grzyby.


Polecamy serdecznie, piękne miejsce i okolica.

Host: Magdalena

Serdecznie dziękuję! Cieszę się, że się podobało i zapraszam ponownie!

4.9 7 opinii