Cesemino Farmhouse - photos

Where will I relax?

Cesemino Farmhouse - Where will I relax?
domek 5-osobowy z tarasem
Cesemino Farmhouse - Where will I relax?
łazienka z prysznicem
Cesemino Farmhouse - Where will I relax?
salon z kozą połączony z aneksem kuchennym
Cesemino Farmhouse - Where will I relax?
Rozkładana sofa  - bardzo duża
Cesemino Farmhouse - Where will I relax?
Podwójne łóżko - sypialnia 1
Cesemino Farmhouse - Where will I relax?
Podwójne łóżko - sypialnia 2

dom na wyłączność

Cesemino Farmhouse - dom na wyłączność
Cesemino Farmhouse - dom na wyłączność
Cesemino Farmhouse - dom na wyłączność
Cesemino Farmhouse - dom na wyłączność

What will I eat?

Cesemino Farmhouse - What will I eat?
Aneks kuchenny
Cesemino Farmhouse - What will I eat?

Will I not be bored?

Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
leśne trasy do nordic walking
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
kino letnie plenerowe
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
relaks przy śpiewie ptaków
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
Cesemino o poranku
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
Wycieczki rowerowe po sąsiadującym lesie
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?
Cesemino Farmhouse - Will I not be bored?

What’s there for children?

Cesemino Farmhouse - What’s there for children?
Plac zabaw z huśtawkami i piaskownicą
Cesemino Farmhouse - What’s there for children?
Cesemino Farmhouse - What’s there for children?

What’s there for employees?

Cesemino Farmhouse - For employees?
Cesemino Farmhouse - For employees?
Cesemino Farmhouse - For employees?
Zielony kącik do pracy

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Cesemino Farmhouse
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Cesemino Farmhouse
Rewelacyjne trasy do nordic walking