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Chatka w Dolinie Pasłęki

Poland, Masuria Region, Western Masuria Region, Raciszewo

1 house

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With some animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, cats


Self catering

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Western Masuria never existed. Where we are now, there was the Oberland, or "Upper Country", as the old inhabitants called the region between Warmia, Żuławy and Powiśle. The Oberland did not have its own borders, but conventionally they were marked by Pasłęka from the east and Wisła from the west. It existed already in the times of the Teutonic State, and stopped after the war. Even earlier, this region was inhabited by Pogezans - one of the tribes of ancient Prussians. Someone once called her "Mazur's fair-haired sister". A land covered with golden fields of grain on hills interspersed with blue eyes of lakes. It had its dialect, its costumes and its wooden architecture, examples of which can be seen today in the open-air museum in Olsztynek. A trip there inspired me to build a blue-eyed cottage that fits into the landscape of the former Oberland. There is nothing around her: only hills, fields of wild grass and reeds, a few lakes out of sight. It's like before.

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After years of stressful work in the city, it's finally time to slow down and relax. So I started looking for an extraordinary place where beautiful landscapes would soothe the spirit, and close contact with nature would offer extraordinary experiences and many opportunities for active recreation. I found this place recently, during one of the motorcycle trips around the beautiful region of Warmia and Mazury. It is a hill above the Pasłęka River valley, located near the small village of Raciszewo, lost among forests, meadows and fields on the border of the historic lands of Warmia and the Oberland.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English, French
We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

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Eco Alert

We have cosmetics and cleaning products in reusable packaging
We promote waste segregation among guests
We plant and care for trees
No natural leather, fur or hunting trophies in our interiors
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Our charms

We don't have televisions
Access via the forest/gravel road
Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)
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cottage 0.5 km behind the Masurian village of Raciszewo
cottage 0.5 km behind the Masurian village of Raciszewo
a real refuge without neighbors
a real refuge without neighbors
perfect place for a couple
perfect place for a couple
equipped with 2 trekking bikes
equipped with 2 trekking bikes
the land of the former Oberland, full of monuments
the land of the former Oberland, full of monuments
around the lake, river and peace
around the lake, river and peace

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 house
Icon for up to 4 people
Icon 25 m²
Icon bathroom: 1
Icon queen bed : 1
Icon single bed : 2
Icon We accept cats, medium dogs, small dogs

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The cottage in the Pasłęka Valley is located 0.5 km outside the village of Raciszewo. It has no neighbors, and what it has is a beautiful view of the hills and forests around. There is absolute peace here and if you want to cut yourself off from the rest of the world, you will definitely succeed here. The cottage will accommodate 4 people. It has a closed bedroom downstairs and an open bedroom in the attic, as well as a small open space with a kitchenette and dining room. In summer, the most pleasant way to eat is at the table on the terrace. The plot is fenced, but with a fence, which may not be a problem for the dog.

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Common space

Dining room with tables

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Barbecue area
Beach chairs
Private forest
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Medium speed Internet / WiFi
Good cell phone reception
We don't have TVs

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
Towels (complete set per stay)
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What will I eat?

Chatka w Dolinie Pasłęki - What will I eat?
Chatka w Dolinie Pasłęki - What will I eat?
Chatka w Dolinie Pasłęki - What will I eat?

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Kitchen access

Private kitchenettes in homes / rooms
Coffee percolator
Filter coffee maker
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We recommend nearby restaurants

MiDano w Miłakowie (możliwość zamówienia jedzenia z dostawą do Chatki) (6 km)
Pałac Wojciechy (3 km)
Informacje o innych lokalnych restauracjach są udostępniane przez Gospodarza na życzenie.
Niwa we Włodowie (10 km)

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You can buy eco products nearby

Gospodarz udostępnia na życzenie informacje o miejscach sprzedaży lokalnych eko-produktów (wiejskie sery, jajka, miód pszczeli itp.).

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Grocery stores nearby

Dino, Lewiatan, Biedronka w Miłakowie (5 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside

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People who are looking for peace and quiet, but who like to spend their time actively will like it here. The house is small and simple, so it will be an ideal base for exploring the surrounding area and spending time in nature. The equipment includes 2 trekking bikes at your disposal. Within the radius of a short car trip, there are several lakes waiting for you - ones where you won't find crowds.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths

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For sports enthusiasts

Road bicycle routes
Mountain bike routes
Bicycles for rent

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For those craving art

Prusy Górne i Warmia obfitują w perełki średniowiecznej architektury gotyckiej. Takiego zagęszczenia zamków i kościołów wybudowanych przez Zakon Krzyżacki w stylu gotyku ceglanego nie znajdziecie w innych regionach Polski. Chatka jest doskonałą bazą wypadową do zwiedzania tych zabytków, a szczegółowe informacje dotyczące tych miejsc są udostępniane przez Gospodarza na życzenie. (50 km)

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Ełdyty Wielkie - najstarszy kościół na Warmii pw. św. Marcina z 1345 r. (8 km)
Orneta - gotycki ratusz i monumentalny kościół św. Jana Chrzciciela z 1379 r. (19 km)
Morąg - gotycki ratusz, zamek krzyżacki, kościół pw. św. Piotra i Pawła z 1312 r., pałac rodu zu Dohna z 1571 r. (20 km)
Krosno koło Ornety - barokowe Sanktuarium Maryjne z 1720 r. wzorowane na świątyni w Świętej Lipce. (22 km)
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What’s there for children?

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Chatka w Dolinie Pasłęki - What’s there for children?

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There are nothing but hills and greenery around, so there is plenty of safe space to play. Remember that there are steep steps leading to the attic, so it's better for children to be over 6 years of age if they were to sleep there.

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Attractions for children

Children's playground

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Attractions for children in the area

Plac zabaw w Raciszewie (0,5 km)

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For employees?

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The Internet is available, but it is not fast enough to watch movies from streaming platforms.

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Medium speed Internet / WiFi
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Mobile LTE/5G Internet

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Raciszewo 32, Raciszewo, Masuria Region, Western Masuria Region, Poland

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Icon Public transportation

Nearest stops

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Bus: Raciszewo (0,5 km)

Train: Morąg (20 km)

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Additional pricing information
The remaining reservation amount (50%) is payable by transfer to the Host's account. The account number will be sent by e-mail or text message two weeks before the date of your stay.

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, cats
Icon Maximum number of guests: 4 people

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 15:00
Departure to 11:00
If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

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Icon Other rules
Please pay the remaining amount of the stay fee (50%) directly to the Host's account 10 days before arrival. The account number will be sent by e-mail or text message 2 weeks before the guests' arrival. All necessary instructions for guests are available in the cottage in printed form or sent by e-mail before arrival. The keys to the cottage are in a box with a combination lock. Information about the location of the box and the code to open it are provided to guests after making a reservation a day or two before arrival. Please throw waste into the containers located at the back of the cottage in accordance with the segregation rules given in the information for guests.

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Surrounded by serene landscapes and away from the noise of city life, the place has a tranquil atmosphere that allows to truly recharge. Highly recommended for anyone seeking solitude and a break from the fast-paced urban routine!


Chatka rzeczywiście położona w przepięknej okolicy, bardzo dobrze wyposażone w niezbędne rzeczy. Dodatkowym atutem są dwa rowery turystyczne do poznawania okolicy w szybszym tempie niż spacery. Domek jest bardzo klimatyczny urządzony ze smakiem i z bardzo staranie dobranymi detalami, które tworzą niepowtarzalny klimat. Świetnym uzupełnieniem do wspaniałej okolicy są produkty od Pani Emilii w postaci pysznego sera białego, mleka prosto od krowy oraz super smakujących ziemniaczków. Nie można nie odwiedzić farmy kóz złotna i nie spróbować ich produktów. Dla aktywnych jezioro w Miłakowie tez będzie super. Na koniec cisza przerywana tylko odgłosami natury pochłonie wszystkich liczących na oderwanie od codziennego zgiełku.

Host: Daniel

Bardzo dziękuję za piękną opinię. Pozdrawiam serdecznie :)


Fantastyczne miejsce, w które właściciel wkłada dużo pracy i serca - widać to. Jeżeli szukasz wiejskiej chatki, w której możesz odciąć się od świata i po prostu wyciszyć to jest to idealne miejsce.

5.0 7 opinii