Na końcu świata - agroturystyka z duszą

Tiny houseSelf catering
2 cottages, each with a lockable bedroom and a room for 4 people
on a slope 1.5 km above the San River
picturesque bicycle routes around (and few cars)
for active people and those who want peace of mind
you can go kayaking on the San River
a safe place to come with children

Quick check

One trip to the Przemyśl Foothills was enough. We drove through San and ended up on a slope in the village of Łączki. There was a modest farm here, but the end of the world was real. After all, this is a village where the road ends - you can't go any further. We have a cottage in the orchard, we have a cottage in the meadow, we cordially invite you to both.

Below us there is only an orchard, forest and the San River, but above us - hills and viewpoints offering a panoramic view of the area. There is one of our huts in the meadow, the one from which you can feel the space, and in the orchard below, the one where you can hide from the world and sit on the terrace among the vines. It's up to you to decide which version you prefer. Apart from that, it's like in the Bieszczady Mountains, the mountains are a bit lower, but there are fewer tourists because not many people have heard of this area.



Anna i Piotr

Host committed to eco-activities

We speak these languages: Polish, English

Sometimes we are on-site, sometimes we're not

Hi! Our names are Ania and Piotr. We welcome you to our end of the world. I (Ania) am from Podkarpacie, and Piotr, out of love for the mountains, came to the Podkarpackie Przemyśl Foothills from the other end of Poland - from Gdańsk. We found ourselves in the Foothills and it was here that we created our end of the world. What about us? We like to spend time actively, we ride bikes in the mountains and forests and valleys, we ski in winter, we climb mountains, both smaller and much larger, we are both in love with the Himalayas. Piotrek is passionate about rock and mountain climbing. We also like traveling and discovering new places. But, for balance, we also value peace and living without rush. We read books, listen to good music, chill by the fireplace, and contemplate nature. We don't like big cities, we live in harmony with nature in a beautiful, clean place and we want to share this place with you. If you are looking for peace and quiet, clean air, beautiful landscapes and closeness to nature, value relationships based on mutual trust and kindness, are tired of everyday life in the city, or simply want to change the climate and surroundings, we invite you to our cottages "At the End of the World" in the Przemyśl Foothills. We hope you will find what you are looking for here. Hosts: Ania and Piotr, the good soul of the place - Piotr's father - Krzysztof, cats Rudy and Rysiu.
Host committed to eco-activities

The host is not an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is not an entrepreneur, so you are not subject to protection under EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


6 ppl. – Chata w sadzie

  • 60 m²

  • Without pets

"Chata w sadzie" is a year-round cottage that we rent to guests as a whole. There are two rooms in the cottage, one for four people with a seating area, the other for two people, a kitchen with a dining room and a fireplace, a bathroom for the exclusive use of guests and a large panoramic terrace with a table, chairs and deckchairs.


6 ppl. – Chata na łące

  • 60 m²

  • Without pets

"Chata na łąką" is a year-round cottage that we offer to our guests exclusively. The cottage has two rooms - a double and a quadruple with a seating area, a kitchen and a bathroom for the exclusive use of our guests, and a large panoramic terrace with a table, chairs and deckchairs overlooking the forests of the Foothills.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • Fast Internet/WiFi

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • In the mountains

  • By the river

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Steep stairs

  • We don't walk around the house in shoes

  • We don't have air conditioning

  • Attic - it can get hot in the summer

  • Weak GSM coverage

  • On cold days, you have to light the fireplace yourself

  • You light the fireplace

  • We do not accept groups for integration trips

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Łączki 15, Dubiecko, Podkarpackie Province, Przemyskie Foothills, Poland

Public transportation

  • Nearest stops

  • Bus: Słonne, (2 km), The bus stop is on the other side of the San River (access via a footbridge over the San).

  • Train: Przemyśl, (46 km),

Place rules


  • small dogs, medium dogs, cats

Number and age of guests

  • Number of guests: 6 people

Night break

  • Quiet hours from 22:00 to 06:00

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 16:00 to 00:00

  • Departure from 08:00 to 11:00

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Other rules

  • We discuss each arrival with animals individually because we have pets ourselves.

Reviews - Na końcu świata - agroturystyka z duszą

5.0Number of opinions: 4


519 Feb 2025

Świetne miejsce jeśli poszukujecie prawdziwego spokoju :) . Malownicza natura (nawet w bezśnieżną zimę), blisko płynie San. Domek bardzo przytulny.


513 Jan 2025

"Na końcu świata" znaleźliśmy wszystko czego szukaliśmy, ale też znacznie więcej. Przepiękny krajobraz górsko-rolniczy jest na wyciągnięcie ręki, wystarczy zrobić krok poza przytulny drewniany ganek domku na zboczu. Pogórze Przasnyskie oferuje szeroką gamę szlaków turystycznych, a do sporej liczby z nich można łatwo dotrzeć wychodząc pieszo z posesji. Gospodarze to przemili i ciepli ludzie, którzy...


517 Oct 2024

Piękna okolica, domek znajdował się naprawdę na końcu świata, miejsce w którym można odpocząć, mili właściciele dokładający wszelkich starań aby pobyt przebiegł w miłej atmosferze.


529 Jun 2024

Wróciłam właśnie z pobytu na końcu świata 💙jeżeli tak ma to wyglądać,to ja chcę😁Miejsce cudne, zdjęcia tego nie oddają. Zapierające dech widoki, piękna przyroda, mgły snujące się od Sanu, parujące po deszczu lasy. Bajkowo,nieziemsko. Cisza i spokój. Kawa o świcie na tarasie z widokiem na budzący się las ,pasące się sarny kilkanaście metrów od domku,śpiew ptactwa,o każdej porze dnia inny. Oczywiś...