Spotkanie regionalne: Małopolska - 21.05.2024

GuesthouseWe cook for you

Quick check

In May, we meet regionally in Małopolska and the Beskids.

We organize one meeting for the entire region of Małopolska and the Beskids. But if you are located a little further and would like to get there - you are welcome :)

We start at 10:00. As for the end of the event, we suspect it will be flexible, depending on the number of topics and the intensity of conversation. We have created a framework plan for the meeting, which can of course be flexible, depending on the needs of the participants.

10:00 - 12:00 - We get to know each other - a few words from each participant
12:00 - 13:00 - let's talk over lunch
13:00 - 15:00 - How to make the most of new features on Slowhop, plans for the future, results, what we are struggling with, what's going well, interesting practices from other Slowhops - Ola and Marcin from Slowhop
15:00 - 15:30 - chat over coffee
15:30 - 17:00 - further chat, your ideas on what we can do better / together, plus development of parked topics
17:00 - ... - we'll see how the talks go

Possible accommodation in Willa Tadeusz, on your own.

You know that slow-hop places are not large hotels, so the number of participants per meeting will be limited due to space. The reunion at Willa Tadeusz will be possible for a maximum of 50 people (this is how many people will fit on the chairs, sofas and armchairs). This is how many tickets we will be able to sell. Yes, sell tickets because we wanted the hosts to provide the participants with lunch, drinks and have a budget for "operating" costs. Therefore, we tried to keep the cost of the meeting to a minimum.

If you feel like it, you can bring your home-made specialties with you as snacks during the day, and maybe also something for the evening (cakes, pickled cucumbers from this year's harvest, bread, raspberry juice or drinks). This is where the all-white concept of a contribution event comes into play. If you can, bring with you what you like best to eat or drink. This will allow us to reduce the costs of the meeting.

Finally, we have planned regional meetings for the whole year and there will be 12 of them, in different parts of the country. Of course, you as Hosts can participate in one, several or all meetings. You don't have to limit yourself to your region.




We speak these languages:

We have been creating Slowhop for 7 years. First with a few people, now with twenty. We did not expect that the trend for unusual sleeping would develop so much that instead of looking for candidates for the slow-hop catalog on our own, we would have to sift through applications and make difficult decisions about what slow-hop means. Every day we analyze, think and decide. We work every day to improve our system. We receive e-mails and telephone calls from you every day. We are in contact with hosts and guests every day. Slowhop is you - hosts and guests. We only help you meet.

The host is an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is an entrepreneur, so you are protected by EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


30 ppl. – Spotkanie regionalne Małopolska 21.05.2024 - wejściówka

  • Without pets

If you decide to stay overnight at Willa Tadeusz, please book accommodation separately and independently

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • We cook for you

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Legionistów 1, Lanckorona, Lesser Poland Province, Poland

Place rules

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 2 people

Reviews - Spotkanie regionalne: Małopolska - 21.05.2024

5.0Number of opinions: 5

Ania i Michał

53 Jun 2024

Kochane Slowhopy :-) Dziękujemy, że jesteście, że działacie, wspieracie, integrujecie!!! Fajnie być częścią takiej społeczności! Wymiana doświadczeń, poglądów i statystyk - bezcenne! Do następnego :-) Ania i Michał


525 May 2024

Willa Tadeusz to przepiękne klimatyczne miejsce. Bardzo się cieszę , że mogłam być w takim miejscu. Atmosfera pomieszczeń i ogrodu przeniosła nas do krainy spokoju i szczęścia. Pyszne jedzenie upewniło nas , że to naprawdę wyjątkowe miejsce. Pozdrawiam Bogna i Arek


524 May 2024

Jeszcze raz dziękuję za super spotkanie! Bardzo się cieszę, że mogłam poznać tylu gospodarzy i wymienić doświadczenia. To było bardzo cenne i miłe spotkanie! Udało się nawet wymienić kontaktami z kilkoma osobami, z którymi myślimy o wspólnym działaniu, w grupie siła!:) Dzięki i do zobaczenia! Gosia


523 May 2024

Dziękuję za poświęcony czas i możliwość spotkania z innym gospodarzami. Widzę wielką wartość w spotkaniu, które choć miało swoją agendę, płynęło sobie swoim rytmem :) Fajnie też było poczuć, że pomimo dużej ilości miejsc, każdy głos się liczy. No i w ogóle dzięki, że było mi tak miło, choć się stresowałam po tylu latach jakby "wyszłam z szafy" ;) Pomysł ze spotkaniami na przemian, raz "krajowo" ra...


522 May 2024

No więc, miejsce Willa Tadeusz, super! Otoczenie zjawiskowe! Jestem z Krakowa a nie wiedziałam, że takie miejsce istnieje. Sernik podany na deser wymiatał. Wrócę jeszcze na kawę z tym serniczkiem w tych okolicznościach przyrody i wnętrz. Na spotkaniu poczuliśmy, że super należeć do Slowhop. Rewelacyjna społeczność, otwarta, ciepła. Zespół Slowhopa również. Bez spiny, na luzie a konkretnie, z pomoc...