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Siedlisko Miłobrzózka

Poland, Masuria Region, Sorkwity

1 house

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With animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats


for guests over the age of 16


Self catering

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We were thinking about moving to the countryside, but we were a bit concerned about the logistics of this venture. We already had a plot of land - we fell in love with it when we drove past it on our way to visit friends, and it turned out to be exactly the same one we had arranged to see from OLX. That was the first sign. And then we read Simona Kossak's biography. And we thought - if she managed to live in the forest without electricity several dozen years ago, then we won't be able to cope? We took the animals: 3 cats, 3 dogs and on Children's Day we moved to the trailer. We soon learned that there were sheep to be rescued from a farm that was being closed down, so before we knew it, they were already with us. A few times in winter they broke into our trailer, which we protected against the cold with straw cubes. So first we built a house for the sheep and while we still lived in the trailer, they already had a comfortable place to live. Then we started building a clay house in the forest. Its construction, entirely by hand, took us 5 years and during that time we did not have a single moment of doubt. We feel alive here. Miłobrzózka strikes a chord with us, and the longing for life with nature that was awakened years ago finds its fulfillment here. We are full-time farmers, ceramicists, and we are just finishing building a house that we can move into. And you know what - whether in a trailer, in a clay house with a mezzanine, or in a dream house - it is equally beautiful here.

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Hello, this is Borys and Krzysiek. We are ceramicists and 5 years ago we started the greatest adventure of our lives, moving to the forest to create a place called Miłobrzózka. We wanted to create a habitat that would exude peace and harmony. As befits ceramicists, we built a clay house ourselves. We are lovers of plants and animals, and year by year we expand our permaculture forest garden. Our sheep mowers also help us with this. We invite you to Masuria ⛵, where our closest neighbor is nature.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English
We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

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Eco Alert

We have treated tap water
We mainly use eco-friendly detergents
House made of natural materials (e.g. clay, straw, hemp)
We have cosmetics and cleaning products in reusable packaging
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Our charms

We don't have televisions
Mosquitos on warm days
Steep stairs
Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)
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clay house for up to 4 people (ideal for 2)
clay house for up to 4 people (ideal for 2)
Help yourself to vegetables and fruits from our garden
Help yourself to vegetables and fruits from our garden
near 3 lakes
near 3 lakes
We have a zoo here, but we invite you too
We have a zoo here, but we invite you too
ceramic workshops (for people staying longer than 7 days)
ceramic workshops (for people staying longer than 7 days)
and yoga workshops for everyone interested
and yoga workshops for everyone interested

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 house
Icon for up to 4 people
Icon 35 m²
Icon bathroom: 1
Icon king bed (or 2 single beds): 1
Icon sofa bed: 1
Icon We accept small dogs, cats, medium dogs, big dogs

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Siedlisko Miłobrzózka is an exclusive clay house hidden in a birch forest and surrounded by a lush garden. The house is located in our habitat with an area of 3 ha, where, apart from us, our sheep, cats and dogs also live. It's best if you like the company of a gamekeeper. Yours is also welcome. Our house is located approx. 50 m from the clay house to which we invite you. The house is small and in practice it will be most comfortable for 2 people. It has: – living room with a goat and a fold-out sofa (2 people can sleep here), – kitchen, – mezzanine with 2 comfortable single beds that can be joined into 1 double bed, – bathroom with shower. Our farm is part of a forest colony - there are no houses visible in the distance, we are surrounded by absolute silence. Forest birds come to the pond on our plot. We are just a stone's throw from Giełądzkie Lake and a slightly more sweeping view from Żyndackie.

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Pond in the garden
Beach chairs
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Medium speed Internet / WiFi
Poor cell phone reception
We don't have TVs

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
Towels (complete set per stay)
Hair dryer

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What will I eat?

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During the season, feel free to enjoy vegetables and fruits from our garden. Crispy zucchini, juicy strawberries, aromatic tomatoes, radishes and lettuce are waiting for you.

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Food on-site

Free cake
Free coffee
Free fruit compote, water
Seasonally, vegetables from our own garden
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Kitchen access

Private kitchenettes in homes / rooms
Espresso machine
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We recommend nearby restaurants

Restauracja We Młynie (3,8 km)

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You can buy eco products nearby

Ranczo Frontiera sery kozie, Warpuny (2,4 km)
Ekotarg Jeziorany (28 km)

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Grocery stores nearby

Dino (3,5 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon By the lake
Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside

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On site, you can use the garden and forest area of our habitat, observe sheep and cranes, pet our dogs and cats and enjoy the peaceful, rural life. If you are willing, we will invite you to: –yoga classes, – ceramic workshops (for people who stay with us for at least 7 days, because the items need to be fired and glazed within some time), – massages that our friends can do for you on site (for a fee). There are rural beaches on the Warpuńskie and Żyndackie lakes where you can relax. At Lake Giełądzki, where you will reach through the forest, there is no beach on the shore closest to us, but there is a pier where you can also sit down and relax. A little further: – You've probably heard about the picturesque Krutynia and the rafting trips that take place on this river. But did you know that the Krutyń trail starts right next to us? The thin stream flowing from Lake Warpuńskie through Żyndackie is the beginning of this river. During the season, kayaking traffic on Krutynia is similar to Marszałkowska in Warsaw, but in the nearby sections it is quieter. We have 2 single-person kayaks and we can drop you off at a place where you can swim privately – We are lovers of charming Reszel, a town 20 km away. It is quiet, picturesque, and on September 1 it completely dies, which has its own charm for those who like to visit off-season. In Reszel there is a Gothic castle with a wonderful view of the historic buildings and the Warmian landscape. The castle also has a gallery and a restaurant with a beautiful courtyard. There is a lot to discover in Masuria and nearby Warmia. It is beautiful here at any time of the year, and this region will charm both those who want to relax in peace and those who love sightseeing, history and architecture. Those who rest best when moving will also be delighted. Here's what else you can do: – ride bikes, using picturesque routes: the Bicycle Loop around the Great Masurian Lakes trail is 300 km long – you can, for example, start in Mrągowo 15 km from here, – skiing on the Four Winds Mountain, – go to the nature reserve on Lake Łukajno and observe wild birds, – Krutyń (on the Krutynia River) visit the Natural History Museum, and near this village also the Zakręt Reserve – you will see floating islands there with your own eyes, and maybe even meet an insectivorous sundew, – take a trip to the Kadzidłowo Wild Animal Park (in the summer there are crowds of families here, so it's best to go to Kadzidłowo off-season – be sure to also visit the iconic Oberża pod Psem for plum dumplings or dumplings with groats and cottage cheese). – go on a trip along the trail of Teutonic castles: in addition to Reszel, there are castles in Nidzica, Kętrzyn, Ryn, Olsztyn, Lidzbark Warmiński and Szczytno.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths
Yoga classes (book in advance)
Board games

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For hedonists

Massages (on request)
Beach blankets
Natural bathing pond

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For sports enthusiasts

Road bicycle routes
Cross bicycle routes
Badminton equipment
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For those craving art

Galeria Vita Warmia, Jeziorany (28 km)
Zamek Reszel (21 km)

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Our pets


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Zamek Reszel (21 km)

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What’s there for children?

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Siedlisko Miłobrzózka is a refuge for adults.

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For employees?

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We have a big problem with the GSM network on site, but the Internet is fine and we can work there. Of course, sometimes it happens in the Masurian countryside - when a lot of people come on holiday, the network may interrupt, but generally the Internet should work fine.

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Medium speed Internet / WiFi

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Unlimited coffee, tea and water

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Zyndaki 53B, Sorkwity, Masuria Region, Poland

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How much will I pay?

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Place rules

Icon Minimum age of guests: 16 years old
Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats
Icon Maximum number of guests: 4 people
Icon Quiet hours to 07:00

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 15:00 to 23:00
Departure from 06:00 to 11:00
If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

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Icon Other rules
Please do not allow pets to sleep in the bed. Due to our shy sheep, we ask that dogs walk on a leash.

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Siedlisko Miłobrzózka to miejsce, które na długo zostanie w mojej pamięci. Cudowna atmosfera tego miejsca sprawia, że można poczuć się jak w prawdziwym raju. Otoczenie jest piękne, pełne zieleni i ciszy, co pozwala na pełne oderwanie się od codziennego zgiełku i bliski kontakt z naturą. Borys, nie mam słów żeby opisać jaki to fantastyczny człowiek – serdeczny, pomocny i dbający o każdy szczegół, aby goście czuli się jak najlepiej. To miejsce, do którego chce się wracać. Gorąco polecam każdemu, kto szuka spokoju, pięknych widoków i gościnności na najwyższym poziomie!

Host: Borys

Wspaniale było Was gościć ❤️ Jesteście cudowni , mam nadzieję że jeszcze się zobaczymy :)


Napisać o Miłobrzózce, że można się w niej poczuć jak w domu, to prawie jak nic nie napisać. Bo w domu- jeśli przyjeżdżamy z całą rodziną, czy partnerem – nikt tak o nas nie zadba jak Panowie prowadzący Siedlisko: witając nas własnoręcznie upieczoną pizzą, podaną na przepięknej ceramice również hand made, rano dopieszczając pysznymi, ciepłymi drożdżówkami z owocami zebranymi na przepięknej działce, uprzedzając nasze życzenia w kontekście brakującego ,,ptasiego mleczka” i ,,gwiazdki z nieba”. Panowie osiągnęli mistrzostwo w dbaniu o gości i jednoczesnym nienarzucaniu się. Kilka dni spędzonych w tym eleganckim, a jednocześnie sielskim, niezwykle klimatycznym miejscu od początku wprowadza nas w slow, przeprowadzając z rozrzewnieniem w otoczeniu brzóz, baranków ze zrozumieniem witających uśmiech na naszych twarzach, rozkosznych ale nie nachalnych psów, stylowych, mruczących kotów tak pasujących do całego otoczenia, a żegna z czułością, pakując na drogę zastrzyk niespożytej, a wciąż spokojnej energii i skupienia na tym, co najważniejsze. Już wkrótce mają się pojawić sauna, aromatyczne kąpiele ziołowe, ale i bez tych dodatkowych atrakcji Siedlisko Miłobrzózka jest miejscem, do którego każdy z nas chciałby trafić, ale nie każdy ma tyle szczęścia. Opinia o Gospodarzach: W świecie zwątpienia i bylejakości spotkanie takich osób to najprawdziwsza magia. Ciepło, spokój, wspaniałe poczucie humoru i wytrawny zmysł kulinarny i muzyczny to kwintesencja naszych gospodarzy. Na podorędziu wymiana doświadczeń życiowych, w których prawdziwość nie wątpi nikt, a które zasługują na szczególną uwagę, bo są dowodem odwagi, pasji i uczuć łączących tych pięknych Panów. Wdzięczność i błogostan to scheda po kontakcie z nimi.

Host: Borys

Bardzo dziękuję za piękną recenzję! Twoje słowa Asiu naprawdę mnie poruszyły i doceniam czas, który poświęciłaś na jej napisanie. Gdyby były rozdawane nagrody na najlepszą recenzję, z pewnością zdobyłabyś pierwsze miejsce! Pozdrawiamy z brzózek 😍


Miejsce piękne, z duszą i ogromem serca w nie włożone. Gospodarz najwspanialszym, z jakim się dotychczas spotkałyśmy, dopełnił starań aby nasz wyjazd przebiegł w jak najbardziej możliwie zrelaksowanej atmosferze oraz aby zapewnić nam wszystko, czego mogłybyśmy potrzebować. Domek sam w sobie przeuroczy, a okolica cicha, idealna by się wyciszyć. Słowem podsumowania, cala podróż spełniła nasze oczekiwania, a nawet je przerosła! Nie możemy już doczekać się powrotu i serdecznie polecamy każdemu, kto się zastanawia, ponieważ naprawdę warto!

Host: Borys

Dziękujemy :) Nie możemy się już doczekać Waszego przyjazdu w przyszłym roku 😍

5.0 4 opinii