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Chaty z Mgły

Poland, Low Beskid Mountains, Ropki

2 houses

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With some animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs


Self catering

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Why do we need the Bieszczady Mountains if it is so beautiful here? We thought when we first saw this place. Our history goes back over 30 years, when, as a young couple, we fell in love not only with each other, but also with the Polish mountains. It was then that the dream of having your own cottage appeared. We have been to various places, many of them delighted us with picturesque views, but it was never "something" we were looking for. Apparently we were waiting for Ropki. We started our adventure in a caravan, where life was full of adventure and close to nature. Over the years, two spruce log cabins were built. And we are handing them over to you. We would like you to experience for yourself what makes Ropki unique. We invite you to taste the charm of our Beskid Mountains, where we will open a piece of the starry sky for you. Here, every breath is filled with clean air, and your eyes can enjoy extraordinary views. PS If you want to feel the atmosphere of this place, check out Andrzej's profile, where he shares poems inspired by our Beskid Mountains:

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Katarzyna i Andrzej
We divide our life between Ropki and Ropczyce (that's why you may or may not find us there). When we are here, we devote ourselves to farm work and simple pleasures. We read books, bake cakes, watch the fog rising from the mountain pass. We enjoy life.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish
Sometimes we are on-site, sometimes we're not

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Eco Alert

We have treated tap water
We mainly use eco-friendly detergents
House made of natural materials (e.g. clay, straw, hemp)
We promote waste segregation among guests

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Our charms

Access via the forest/gravel road
Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)
No GSM coverage
You light the fireplace

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2 two bedroom cottages
2 two bedroom cottages
we are on a mountain slope in Ropki
we are on a mountain slope in Ropki
sometimes we will be there and sometimes we won't
sometimes we will be there and sometimes we won't
a perfect place to come with your dog
a perfect place to come with your dog
proximity to mountain trails
proximity to mountain trails
houses full of books and board games
houses full of books and board games

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Where will I relax?

Icon 2 houses

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On our plot (70 ares) there is our house (where we are sometimes, sometimes not) and two cottages that we rent to you. The cottages are located on a mountain slope overlooking the pass. Behind them there are two small neighbors' houses (the houses are not for rent and neighbors rarely visit). On the ground floor: living room, fully equipped kitchenette and bathroom. On the first floor there are two comfortable rooms. One room is suitable for a couple (with a large double bed), the other one has a double bed and one single bed. If you would like to come with 6 people, 1 person would have to sleep on the couch. Each cottage also has a terrace with a view.

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Common space

Living room with couches
Fireplace corner

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No Internet/WiFi
No cell phone reception

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
Towels (complete set per stay)
Hair dryer
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What will I eat?

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We made sure that the kitchens in the cottages were fully equipped. If you like cooking and baking, you will be pleased! And if you are one of those who take a break from cooking while on vacation, we will tell you where you can eat something good in nearby Wysowa and the surrounding area ;)

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Kitchen access

Private kitchen in homes / rooms
Coffee percolator
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Will I not be bored?

Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside
Icon In the mountains

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There are those who love to practice wonderful "doing nothing". If you are one of them, know that here you can lie with your belly up and stare at the greenery, listen to birds singing, deer barking or crickets chirping in the evenings. If you are one of those who loves to wander and spend time actively, in the immediate vicinity there is the Main Beskid Trail and numerous bicycle and Nordic walking routes. You can also visit Wysowa, take a walk around the spa park, sit at the brine graduation tower, and taste the spa waters. On days when the weather outside is not pleasant, you can find solace in a cozy interior next to a hot fire and visit the library where you will find a rich collection of books. Additionally, each cottage is equipped with a TV and DVD player, along with an extensive movie collection. Moreover, by engaging your recreation companions - family, friends - to play board games, you can enjoy great fun and create unforgettable memories. In short - in Ropki everyone does what they want ;) The Beskid trails are obstacle courses. It's not that simple and boring. Sometimes you have to cross a river barefoot in icy water, walk on a tree branch or jump on stones. Hiking trails lead through the wild but not very steep peaks of the Beskids. Horse and bicycle routes run through the valleys along streams and mountain streams. Wandering through the valleys you can admire numerous wooden churches, hundreds of roadside crosses and chapels, and wooden bays. These are the remains of the once displaced Lemkos. Wild orchards and stone foundations of Lemko houses are often the only witnesses of history. Beskid Niski is a land of wild animals. Beech forests are home to dormice, deer, lynxes, and even wolves and bears. Black storks, lesser spotted eagles and eagle owls are stationed here. Bats live in churches in the Beskid Mountains. You can often spot a fire salamander, toad or newt on the trail. A large part of the Beskid forests has been included in the Magura National Park, which is based in Krempna. The biggest attraction and curiosity of the park is the Kornuty reserve, which consists of numerous scattered rocks, up to 10 m high. Additionally, there are caves in the reserve, including the longest one, 200 meters high, the Dark Cave.

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For those who want relaxation

Forest paths
Mountain trail
Board games

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For sports enthusiasts

Horse riding
Kayaks (10 km)
Cross-country trails
Road bicycle routes
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Our pets


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What’s there for children?

Chaty z Mgły - What’s there for children?
Chaty z Mgły - What’s there for children?
Chaty z Mgły - What’s there for children?
Chaty z Mgły - What’s there for children?

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Running downhill with claws, playing tag, hide and seek, sneaking around... And also jumping in puddles, collecting sticks, building a dollhouse out of bark or stones and everything else your imagination will allow. Children will be well-fed and happy with us!

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For employees?

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Dear! We offer rest for working people :) We expect optical fiber to be connected later this year and then we will think about facilities for people who can work remotely.

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No Internet/WiFi

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Ropki 28, Ropki, Low Beskid Mountains, Poland

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Additional pricing information
Reservation confirmation is a 30% advance payment via the Slowhop system. The deposit is refundable up to 14 days before arrival or a change of date. In the Uście Gorlickie commune, a spa fee of PLN 4 per person per day applies. For stays longer than 28 days, prices are determined individually.

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs
Icon Maximum number of guests: 12 people
Icon Quiet hours from 22:00 to 06:00

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Spędziliśmy w Chatach z Mgły nasz tegoroczny urlop. Dwa tygodnie w Świerszczu oraz przez pierwszy tydzień Salamandra. Domki są dokładnie takie, jakimi przedstawiają je opis gospodarzy oraz komentarze gości ;-) Są wygodne, bardzo dobrze wyposażone, czyste i przemyślane w zaskakująco dobry sposób. Domki są zlokalizowane na skraju Ropek, tuż przy Przełęczy Hutniańskiej. Blisko drogi, jednak nie jest to uciążliwe. Fajnym pomysłem jest wynajęcie obu domków w np. dwie rodziny / większe towarzystwo. Gospodarze to ludzie niezwykle przyjaźni, uprzejmi, gotowi na wiele, by gości ugościć. To jest poziom gościnności wykraczający w znacznym stopniu ponad (nawet wysoki) standard. Lokalizacja sprzyja wielu urozmaiconym spacerom. Widok z tarasu jest o każdej porze dnia i nocy oraz przy każdej pogodzie tak piękny, że w zasadzie nie trzeba nigdzie spacerować ;-) Brak internetu i zasięgu to wielka zaleta - reset mieliśmy niesamowity. Odpoczęliśmy naprawdę cudownie. Dziękujemy!


Bardzo polecam Chaty z Mgły wszystkim, którzy szukają ucieczki od zgiełku i nadmiaru bodźców. To miejsce, w którym można znaleźć czas na pozbieranie myśli, rozmowy, lekturę, niespieszne spacery. Piękna, cicha okolica. Domki wyposażone we wszystko, co potrzeba, komfortowe. Internetu i zasięgu brak ale wystarczy podejść 200m na przełęcz i mamy kontakt, jeśli to niezbędne. W domku rzeczywiście bogata kolekcja filmów, książek, gier. Gospodarz dyskretny ale zapewniający wszystko, co niezbędne. Dziękujemy za rekomendacje i pyszne kurki prosto z lasu :-) Bardzo dziękujemy, planujemy powrót jesienią


Miejsce pozwalające bez trudu odciąć się od bodźców współczesnego świata. Niesamowite pejzaże, serdeczni ludzie, szlaki, na których nie spotkasz tłumów. Komfortowy domek, w którym jest wszystko, co potrzeba ( w tym biblioteczka wyposażona zarówno w czytadła, jak i w literaturę bardziej wymagającą), bez zbędnego zagracania przestrzeni. Nie pamiętam, kiedy ostatni raz udało mi się zrobić tak fantastyczny reset.

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