Dom Nagórze - Roślinny Dom Gościnny

AgrotourismPets are welcomeWe cook for you
old house from the 17th century at the end of the village near the forest, nature and silence
an enclave for vegans and adults (18+)
only 2 intimate, stylish rooms with private bathrooms
vegan breakfasts included in the price, dinners on request
unlimited sauna, hammocks, deck chairs, garden, bonfire and relaxation
pets welcome (details below)

Quick check

The 17th century saw the invention of the thermometer, graphite pencils, false teeth and the steam engine. The 17th century also saw the beginning of the history of our house. The signs of time can be seen in very old stone elements and in the way individual elements of the wooden half-timbered structure are connected. In the oldest part of the house there is a sandstone portal with the date 1800 - indicating the "modernisation" of the structure to the then more fashionable and modern stone form. A few years ago we decided to take this baggage of history with all the blessing and hardship of the inventory. We are renovating with respect for natural materials and history. The area also seems to have been frozen in time, dormant volcanoes, no mobile phone coverage, no internet access. Wolves, on the other hand, howl at the moon at night.

We left one part of the house for ourselves, the other we give to you. Two bedrooms with bathrooms and bathtubs, a living room with a stone fireplace, a dining room, a cosy common space. The kitchen is our kingdom. A plant monarchy. We offer you the freshest and best that we currently have. Strongly chocolate millet porridge with bananas and goji berries, lentil pate with plums, leek pesto with homemade apple vinegar and local olive oil. After such a feast, you can climb an extinct volcano, tie your bags in a hammock, kayak down the winding Bóbr River. However, we recommend not making any big plans and letting yourself be carried away by the Nagórze. Through fields, mountains, meadows, forests. Let yourself be grounded and take care of yourself.




We speak these languages: Polish, English

We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

Hi! I'm Marcin, a lawyer by education, and an experienced... specialist in the Polish Air Force press office, photographer, graphic designer, English teacher, and for the past 3 years, a self-taught bricklayer, carpenter, joiner, gardener, electrician, plumber, car mechanic, farmer and cook, a person who does what is necessary at a given moment. Together with Magda, my life partner and friend, and teenage son, we moved from Warsaw to Lower Silesia in 2021, where we found our place on earth. It was here, in tiny Nagórze, that we decided to make our dream come true, to create a vegan guesthouse serving plant-based cuisine - open to all who, like us, love nature. We came to the quiet Nagórze by accident, falling in love at first sight with an old, post-German house right by the forest. As if struck by lightning, we decided to do everything in our power to make it our home - which only happened thanks to the favor of fate and the work of chance. Since then, we have been painstakingly renovating and renovating it, step by step, using traditional, centuries-old construction techniques, with the support of local craftsmen, carpenters and bricklayers, using natural and local materials such as clay from the threshing floor, straw from the barn, and stones from the field. When we are not absorbed in renovations, we fulfill ourselves in plant-based cuisine, wander around the area with our dogs, read books and take photos. Despite the fact that the world is rushing and accelerating more and more, we try to live here and now, appreciating what we have, and taking joy in sharing our happiness.

The host is not an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is not an entrepreneur, so you are not subject to protection under EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


3 ppl. – Pokój "No. 17676"

  • 27 m²

  • Without pets

Room on the first floor with a view of the garden and forest. Beds equipped with ecological, hemp "futon" mattresses. The room has a separate, private bathroom with a bathtub. The entrance to the bathroom is located in the hall on the first floor.


3 ppl. – Pokój "12"

  • 25 m²

  • Without pets

Room on the first floor, divided into a bedroom and living area, overlooking the garden and vegetable garden. Beds equipped with ecological, hemp "futon" mattresses. The room has a separate, private bathroom with a bathtub. The entrance to the bathroom is located in the hall on the first floor.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • We cook for you

  • Slow speed Internet / WiFi

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • Dry Sauna

  • Dinner-supper for an extra fee (95 zł)

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Old house: it squeaks and sulks

  • We don't have air conditioning

  • Weak GSM coverage

  • You light the fireplace

  • We do not accept groups for integration trips

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Nagórze 20, Lwówek Śląski, Lower Silesia Province, Sudetes Mountains, Jizera Mountains, Kaczawskie Mountains, Bóbr Valley, Poland

  • The best route is from Lwówek Śląski along road 364 and then in Płóczki Dolne turn over the bridge towards Nagórze and continue, keeping to the asphalt road through Płóczki Górne, to reach Nagórze after 7 km - at the height of the bus stop go straight along the river until the end of the asphalt road - the Nagórze house is on the right.

Public transportation

  • Nearest stops

  • Bus: Nagórze, (0,5 km), Walk 5 minutes along the asphalt road along the river - to the end of the asphalt. Nagórze house is on the right side. NOTE! The bus runs only from Monday to Friday and only during school days. The current timetable can be checked on the website of the PKP Bolesławiec carrier.

Place rules


  • Pets are welcome (small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 6 people

Night break

  • Quiet hours from 22:00 to 07:00

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00 to 22:00

  • Departure from 08:00 to 11:00

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Other rules

  • We want all our guests to feel comfortable and be able to fully enjoy the clean Nagórzański air and the proximity of nature, therefore smoking and using e-cigarettes are prohibited in the house. We have a place by the fire, where you can smoke as much as you want.

    Out of love for nature and animals, we do not host hunters or anglers. Do you want to catch or shoot game? Bring your camera! Our farm is excluded from the hunting area. We are guided by empathy for all living beings.

    If you want to come to us with a four-legged member of your family, remember to bring your favorite bed and toy, and not leave it alone in the room. The area around the house is not fenced and there is only a forest - so please watch over your pets and clean up after them if they happen to be close to the house.

    *** Although the offer of our Plant Guest House - as a place of peace, regeneration and stress relief - is addressed to adults, we do not exclude the possibility of families with children coming. The condition for accepting guests in such a group is to book the entire facility, i.e. both guest rooms, exclusively for their use. In order to arrange a stay on such terms, we kindly ask you to contact us, the hosts, directly.

Reviews - Dom Nagórze - Roślinny Dom Gościnny

5.0Number of opinions: 8


59 Mar 2025

Jeśli marzycie o miejscu z dala od miejskiego zgiełku, blisko natury, gdzie każdy detal jest dopracowany z pasją, ten dom to prawdziwa perełka. Gospodarze wkładają w ten dom całe serce, sami w nim żyją. Od pierwszej chwili czuć, że priorytetem nie jest zysk, ale komfort i dobrostan gości oraz szacunek dla natury. Człowiek zatrzymując się tam po prostu czuje że robi coś dobrego dla siebie i dla nat...


59 Mar 2025

Dom Nagórze ma niepowtarzalny kameralny klimat. Polecamy każdemu, kto szuka spokoju i zieleni. Wystrój, przepyszne śniadania,obiadokolacje i deserki oraz sauna pozwalają odpocząć na 100%.


52 Mar 2025

Roślinny Dom Gościnny Magdy i Marcina powinien się nazywać conajmniej Roślinnym Domem Bardzo Bardzo Gościnnym ;) Nie pamiętam kiedy ostatnio czułam się tak bardzo zaopiekonawa, chyba wiele lat temu u na obiadach u ukochanej babci (ona też zawsze proponowała dokładkę ;)). Marcin z Magdą dbają o to, żeby gościom absolutnie niczego nie zabrakło. Absolutnie niczego. Wiedzieli szybciej niż my, że coś m...


52 Mar 2025

Kiedy stary dom na swej drodze spotyka ludzi z duszą, to nie może się to skończyć (albo raczej zacząć) jak stworzeniem fantastycznego miejsca. Już od samego wejścia wita nas zapach róży, klimatyczna sień i jadalnia z kanapą i pyrkającym przed nią kominkiem, a do tego muzyka z winyli. Czekają tu duże i wygodne sypialnie i salon z nieźle wyposażoną biblioteczką, pełną książek i planszówek. To co p...


518 Feb 2025

Roślinny Dom Gościnny to niezwykłe miejsce z fantastyczną energią prowadzone przez Magdę i Marcina. Spędziliśmy tam weekend i jesteśmy przekonani, że nie było to nasze ostatnie spotkanie. Dom zauroczył nas klimatycznym wnętrzem, które zostało urządzone z wyjątkową pieczołowitością. Kominek, z trzaskającymi wesoło płomieniami, adapter na winyle, drewniane, pięknie zdobione meble, czytelnia z bogatą...


517 Feb 2025

Bardzo polecam Dom Nagórze. Klimat starego domu, kominek, niskie sufity i te pyszne jedzenie... Gospodarze bardzo pomocni i na każdym kroku dbają o jak najwyższy komfort pobytu. Polecam do wyciszenia, pracy i spacerów. Na pewno tu wrócimy...


510 Feb 2025

Miejsce że wspaniałym klimatem i tworzone z wielką pasją. Po kolei: 1) Dom: przepięknie odrestaurowany dom z niezwykłym klimatem. Wieczorne czytanie książki przy trzaskającym ogniu w kominku to coś czego brakuje w zgiełku miasta. Cisza, spokój i ciemność za oknem, dzięki temu spaliśmy co noc jak dzieci. 2) Lokalizacja: bliskość lasu i natury to jedna z rzeczy definiujących to miejsce. Dla potrzebu...


512 Jan 2025

Dom Nagórze, to absolutnie fantastyczne miejsce na wyciszenie, obcowanie z naturą i odpięcie od medialnych bodźców. Samo miejsce ujmuje przepięknym wystrojem i perełkami z antykwariatów, które są indeksie wkomponowane w tradycyjną formę historycznego budynku. Ogromną zaletą są kominek i sauna, które pozwalaj odpłynąć w nieskrępowany relaks. A dla bardziej aktywnych, okalające dom lasy i polany, bę...