
Tiny houseSome pets are welcomeSelf catering
Exclusive house for 4 people
Two bedrooms
60 metres to the lake, 150 metres to the beach
You can come with your dog
Kitchen for cooking
You can order local delicacies from the eco-farm

Quick check

The house stands in the very heart of the woods. Families and couples come here to enjoy the peace, themselves and the lake. Get used to air so clean that it can disinfect wounds on children's knees. Enjoy a forest so green that it will one day end up in the Pantone colour palette under the name Sauerwald. Admire the design, nice spaces and cultivate the local aversion to loud events and loud music.

We wanted to do something like this that would be a natural remedy for the people of the city. A place that will affect your serotonin levels better than chocolate, and you will release more endorphins than while playing sports. We have combined these emotions in a forest house by the lake. There are three other houses in the area, but besides that, there are only trees.

Come on over. We welcome you to this ocean of green. In Warmia.




We speak these languages: Polish, English

We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

We love to travel, modern architecture and regional food. When travelling by bike, we look for cosy places without pushy staff, where we can spend our time on our own. And this is exactly the place we decided to create in our beloved Warmia. Our houses, situated in the neighbourhood of an intimate lake, surrounded by forest, offer the possibility of deep tranquillity. They are a place for everyone interested in discovering unusual, forgotten places, regional cuisine and the history of Warmia by bike.

The host is an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is an entrepreneur, so you are protected by EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?



  • 50 m²

  • Without pets

The cottage is the most comfortable for a family of 2 + 2 or 4 adults. The cottage is located in a forest without any neighbors, right next to an intimate lake.



  • 45 m²

  • Without pets

The cottage is the most comfortable for a couple. In emergency, it can accommodate 4 people. The cottage is located in a forest without any neighbors, right next to an intimate lake.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • Medium speed Internet / WiFi

  • By the lake

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • Beach (0.2 km)

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Mosquitos on warm days

  • Creaky floors

  • Steep stairs

  • Access via the forest/gravel road

  • Flies

  • We don't have air conditioning

  • Attic - it can get hot in the summer

  • There are sometimes martens on the roof

  • On cold days, you have to light the fireplace yourself

  • You light the fireplace

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Zerbuń 8, Jeziorany, Warmia Region, Poland

  • We will send the exact location along with the details of the check-in.

Place rules


  • Some pets are welcome (small dogs, medium dogs)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 8 people

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 16 to 24

  • Departure from 6 to 10

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Other rules

  • Payment of the deposit by the Slowhop system.

    In case of resignation, we do not refund the deposit.

    Sauerwald is not a hotel - it is a House that hosts you - feel at home here, but at the same time respect and care for this place as if you were a home. We give you 100% privacy, but we do not have a reception or service available on site 24/7.

    Our forest-rural location has its own specific features. Expect peace, silence, and the fact that no one will look at your pots, but maybe you will meet someone by the lake, and an animal (both this small (insect) and quite large - a deer, and even been seen in the area) will look into your window the wolf, take this into account when releasing the dog).
    If problems arise, we try to solve them quickly, but despite our best intentions, it is not always possible immediately. Time flows a bit slower in the countryside ...

    We want to burden our natural environment as little as possible. It will not do without your help Dear Guest :)
    therefore, please do not plan loud events - keep silence and carefully segregate rubbish (and place them in tied bags in buckets of the appropriate color).

    Please check out TIMELY by 10:00

Reviews - Sauerwald

4.7Number of opinions: 58


512 Sep 2024

Ciche i spokojne miejsce na odludziu. Polecam każdemu kto chce na chwilę się wylaczyc i odpocząć od pędu dnia codziennego. Domek fajnie urządzony, dookoła las i pełno ścieżek do spacerów i jazdy rowerem. Tuż obok kameralne jezioro z leśna plaza. Przy wejściu czysty piasek, a na plaży trawka. Jako, że domek jest pośrodku lasu trzeba liczyć się z tym,że wieczorami jest dużo owadów, więc polecam wzią...


526 Aug 2024

Fantastyczne miejsce. Absolutny relaks in the middle of nowhere.


525 Jul 2024

Tak szybko minął nasz drugi pobyt w Sauerwaldzie. Pierwszy raz odwiedziliśmy to miejsce w 2021 roku i wiedzieliśmy, że wrócimy. Dla mnie to takie sielskie miejsce, w którym porzucasz wszelkie troski i skupiasz się tylko na przyrodzie i odpoczynku. A uwierzcie jest co podziwiać. Nie będę zdradzać, jakie leśne stworzenia przychodzą skosztować jabłek - musisz przyjechać i zobaczyć to na własne oczy. ...


522 Jul 2024

Domek piękny, idealny dla osób które potrzebują się odizolować od cywilizacji. Kontakt z gospodarzem bardzo miły i bezproblemowy. Wrócimy niedługo :)


523 Jun 2024

Sauerwald to wspaniałe miejsce z dala od miasta i zgiełku. Pobyt w tym domku przekroczył wszelkie oczekiwania. Zawarte w ofercie wyposażenie zgadzało się z tym zastanym na miejscu i pozwoliło na gotowanie, przygotowywanie grilla, ogniska. Dodatkowym atutem był kominek oraz np SUP, na którym można było pływać w pobliskim jeziorze. Był to wyjątkowy czas w stałym kontakcie z naturą, pełen spokoju....


513 Jun 2024

Nie pamietam kiedy tak odpoczalem. Cisza spokoj zwierzata dookola :) Miejscówki które poleca własciciel są w 100 % tego godne :D


525 May 2024

Polecamy to miejsce każdemu kto ceni sobie ciszę, spokój, intymność, piękne krajobrazy. Wspaniała lokalizacja zarówno na wycieczki piesze jak i rowerowe. Gospodarze bardzo mili, elastyczni, kontakt wzorowy. Chętnie wrócimy w to miejsce


57 Apr 2024

Cudowne miejsce, z cudownym klimatem! Pierwszy i na pewno nie ostatni raz! Polecam z całego serca!