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Poland, Masuria Region, Masuria Garbate, Jeziorowskie 12

Guesthouse 11 rooms

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With some animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs


We cook for you

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Families with children come to us, but it is quiet and peaceful. Guests come with pets, but usually, they get along very well with our pups. There is something in Lawendów that flows from the entrance gate to everyone who comes here. And we don't know if it's coming from the lake or trees, or from the house itself, which was once just an old estate and is now a guest house. Come to Lawendowo for wide-open spaces, a somewhat French house, for long breakfasts and evenings together by the fireplace. Come for the good feeling that children are having a great time and you only need to peek at them, sipping afternoon coffee on a comfortable garden sofa. Come to our beach where you can go for a walk, with a towel on your shoulder. And afterwards, go for a sauna session in the meadows. Come with your friends, partners or all by yourself. We have something here that flows down to everyone who shows up at the gate. We are happy to share this.

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A resident of Stare Juchy, a lover of books and old estates by the lakes of Mazury Garbate. Movies were filmed and books were written about the area, so it is worth coming and seeing it for yourself. And it really is beautiful.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English
We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

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Eco Alert

We have treated tap water
We mainly use eco-friendly detergents
There is a shopping bag or basket in every room
We promote waste segregation among guests
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Our charms

Mosquitos on warm days
Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)
There are sometimes martens on the roof

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Accommodation in a guesthouse for 22 people
Accommodation in a guesthouse for 22 people
Delicious breakfasts, dinners on request
Delicious breakfasts, dinners on request
Water equipment - kayaks, pedal boats and boats on-site
Water equipment - kayaks, pedal boats and boats on-site
lake with its own shoreline, beach and two jetties
lake with its own shoreline, beach and two jetties
we have 12 bicycles for you in the price of the room
we have 12 bicycles for you in the price of the room
for relaxation, a large yoga room, sauna and massages
for relaxation, a large yoga room, sauna and massages

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Where will I relax?

Icon 11 rooms

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In Lawendów, you live in the main building, near the small house of the hosts. We spend time together in the dining room and fireplace room, which is located on the ground floor. The rooms are both downstairs and upstairs. We have a total of 25 beds for guests, also in connected apartments. Most of our rooms are 2-bed rooms, we also have one 3-bed room and one 4-bed room. ROOM No. 1/ ground floor/ area 26 m2/ Double room with the possibility of an extra bed for 2 people / sofa bed - extra charge / Exit from the room directly to the garden, and to the living room and dining room. ROOM No. 2/ ground floor/ area 26 m2/ Double room with the possibility of an extra bed for 2 people / sofa bed - extra charge / Exit from the room directly to the terrace, with a table for 4 people assigned to the room, and to the living room and dining room. ROOM NO. 3 /floor/ area 28 m2/ terrace 10 m2/ Triple room with terrace, 1 double bed, 1 single bed ROOM NO. 4 /floor/ area 22 m2/ Double room with the possibility of an extra bed. ROOM No. 5/ floor/ 20 m2/ Double room, one double bed. ROOM No. 6 / first floor / / 20 m2 / terrace / Double room, one double bed. Room No. 6 and 7 with the possibility of connecting with a common corridor and terrace. ROOM No. 7 / floor / 20 m2 / terrace / Double room, one double bed. Room No. 6 and 7 with the possibility of connecting with a common corridor and terrace. ROOM No. 9 / floor / 20 m2 / Double room with one double bed. ROOM No. 10/ floor/ 20 m2/ Double room with one double bed. ROOM No. 11/ floor/ 30 m2/ terrace 15 m2/ Quadruple Room, Bathroom - Spa Bath

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Common space

Living room with couches (60 m2)
Dining room with tables (60 m2)
Terrace (250 m2)
Yoga room (100 m2)
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Pond in the garden
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Fast Internet/WiFi
Moderate cell phone reception
TVs in the rooms
Projector in the common area
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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
We clean during your stay on request
Towels (complete set per stay)
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What will I eat?

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Our breakfast guests have the greatest pleasure. Served in the form of a buffet, usually intimate and always very tasty. Ended with coffee on the terrace, a side thread in the form of the scent of lavender and blissful laziness growing with each sip. We serve lunch and dinner to our guests on request. For culinary trips in the region of Masuria Garbate, we invite you to Gościniec na Wzgórze in Stare Juchy (definitely a place worth visiting to eat and drink well (homemade beer).

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Food on-site

Dinner-supper for an extra fee (85 PLN)
Dinner-supper for children at extra fee (60 PLN)
Breakfast included
Free fruit compote, water
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Kitchen access

No access to the kitchen

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Will I not be bored?

Icon By the lake
Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside
Icon With a shoreline

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Masuria Garbate is exactly what their name is - beautifully carved with hills. That's why it's great here: 1. He rides a bicycle. There are several routes in the area, leading through the Land of Ego (Ełk, Gołdap, Olecko). You can expect high climbs and really spectacular descents. Free bikes for guests of Lawendowa. 2. He is a cross-country skier For the same reasons as above. The routes can lead through the forest and around the lake. 3. Goes downhill skis You only need to drive for a moment. The Okrągłe ski station in Wydminy consists of two routes of varying difficulty. 4. Floats There are several clean lakes in the area. Ours, to which a pleasant road leads and a few minutes' walk, is Ułówki Lake, connected with Łaśmiady and Rekąty Lakes, which creates the possibility of a long and interesting route. We have free boats, pedal boats and kayaks for Lavender guests. 5. Flows down The Ełk River, also known as Łaźna Struga, flows through our neighborhood. This is an easy river, great for families. You don't necessarily have to cross the lakes, an hour on the river should provide a lot of excitement and fun. 6. He reads A place in front of the fireplace, comfortable sofas in the garden, the beach - it all makes you read the whole Bondy and half Frost. We have a really well-equipped library ... 7. It flies with a balloon Ełk is known for such festivals. And we know where to call to make this crazy dream come true. 8. The game in cricket, board games, bridge and puns. We have the necessary gadgets and tools here. 9. Spends time with his family In summer we organize kite flying with children, bonfires and star observations through a telescope. Everyone likes it ...

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For those who want relaxation

Beach (0 km)
Forest paths (0 km)
Yoga classes (book in advance)
Yoga room
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For hedonists

Massages (on request)
Dry Sauna
Winter swimming
Bath towels available
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For sports enthusiasts

Cross-country trails
Road bicycle routes
Cross bicycle routes
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Our pets


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What’s there for children?

Lawendowo  - What’s there for children?
Lawendowo  - What’s there for children?
Lawendowo  - What’s there for children?
Lawendowo  - What’s there for children?

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We have three most important things for the kids: the first is a huge playground. It is actually a meadow with everything you need, including greenery for rolling, tramping and quadruping. The second is the lake and the sand beach. Children feel great here. The third is relaxed parents.

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Attractions for children

Children's playground
Children's toys and books
Bridge jumping into water
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Additionally available

Crib for babies
Bath tub for babies
High chair
Children's crockery and cutlery

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For employees?

Icon For remote solo work, For working groups and workshops
Lawendowo For employees?
Lawendowo For employees?

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Rest and holidays have never been so close to the office. Just close your laptop and you are already at the Masurian lake, enjoying the blissful peace. But let's go back to our beautiful interiors for a moment. In the renovated barn there is a multimedia conference room equipped with professional sound system, projector and electrically rolled screen. The room is also equipped with armchairs, tables and chairs for about twenty-five people. If you were planning a company meeting, conference or workshop, you've come to the perfect place! The space has 9 (at least double) electrical outlets, a flipchart and access to a fully equipped kitchen, so you have a coffee drink at your fingertips. We want you to work better here than in your own office, so you can configure the tables in any way to adapt the space to your requirements.

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Fast Internet/WiFi
Download: 64.86 Mb/s
Upload: 22.23 Mb/s
Sattelite Internet
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Common workspace
Common work table
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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Jeziorowskie, Jeziorowskie 12, Masuria Region, Masuria Garbate, Poland

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Additional pricing information
In low season (October - April) we only accept group bookings for a minimum of 7 rooms, minimum 3 days. In response to your booking inquiry, we will send you an offer. During Christmas, New Year's Eve and Easter, seasonal prices apply.

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs
Icon Maximum number of guests: 29 people
Icon Quiet hours from 22:00 to 07:00

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Icon Other rules
The confirmation of the reservation is the payment of 50% of the value of the stay through the Slowhop system. In the event of resignation, the advance payment is returned in full if canceled up to 30 days before arrival. The rest must be paid by bank transfer 7 days before arrival.

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Pani Wiesia wraz z całą ekipą z Lawendowa ma chyba doktorat ze stwarzania okoliczności do głębokiego wypoczynku. Oszałamiający teren, wszystko "pod ręką", pyszne jedzenie, cudowna atmosfera. Cisza, spokój, pełny relaks. Przy ponownym powrocie w te okolice nie widzę powodów by szukać innego miejsca do odwiedzenia.


To piękne miejsce, gdzie można aktywnie (lub nie 😆) wypoczywać. Miejsce, do którego chętnie wrócimy. Świetna atmosfera, przyroda, ogromna przestrzeń. Zastrzyk energii na długie tygodnie:) . Miejsce gdzie ludzkość jest wyciszana, a odbiorniki nastawione na śpiew ptaków, muzykę łąk i anielski klimat. Piękne i wyciszające miejsce.


ZALETY Godne polecenia pięknie położone miejsce z dostępem do jeziora. Duży teren rekreacyjny. Do dyspozycji leżaki, hamaki, kajaki, supy, rowerki wodne i szosowe. Wspólna przestrzeń z projektorem i ekranem, wygodnymi kanapami i stołem, gdzie można zagrać w planszówki, poczytać książkę lub popracować przy laptopie. Wnętrza urządzone z najlepszym smakiem. Kompetentna i miła obsługa. Śniadania w postaci szwedzkiego stołu. Możliwość wykupienia lunchu i obiadokolacji. Mile widziane czworonogi. Poza najwyższym sezonem cisza i spokój. Przez cały dzień można wsłuchiwać się w śpiewające ptaki, spotkać sarnę, lisa lub bociana. W jeziorze dużo ryb, a nawet raki. Mała ilość pokoi jest dużym atutem tego miejsca. Pomimo wypełnionego pensjonatu nie odczuwa się natłoku ludzi. Można świetnie wypocząć i zresetować głowę. WADY Materace nie należą do najwygodniejszych. Przy tej cenie za pokój to dla nas absolutny must have. Gdyby nie ten fakt, to przyznałabym w opinii 5 gwiazdek. Obiadokolacje są dość drogie (niestety w najbliższych okolicach nie ma wielu alternatyw). Kiepski zasięg Internetu w pokojach. Praca zdalna była możliwa tylko w stodole z częścią wspólną. Na terenie siedliska jest bardzo mało koszy na śmieci. Kiedy przyjeżdżasz z psem to dość ważny element.

4.9 12 opinii