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Poland, Bieszczady Mountains, Sanok-Turka Mountains, Ustrzyki Dolne

Agrotourism 5 rooms

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With animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs


We cook for you

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Following the footsteps of bear paws and following the orange red trail of rydzów, you will find yourself in a place worth travelling through half of Poland. In the heart of the Bieszczady Mountains, in the village of Równia, right under the forested Żuków range, there is the BezTroski guesthouse. In the winter, it's hard to get here without assistance :-), in the autumn there is a risk of falling in love irretrievably with the blaze of colourful leaves, and in the summer, the cold water of the streams will cool you down. As soon as you enter, you can catch yourself talking in a whisper at home, not wanting to drown out the peace and harmony of this corner. One talks a lot and is interesting, reads passionately and sleeps carefree. Here you will find cosy rooms, the smell of roasted challah, the grass you want to walk on barefoot, a brook rustling behind the house, a pond, cats lounging in the sun and the most friendly Labrador in the world. You can spend your days hiking, walking and picking mushrooms, or just doing nothing. In the morning, Ela prepares brilliant breakfasts - shakshouka, the bread of her own baking, apple pancakes that follow traditions. Dinners are also worth mentioning. Dumplings with mysterious stuffing, lentil soup, mushroom tart, pear cream with ginger, plus cakes, croissants, cakes, ice cream. Marek chooses a musical setting for the dishes, and 11-year-old Franek takes care of the animals. If you are not afraid of birds singing in the morning, intelligent entertainment, nights spent by the fire and food that you dream about at night, then we invite you. There is a risk that we will become friends, but this is how the BezTroski house works on people.

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Ela , Marek i Franek
They say that cats find their owners, and we think that homes do too. This one certainly chose us and welcomed us as if it were their own from the first day. The Bieszczady Mountains have become our BezCare home for a short time and a bit by accident. Well, we weren't looking for this place, and the last time we were in the Bieszczady Mountains was 20 years ago in Ustrzyki Górne in a tent. We often talked about maybe someday, maybe something. In long autumn conversations, we dreamed that we would run such a guesthouse, but these were just distant plans and chats. We accidentally came across the ad. We came, we saw and that's how it started. The road was long and winding like the Bieszczady routes, but now we can host you, treat you to a homely atmosphere, views of the peaks, silence, cat purrs, dog courtship and cake after an exhausting mountain trail.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English

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We have a dog and cats, so kids & animal lovers will rejoice
We have a dog and cats, so kids & animal lovers will rejoice
Animals are very welcome with us
Animals are very welcome with us
We make homemade bread for breakfasts and seasonal dinners
We make homemade bread for breakfasts and seasonal dinners
We have 5 rooms for a total of 16 people
We have 5 rooms for a total of 16 people
The Bieszczady Mountains are at your disposal
The Bieszczady Mountains are at your disposal
Stream flows rapidly in our area & a pond behind the house
Stream flows rapidly in our area & a pond behind the house

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Where will I relax?

Icon 5 rooms

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In a house smelling of apples drying on the stove, where, apart from the purring of cats, you can hear interesting conversations of its inhabitants. In your rooms, wrapped in soft and clean bedding, you will have carefree dreams, and in the morning, after a good breakfast, you will go on mountain trips, skiing, skating and walking. We have 5 beautiful rooms with bathrooms for you. Each one is decorated in an individual, equally cozy style. The configuration looks like this: - 1 x double, - 2 x triple rooms, - 1 x four-seater standard - 1 x four-person apartment - the only one with a balcony, it consists of two rooms, but they are not separated by a door, area approx. 40 m2. The rooms are located on the first floor, while on the ground floor we have a common area where we eat meals and relax. There is plenty of space here to be alone and together. In the "living room", many books are carelessly handed out to guests, so that with a cup of tea or coffee, the Bieszczady hiker can sink into an armchair and feed his spirit. The collection of board games will keep children occupied for hours, and music lovers will be delighted with Marek's collection of CDs. Our house is located off the beaten track. Around BezTroski you will find walking trails, a pond where you can fish, a place for a bonfire and many quiet places to rest. Pets are welcome here, they feel good with us and are under the constant care of Frank, an animal lover. We have 2 dogs and 4 cats who don't complain about the lack of petting. If you want to come with your pet, please agree with us in advance. Please bring a change of soft shoes.

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What will I eat?

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We pour our care and hospitality into the dishes. We know that for a successful day you have to start it with a delicious breakfast, and in the afternoon it's best to talk over lunch and dessert. The kitchen is crazy and I, Ela, reigns supreme, but my male helpers give advice and always extend a helping hand. We always ask about your culinary preferences, food allergies and types of diets you prefer, and we adjust the menu to these guidelines. We start our sweet mornings with a warm yeast cake or croissants, sweet jam and hot coffee. Shakshouka is dry, products from BezTroska bakery with cold meats from a friendly farm Mint Angel and pate. When the weather is nice, a cauldron with rich content can land on the fire, and we spend autumn evenings with a warming broth of rhubarb and ginger. On hot days, we recommend Lithuanian cold soup with beetroot and fresh cucumbers, beans in tomatoes with black cumin and cumin, and curry soup with chicken. We cook whatever we can get our hands on, so it is seasonally, homemade and imaginative. We recommend our products to all guests, without exception. delicious sugar-free, fat-free dried fruit and dates. A healthy dose of energy, which is perfect for hiking along the beautiful Bieszczady trails.

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Food on-site

Local products(eggs, cheese, meat and sausages, vegetables, fruits, bread, preserves, honey, mushrooms, cakes)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside
Icon In the mountains

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It is always off-season in the Bieszczady Mountains, because there are fewer tourists than anywhere else, and at any time of the year you can find beautiful views and empty trails. It is obvious that in summer you will meet other hikers in Połoniny, but 10 meters further from the trail you have the silence only for yourself. You can go to Solina, you can sit in the garden and read books, you can go to Riga with a basket and come back with an armful of mushrooms. In winter, we have plenty of snow. BezTroski invites you to relax during the winter holidays. Only 6 km from our guesthouse is the Laworta Ski ski station. 10% discount on Ski pass for our guests. For winter runners, we have cross-country trails - in Ustjanowa, 3 km from our guesthouse. Our area is developed so that you can relax without moving from your seat. A murmuring stream, a pond, walking paths, a place for a bonfire, all this is conducive to calmness and relaxation. In case of bad weather there is a lounge with lots of books and games, as well as a company of cats and dogs. BezTroski knows what's going on in the grass, because from time to time we have herbal workshops conducted by a great expert on the subject, Mr. Adam Szary from the Bieszczady National Park. We later create flavored vinegars or other magical potions from the forest harvest. If you are interested in spending time actively with gaining knowledge and having fun, visit the Bieszczady School of Crafts in Uherce Mineralne. This is the place where you can participate in the disappearing professions workshops. At the school in Uherce Mineralne dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, you will make a pot yourself, write greetings yourself according to the rules of pre-war calligraphy, and learn how to bake traditional proziaki in a village oven. Individual reservations are accepted only via their website or 10 min. before class (if there are free places). We have a hunting dog's nose if there are tourist attractions, so we will be happy to advise you on what to see in the area: - Orthodox church in Równia, - Solina Dam, - beyond the neighboring border - Lviv, - Laworta ski station, - Gromadzyń ski station, - Połoniny - Caryńska and Wetlińska, - trail to Rawki and Tarnica, - Sine Wiry and Jeziorka Duszatyńskie.

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For sports enthusiasts

Ski lift (3 km)
Cross-country ski trail (3,1 km)
Tennis court (3,4 km)

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Our pets


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What’s there for children?

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The truth is that we don't have a trampoline park, an arcade and a monkey grove. However, we have a large area around our house with swift water and a stable pond. An icy and clean stream flows through our garden, and behind the house the Bieszczady Mountains reflect on the surface of the pond where you can dip your fishing rod and sometimes catch something with a hook. At home, in the playroom, there is a large selection of board games, books for children and adults. We enjoy watching whole families who sit down in the evenings and play board games together, often we also join in ourselves. There will also be toys for small children, e.g. indestructible blocks, springs, trains, which our 14-year-old son Franek gave away to small guests. However, in retrospect, we can say that the best attraction is our dogs Pyza and Łatka and 4 cats. Especially Pyza and her neighbor Koma are waiting for guests thirsty for stroking.

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Ustjanowa Górna 250, Ustrzyki Dolne, Bieszczady Mountains, Sanok-Turka Mountains, Poland

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Bus: Ustjanowa Dolna (1,2 km)

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How much will I pay?

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* Season: June, July, August, September, October, turn of the year, winter holidays, May Day, Corpus Christi, Easter. Extra bed - PLN 60/person Children up to 3 years old are admitted for free. The price of accommodation includes: breakfast, coffee and tea corner, parking, WiFi, tourist tax and a nice and homely atmosphere. Dinner: PLN 65/adult PLN 40 / children up to 12 years old * Pets are welcome. However, if you want to come with your pet, please agree with us in advance. We do not accept dogs of breeds considered aggressive.

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs
Icon Maximum number of guests: 18 people

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In order to confirm the reservation, a deposit of 20% of the price of the stay must be paid - payment via the Slowhop system.

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Fantastyczne miejsce na dłuższy i krótszy pobyt, trudno ująć w tak krótkiej opinii wszystkie plusy tego miejsca. Gospodarze są przyjaźni i pomocni, a dom przestronny i gustownie urządzony. Szczególnie istotne dla nas było to, że: - pokój, w którym mieszkaliśmy, i łazienka były duże, oprócz łóżka w pokoju są też fotele, stolik, co przy dłuższym pobycie bywa przydatne - przestrzeń wspólna pełna jest książek, gier i muzyki, trudno się nudzić - teren wokół domu bardzo zadbany, ze stawem i jeziorkiem, miejscem na ognisko itd - praktycznie za domem rozpoczynają się szlaki - to świetne miejsce dla zwierzolubów - zawsze znajdzie się jakiś kot albo pies chętny na głaskanie ;) (a czasem jeleń do podglądania) Największe wrażenie jednak zrobiły na nas śniadania i obiady - obfite, urozmaicone, bazujące na lokalnych produktach i przepisach. Ela jest znakomitą kucharką i już tęsknimy za jej wypiekami (beza i jagodzianki ❤️). Podsumowując - świetne miejsce do wypoczynku i mam nadzieję, że uda nam się niedługo wrócić.


Byliśmy tylko trzy dni ale było naprawdę klimatycznie, sympatycznie a przede wszystkim pysznie ☺️ wypieki cudowne! Zwierzaki kochane, polecam bez obaw nawet z małymi dziećmi.


BezTroski to wspaniałe miejsce aż przykro było wyjeżdżać mimo, że pogoda nam nie dopisała. Dom jest urządzony w pięknym stylu, zachwycaliśmy się dekoracjami oraz starymi meblami, w tle zawsze grała dobra muzyka. Otoczenie domu to bajka: staw, strumyk, las. Oprócz domowej wesołej gromadki (2 psiaki i 4 kotki) zaobserwowaliśmy świetliki, sarny i żurawia. Ela i Marek od wejścia wprowadzają atmosferę luzu. Można się poczuć jakby się znało ich dużo wcześniej. A teraz wisienka na torcie czyli przepyszne domowe jedzenie. Ela zachwyca umiejętnościami. Jedyny malutki minus, który nie zaważa na ocenie to zapach wody z kranu. Idzie się do tego przyzwyczaić tym bardziej, że skóra wydaje się być mniej sucha. Mam nadzieję, że uda nam się jeszcze tam zawitać mimo dużej odległości. Polecam z czystym sumieniem :)

5.0 38 opinii