Bookworm Cabins

Tiny houseGuests without pets are welcomeSelf catering
Intimate cottage for 2, with a full bathroom and kitchen
Wall full of books, amazing view and fireplace
Completely disconnect from the awakened world
Cook in harmony with nature
45 minutes from Warsaw by car
Time and peace for you exclusively

Quick check

Bookworm Cabin was created to give you a moment of respite. Just to sit back, stop rushing and… Watch. Read. Listen. Think. Enjoy. Just be.

When creating this place, we tried to combine simplicity and closeness to nature with comfort and refined aesthetics. Bookworm Cabin gives you a comfortable place to read books all year round, while keeping the environmental impact as low as possible. For us, less really is more.

We do not have WiFi and the cell phone range varies. This house was built to calm down. Inside you will find a yellow box, in which we suggest you put your phone away - so that it is always at hand, but will disturb you as little as possible.

Bookworm Cabin is located between two villages, just 45 minutes from Warsaw (about 50 km along the S8 route) on a plot of land densely overgrown with trees overlooking picturesque fields.



Marta i Bartek

We speak these languages: Polish, English, Russian

We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

Bartłomiej Kraciuk is responsible for the concept and implementation. After finishing his studies in New York, he returned to Poland, because he believes that the most fun things can be done here. For 10 years, he co-created iconic Warsaw pubs that received dozens of awards and a company that produces Polish films that are awarded all over the world. Now he focuses on making sure you have a good rest. The consistent and refined interior, full of sophisticated design and books, is due to Marta Puchalska-Kraciuk, who co-creates the interior design studio Moszczyńska Puchalska Studio Architektury and the women's boutique Collage with a selection of naturally beautiful products for the body and home. Book an overnight stay to become part of something special.

The host is an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is an entrepreneur, so you are protected by EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


2 ppl. – Bookworm Cabin

  • Without pets

Bookworm Cabin was created to give you a moment of respite. Just to put the phone down, sit back and… Watch. To read. To listen. Think. Enjoy. Inside you will find comfortable furniture, a warm fireplace and lots of books. For this bathroom, kitchen and bed. Everything you need to do nothing.


2 ppl. – Boowkorm Art Cabin

  • Without pets

Bookworm Art Cabin was created to give you a moment of respite. To put the phone down, sit back and… Watch. To read. To listen. Think. Enjoy. Inside you will find comfortable furniture, a warm fireplace and lots of books. For this bathroom, kitchen and bed. Everything you need to do nothing.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • No Internet/WiFi

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • Steep stairs

  • We don't have air conditioning

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Szkolne 40, Choszczowe, Mazovia Province, Poland

Place rules


  • Guests without pets are welcome

Number and age of guests

  • Number of guests: 4 people

  • Minimum age of Guests: 16 years

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00

  • Departure to 11:00

  • We will stick to defined checkin / checkout times

Reviews - Bookworm Cabins

4.4Number of opinions: 108


512 Mar 2025

Wspaniałe miejsce - piękny domek w pięknym otoczeniu, przytulny, ciepły. Bardzo dziękujemy za gościnę!


411 Mar 2025

Bardzo klimatyczny, uroczy domek w ładnej okolicy. Wygodny self check in/out, sprawny kontakt z gospodarzem. Fajne miejsce na weekendowy relaks. Odejmuje jedną gwiazdkę za czystość, poza tym niedociągnięciem super.


527 Feb 2025

The stay was fantastic! Everything was absolutely amazing. We read books, chat, had a great and slow rest. Thank you so much, definitely recommend!🩵


54 Feb 2025

Było super! Dokładnie tak jak sobie wymarzyłam, cisza i spokój. Cudowne miejsce na relaks, pooddychanie świeżym powietrzem i słuchanie odgłosów lasu. Wspaniałe miejsce na ucieczkę od miasta.


51 Dec 2024

Bardzo przyjemny mały domek. Z okna widać las i pola. Bardzo blisko Warszawy. Idealny na wypad z miasta na 1-2 dni żeby się odciąć, poczytać książkę i pospacerować. W małym drewnianym domku wszystko co trzeba - koza, łóżko na antresoli, mała kuchnia i wygodna kanapa :)


524 Nov 2024

Witam wszystkich. Polecam, kto naprawdę chcę się odciąć od miasta na weekend nawet na jedną noc! Świeże powietrze, kominek (koza), naczynia, prysznic z gorącą wodą, łóżko wszystko jest w dobrym stanie i fajnie. I bardzo dobry kontakt jest z Właścicielem! Trochę co się nie spodobało, że: 1. Niektórzy naczynia widelcy, tarka, noże były trochę brudne 2. Jednak brakuje balustrady (barierki) na schod...


53 Nov 2024

Piękny, klimatyczny domek w świetnym otoczeniu pól i lasków. Widok na drzewa za dużym oknem - bezcenny. W domku wszystko czego można potrzebować. Do tego lokalizacja na wyciągnięcie ręki, 40 min od centrum Warszawy a człowiek przenosi się w inny świat. Jedyne drobne minusy to delikatne braki w czystości, plus mocno sfatygowane i przez to miękkie poduszki do spania. Poza tym wypad idealny.


521 Oct 2024
