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Dolina Żurawi

Poland, Suwałki Region, Hołny Mejera

1 house 2 apartments

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With some animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs


Self catering

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Dolina Żurawi is where there is no mass tourism. Instead of huge hotels, there are former estates, instead of swimming pools and spas - clear lakes, instead of music in loudspeakers - crane clangour at dawn. The concept of time is only delusional, marked by the sun, moon and morning mists. We are here, where life tastes like mushrooms and the smell of baked sękacz and no one is in a rush. Come to us for reset, for sport, for peace. For the things you will do here for the first time in your life. You will go on a sailboat, canoe or pedal boat, try windsurfing, take your loved one to the middle of the lake, play a beach volleyball match with your son. You will try the cepelinai and anthill tart. We have everything you need to detach yourself from normal life. It is abnormal in Dolina Żurawi, it is worth coming for this abnormality and a bit of silence... Welcome!

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Iwona i Maciej
We are from Krakow, it would seem that the Suwałki region is the last place where we will return. But we were always interested in the ends, and here it was like the end of Poland, little was enough to be in Lithuania. 20 years ago, the Suwałki Region was even more untouched than it is today. We were delighted with this otherness, also the climate. Silence, spaces and cranes. We have created a place for us here - full of nature, sports activities and books. We invite you to visit us, it's special here.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English, German, Spanish
Sometimes we are on-site, sometimes we're not

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Eco Alert

We promote waste segregation among guests
We plant and care for trees
We segregate garbage
We support biodiversity (e.g. uncut grass, shelters for animals)
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Our charms

Mosquitos on warm days
We don't have air conditioning
Attic - it can get hot in the summer
Creaky floors
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We care about you

Private houses / apartments with separate entrance
Linens are washed at high temperatures

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Estate with two independent apartments (max. 4 and 6 people)
Estate with two independent apartments (max. 4 and 6 people)
Fantastic conditions for water sports
Fantastic conditions for water sports
Right on the clean lake
Right on the clean lake
Many sports: tennis, basketball, windsurfing
Many sports: tennis, basketball, windsurfing
There is a second house on a 3-hour plot - Heron in the pond, and our house
There is a second house on a 3-hour plot - Heron in the pond, and our house
one-time fee for a dog PLN 200
one-time fee for a dog PLN 200

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 house
Icon 2 apartments

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The Żurawi Valley is a quiet, intimate habitat for sports and water lovers. We have direct access to the lake with its own beach, and for our guests we have a whole house for 10 people or two apartments for 4 and 6 people. The apartments are completely independent (entrances are in different parts of the house). Upper (max. 6 people) There are two separate bedrooms, a living room with a kitchenette and a dining area, and a bathroom with a shower. There is also a sofa bed in the living room, in case you want to stay with us as a full six. There is also a terrace at your disposal, offering a soothing view of gentle hills, green meadows, a forest and a lake in the distance. Lower (max. 4 people) One bedroom for two people, and right next to it a living room with a sofa bed (for an additional 2 people) with a kitchenette and dining area. There is also a bathroom, terrace and fireplace. And a terrace where you can practice yoga while everyone is still asleep, and then enjoy the silence with a cup of coffee. The hosts do not always live on site, but are available all the time.

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Common space


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Pond in the garden
Barbecue area
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Slow speed Internet / WiFi
Good cell phone reception
TVs in the rooms

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For your comfort

Hair dryer
We clean before your arrival

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What will I eat?

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We do not cook our guests, but we have prepared kitchenettes in such a way that cooking is not difficult and is suitable for preparing a sumptuous dinner on the terrace at sunset. If you prefer not to cook, we have several proven culinary addresses that we use. The Suwałki Region is much more than lakes and forests. It is a border tripoint, offering such flavors that stories are written about later. You must try kartacze, pancakes, perch, smoked whitefish and whitefish, sękacz and of course - an anthill. In the area you will get such local delicacies: - homemade sękacz (supposedly the best in the region) - eggs - milk products - amazing honey Ask us for addresses. We serve ...

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Kitchen access

Private kitchen in homes / rooms
Coffee percolator
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You can buy eco products nearby

od lokalnych rolników

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Grocery stores nearby

sklep spożywczy (5 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon By the lake
Icon In the countryside
Icon With a shoreline

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We are an ultra-sporty place. As part of the promotion of a healthy lifestyle - we do not charge for any of the attractions mentioned. They are part of the experience of our habitat. We have for you: - tennis court (with all equipment) for free. It is illuminated on request 50 PLN / h. - football, beach volleyball and basketball field. - bicycles - we have the Euro Velo route here, and as cyclists we recommend the wilderness of the Lithuanian Lake District. - we also have windsurfing - at your disposal - a hammock sways between the trees - also for you - bathing beach - under the nose, for those who like to swim short and long distances - sailboat - yes, especially for our guests. You can use without restrictions - a boat - for anglers -two kayaks - pedalo - Russian pumpkin - grill / stove on the beach - focal square -lobster for tennis players 30 PLN / h We also invite you to the vicinity. There is a lot of Poland, Lithuania (with an aquapark in Druskininkai, 30 km from us) and Masuria to see. Here are the things you should see in the Suwałki Region. - Sejny, a multicultural town with just over 6,000 inhabitants, an Orthodox church, a synagogue and Catholic churches. - Miłosz manor in Krasnogruda on the other side of the lake - a former Camaldolese monastery in Wigry, the most valuable monument in Suwałki - a complex of 30 tea-colored forest ponds in the forests around Lake Wigry - Góra Cisowa, known as Suwałki Fujiama, a symbol of the Suwałki Region - Bridges in Stańczyki, like from the Harry Potter movie - Hańcza - the deepest lake not only in Poland, but in the entire Central European Lowlands. - a diving center in the village of Błaskowizna, if you want to get closer to the bottom of Hańcza - Rospuda Valley - with lots of birds and animals - Leptodora boat with windows in the bottom. This way, you can study the aquatic life of Lake Wigry. - Vilnius is only 150 km away and it is a great idea for a day trip - it is 30 km to Druskininkai, a small sleepy town. There is the largest water park in Europe - to Merecz to admire the sunsets over the Nemunas bend and climb the observation tower only 40 km - to Trakai in Lithuania, a treasure of Lithuanian history, 130 km. And if neither this nor that - we have a library. For those who are hungry for literary impressions surrounded by nature.

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For those who want relaxation


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For hedonists

Winter swimming

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For sports enthusiasts

Tennis court
Bicycles for rent
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For those craving art

Dwór Miłosza w Krasnogrudzie

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Our pets


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What’s there for children?

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We have a nice playground, a huge area for running out of mobile feet, and in our playground you can train hanging, digging in the sand, swinging and anything else that would never come to mind for adults and children come to mind.

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Attractions for children

Children's playground
Bridge jumping into water
Large safe running space
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Additionally available

High chair

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Attractions for children in the area

Park linowy w Burbiszkach

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For employees?

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Slow speed Internet / WiFi
Download: Mb/s
Upload: Mb/s
Mobile LTE/5G Internet

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Hołny Mejera 18, Hołny Mejera, Suwałki Region, Poland

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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We do not provide towels.

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs
Icon Maximum number of guests: 8 people
Icon Quiet hours from 22:00 to 07:00

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Icon Other rules
The condition for making a reservation is a 30% advance payment by means of a reservation at Slowhop. The rest of the amount is payable on the spot.

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Nasza pierwsza wizyta na Podlasiu okazała się niesamowita. Pobyt w Dolinie Żurawi całkowicie przerósł nasze oczekiwania. Magiczne miejsce z dala od zgiełku cywilizacji. Miejsce, którego nie trzeba opuszczać, ponieważ wszystko co sprawi, że wbijemy na luz, jest już tu. Najmocniej oczarowała nas tamtejsza przyroda. Witając wschód słońca nad jeziorem nie jednokrotnie miałam łzy w oczach. Bo czasem otaczającego nas piękna jest tak wiele, że nie sposób go pomieścić w sobie, i wówczas się płacze... Apartamen, w którym mieliśmy przyjemność gościć był bardzo czysty, pięknie urządzony wyposażony we wszystkie niezbędne sprzęty oraz wygodne łóżko;) Zapewnił nam przytulność i przestrzeń. Jeszcze długo wspominać będziemy śniadania z widokiem na zieleń;) Najwięcej czasu spędziliśmy nad jeziorem. Miejsce jest tak odludne, że niejednokrotnie swobodnie pływaliśmy nago, całymi dniami nie spotykając nikogo. Świetnym pomysłem była też wspólną wyprawa rowerkiem wodnym wokół jeziora. Co jakiś czas przystawaliśmy aby obserwować ptaki i inne cuda przyrody. Bardzo też podobała nam się możliwość korzystania z sauny umiejscowionej zaraz przy lini brzegowej jeziora. Polecamy zajrzeć do położonej sąsiedzko pasieki Pani Stylinskiej. Udało nam się zakupić tam przepyszne miody❤️ Na pobliskim targu w Sejnach można też zaopatrzyć się swojskie sery i inne miejscowe specjały;) Nasz pobyt w Dolinie Żurawi oceniamy na miliony gwiazdek i bardzo liczymy, że znajdzie się tam dla nas miejsce w przyszłym roku. I z całego serducha dziękujemy za stworzenie tak pięknego miejsca, w który odnaleźliśmy niczym niezakłócony spokój, wyciszenie i ciepło. Dziękujemy również Pani Iwonie za rozmowy i przepyszny, wielki chleb żytni, który dostaliśmy w prezecie❤️😘❤️

Host: Iwona i Maciej

dziękuję,do zobaczenia


Dolina Żurawi to miejsce niezwykłe, oaza spokoju i błogostanu, a jej gospodarze są uosobieniem życzliwości oraz gościnności w najlepszym wydaniu. Domek urzeka wystrojem i schludnością, bardzo komfortowy i wyposażony tak, że przy odpowiednim zapasie jedzenia w ogóle nie ma potrzeby się stamtąd ruszać. W odległości kilku kroków jezioro Hołny, przy którym można zażywać beztroski na leżaku albo kajakiem/łódką/rowerkiem wodnym eksplorować jego najdalsze brzegi. Ciszę przerywają co najwyżej kormorany czy inne dzikie ptactwo, kojąca ekoterapia gwarantowana. Dla spragnionych aktywnego wypoczynku dookoła w niedużej odległości wiele ciekawych miejsc do odwiedzenia, przyjemne trasy rowerowe. Naprawdę gorąco polecam, nie tylko osobom szukającym wytchnienia ;)


Dolina Żurawi to wspaniałe miejsce na relaks i wyciczenie. Spokojna tafla jeziora, czaple, kormorany, żurawie, żaby i dużo natury. Można naprawdę odpocząć zarówno opalając się na leżaku na pomoście, jak i aktywniej: pływając łódką, kajakiem, rowerem wodnym. Jest też kort tenisowy i sauna. To naprawdę wyjątkowe miejsce, które przede wszystkim zapewnia prywatność. W Dolinie Żurawi byliśmy w maju i to był bardzo dobry wybór. Płynąc wzdłuż brzegu łódką wokół całego jeziora można być samemu i nie spotkać nikogo. Owszem woda nie była jeszcze ciepła, ale idealna, żeby się schłodzić.

5.0 14 opinii