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Poland, Masuria Region, Dylewo Hills, Western Masuria Region, Ostróda

1 house

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With animals

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There is one thing you should know if you are considering Kalinowka for your holiday. It is an exclusive house, but with a full board. And not just any kind. We have regional products for you with which we have won competitions, a house in the middle of nowhere and we are waiting for the hungry. Do not come here on a diet. Seriously. Give yourselves a break. This is where you truly live and truly taste life. You leave the big city and its demands behind. We are out of the way and have our own healthy rules. There are no diets, no suits, no dress codes, no risk assessment or strategic corporate analysis. There is good bread, great ham and a sky with stars. And now to the shore. We built the house on ruins and burned down land. But it looks respectable, refers to the local history and fits in well with the atmosphere of the Dylewo Hills. It has a few nice rooms, a fireplace with Meissen tiles, some English porcelain and a lot of charm. Drop in for birthdays, anniversaries, jubilees and celebrations with an idea. In the winter, get together with friendly foodies and go cross-country skiing. In the summer, go to the garden and at any time of the year for unique flavours. We have a good number of them here. We are happy to share. We invite you.

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Dagmara Gęstwińska
This will be a family story full of local flavours. It features Kazimierz's dad and the memory of an old recipe for a long-ageing ham. Then attempts to recreate it and finally success. Then there's me, an old burn pit in the Dylewo Hills, and finally, this house exclusively for guests, because no matter who the host is, guests, feel best when they're alone. But this is not the end of the story because there is room for culinary murmuring, winning cooking competitions, awards, honours and fame, and above all, culinary freestyle, jam session at the burner, jazzing up the spices and what it is all about: foodgasm at the pots. I invite you to try the world's only Dylewska Ham (capitalized) and a few other wonders for which there are no recipes because of the freestyle. We are waiting for you on the hills. And we have something to eat...

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English

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Whole house - exclusive-use place for 6-12 people
Whole house - exclusive-use place for 6-12 people
You can come with your dog
You can come with your dog
Homemade preserves awarded the title of Culinary Heritage
Homemade preserves awarded the title of Culinary Heritage
Culinary workshops upon request
Culinary workshops upon request
We deliver food at agreed upon times
We deliver food at agreed upon times
Drwęckie Lake - 25 minutes by car
Drwęckie Lake - 25 minutes by car

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 house
Icon for up to 12 people
Icon bathroom: 2
Icon sofa bed: 1
Icon king bed (or 2 single beds): 4
Icon single bed : 2
Icon We accept small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats

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We give you an exclusive habitat. It means that without our excessive presence, you will become hosts and test yourself in the bosom of Masurian nature. We have here for you: -3 four-bed bedrooms -2 large bathrooms (one with a shower, the other with a large corner bathtub) -large living room with an open, fully equipped kitchen -two terraces, including one partially glazed (we don't care that it's pouring) with a view of the Dylewo Hills Landscape Park -large rear and front garden with old fruit trees Our guests spend their free time in the garden, drink coffee on the terrace with passion (enjoying caffeine on a par with the view) and sit in the 7-meter high living room, which is conducive to long meetings with wine by the fireplace.

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What will I eat?

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Usually, guest houses that are provided to guests exclusively, do not mention the kitchen, providing only full equipment. With us it is different. We as hosts and a full fridge are waiting for your arrival. After opening its door, it becomes clear that we never joke about food. It will contain what we think is right at a given time of the year. And since we want to convince you to eat locally - get ready for a few surprises. What are we known for? - dylewska ham, long-maturing - product of the year 2018 - pickled trout roe (also the only one in the world) - trout hearts and livers in herbs and oil, - Mulard's breast tartare bred by us, - my original trout pate, which was selected by the best chefs from Israel to represent Poland in Tel Aviv - our smoked trout - recognizable all over Poland - bean lard, flavored hummuses or vegan pates (they say they are really tasty) If you want to see unique cooking and learn a bit - we will organize culinary workshops for you. If you really don't want to cook on the spot - just order food from us for a specific time. It will not be mass catering. We have reason to believe you will not regret it.

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Food on-site

Local products(cheese, meat and sausages, fish, vegetables, bread, preserves, butter, goat cheese)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In the countryside

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The Dylewskie Hills Landscape Park consists mainly of forests. Beautiful, in the hills. You can see them from our porch. And there is basically no need to go anywhere or do anything at all. But if someone wants, our personal TOP 7 looks like this: 1. Organize culinary workshops with us. It's fun for all of us, and a lot of fun learning to approach real food for kids. 2. Go to Lake Drwęckie (about 25 minutes by car) and swim on a wake (it's worth trying) ... 3. ... or lie on the beach 4. Go to the Spa at the Irena Eris Hotel (about 6 minutes), if you dream about massages, swimming pools and body renewal 5. In winter, you must try cross-country skiing - apart from Hala Izerska, it is probably the best place to try this sport 6. Do eco shopping at the ecological market in front of the Old School in Wysoka Wieś. Take home some Warmia and Masuria (every Saturday in the season) 7. Try horseback riding at the Pacółtowo Palace - probably the only stable in the world where horses have crystal chandeliers. Of course - you don't need anything, you can do everything :)

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What’s there for children?

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Our kids have happy parents and usually a good gang. But if you want to show them something else, try: - Warmiński Zwierzyniec - about 50 minutes to the farm, where they can talk beautifully about animals. It's worth it. - Older children appreciate the wake lessons in Ostróda - We organize culinary workshops - kids like it - Organize a canoe trip on the river. It always works.

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Pietrzwałd, Ostróda, Masuria Region, Dylewo Hills, Western Masuria Region, Poland

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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from 15.09 to 15.05 heating period 1400/day.

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats
Icon Maximum number of guests: 12 people

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Kalinówka to miejsce po prostu fantastyczne. Spędziliśmy tam fantastyczny weekend w gronie przyjaciół. Gospodarze przywitali nas niezwykłą serdecznością, otwartością i górą przepysznego jedzenia. Samo miejsce jest niezwykle komfortowe, zlokalizowane na uboczu, z dala od innych zabudowań – organizując imprezę nie będziemy nikomu przeszkadzać. Spędziliśmy tam fantastyczny czas, z całą pewnością będziemy wracać!

Host: Dagmara Gęstwińska

Dziękujemy i czekamy na Was❤️


Super kontakt z p. Dagmarą, która już na samym początku zaoferowała nam całą listę jedzenia. Też duży plus, że przy prośbie o jedzenie wegetariańskie, zastałyśmy w kuchni mnóstwo pasztetów wege, przetworów i wielką michę pysznego humusu. Co do miejsca to jedynie czego żałuję to to, że nie mogłyśmy przyjechać na dłużej (przyjechaliśmy do Kalinówki na weekendowy wyjazd panieński), bo miejsce jest absolutnie fantastyczne! Piękny dom z wieloma miejscami do spania, w pełni wyposażoną kuchnią i to na czym nam bardzo zależało - miejscami do relaksowania się na tarasie z widokiem na dzikie Mazury. Kalinówka stała się jednym z tych miejsc do których zdecydowanie chciałabym wrócić!


Byliśmy w Kalinówce w trzy rodziny przez cztery dni. Wypoczęłam jak na dwutygodniowych wakacjach - jeszcze nigdy coś takiego mi się nie zdarzyło! Okoliczności przyrody są przewspaniałe, a nie wypadłam sroce spod ogona, bo sama pochodzę z Suwalszczyzny, więc nie tak łatwo mi zaimponować ;). Taras z widokiem na pagórki, różne zielone enklawy, bardzo klimatyczny budynek, fortepian, z którego można korzystać (to nie takie oczywiste w innych miejscach ;) i wspaniała, wspaniała kuchnia (zarówno jako pomieszczenie z jadalnią, jak i smakołyki, które przygotowuje Dagmara) - to jest mój absolutny top! No właśnie, jedzenie - o mamuniu... Dagmara i Brun niesamowicie gotują, wędzą ryby, a przy tym są tak bezproblemowi, gościnni, no naprawdę - nie mogę się nachwalić. Koniecznie(!) weźcie ze sobą plastikowe pojemniki do zabrania jedzenia do domu (wykupiłam ostatnie pojemniki, które były dostępne w Dino w pobliskiej miejscowości, ostrzegam!). Pomieszczenia są czyste, ale to jest wieś, więc są uroki wsi (jakieś pojedyncze pająki, owady). Niektóre drzwi skrzypią lub trzeba je mocniej dopchnąć, żeby zamknąć, choć myśmy mieli przekrój dzieciowy 5msc-10 lat i nikt nie był wybudzony (a mamy też lekkich spaczy). Mimo iż posesja nie ma ani piaskownicy ani specjalnych konstrukcji dla dzieci (poza hamakiem, który był hitem), to nasze dzieciaki nigdy się nie nudziły - magia. My na pewno wrócimy, to miejsce ma tak pozytywną, relaksującą moc!

5.0 12 opinii