Kowalowe Wzgórze

AgrotourismGuests without pets are welcomeSelf catering
Made for children and families
For up to 23 guests in the countryside
Own vegetables, fish and dairy products and slow food spirit
Great trails and sports base
Due to our own animals, we cannot accept pets
Zieleniec Ski Arena - 35 minutes by car

Quick check

In the Kłodzko Valley, there are agritourism places that can be mistaken for elegant guesthouses. In Kowalowe Wzgórze we have beautiful rooms and apartments, there is even a "studio", but guests also come for fish from our ponds, milk and cheese from our cows, eggs from our hens and vegetables from our garden, which are the basic essentials in the kitchen at Kowalowe Wzgórze.

Kowalowe Wzgórze is a real agritourism place. In the meadow behind the house, there is a Malina cow and calves, while the pigs, hens and chickens live in their own apartments on the farm premises. Our dog Popi and the cats are a backyard gang, though gentle as a flock of lambs.

Come to a place that lives in harmony with nature and in unison with the seasons, what counts is real food, called 'slow food' in the city, we love children, and people who want to undergo a cow milking course. Welcome!




We speak these languages: Polish, English

We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

It is full of stories about people who flee to the countryside. I, born in the countryside, despised her at first. I dreamed of the city, corporation and suits. And when I finally got there, I wanted to go back. Here, in the Kłodzko Valley, among extraordinary people, we managed to create a real agritourism, where in addition to real food and animals, we introduced a bit of urban elegance in the interiors. We invite! Kasia and Jarek

The host is an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is an entrepreneur, so you are protected by EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


6 ppl. – apartament wiejski

  • 100 m²

  • Without pets


6 ppl. – apartament lawendowy

  • 55 m²

  • Without pets


4 ppl. – pokój zielony

  • 22 m²

  • Without pets

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • Beach

  • Fast Internet/WiFi

  • In the mountains

  • Beach (0.1 km)

  • Natural bathing pond

  • Breakfast for an extra fee (80 zł)

  • Breakfast basket for an extra fee (80 zł)

Our charms

  • Creaky floors

  • Steep stairs

  • We don't walk around the house in shoes

  • Flies

  • Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)

  • In the middle of the village (there are neighbours)

  • Old house: it squeaks and sulks

  • We don't have air conditioning

  • Attic - it can get hot in the summer

  • No GSM coverage

  • Weak GSM coverage

  • There are a lot of children during summer and winter holidays

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Kamieniec 17, Kamieniec, Lower Silesia Province, Kłodzko Valley, Poland

Public transportation

  • Nearest stops

  • Train: Kłodzko, (9 km),

Place rules


  • Guests without pets are welcome

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 35 people

Night break

  • Quiet hours from 22:00 to 07:00

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 15:00 to 22:00

  • Departure from 08:00 to 11:00

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Other rules

  • The reservation is confirmed by paying a deposit of 30% of the stay price. Regulations of the Kowalowe Wzgórze accommodation facility

    We will be very grateful for your cooperation in complying with these regulations, which are intended to ensure the peace and safety of the stay of all our guests.

    1. The hotel day lasts from 15.00 on the day of arrival until 11.00 on the day of departure.

    2. It is possible to check in before 3 p.m. after prior arrangement with the Landlord.

    3. Kowalowe Wzgórze welcomes guests until 10 p.m. on the day of arrival.

    4. Smoking is strictly prohibited on the premises. Smoking is allowed in designated areas outside the facility.

    5. Making a reservation requires a deposit of 30% of the stay price. The appropriate amount of the deposit must be paid to the provided bank account within 7 days of receiving confirmation of the reservation. Lack of payment will result in cancellation of the stay reservation.

    6. In case of cancellation of the reservation, the deposit paid is non-refundable. When canceling the stay on the day of arrival, the guest is obliged to pay 100% of the agreed amount for the stay.

    7. The guest is obliged to pay the agreed amount for the stay even if, for reasons beyond the control of the Landlord, the arrival or stay is delayed or shortened.

    8. Due to the limited number of baby cots (3 pcs.), they will be available upon prior reservation.

    9. Possible forms of payment for your stay are cash or bank transfer.

    10. In Kowalowe Wzgórze, night silence is valid from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. Night curfew does not apply when renting the entire facility.

    11. During holidays, winter breaks and long weekends, breakfast is obligatory and additionally paid on site. Breakfast is not included in the booking price.

    12. In the low season, it is possible to purchase meals, min. number of people -12, after prior arrangement.

    13. Buffet breakfasts are served between 8:00 and 9:30.

    14. During the holiday season (Monday to Friday), at 7 p.m., workshops for children are organized, i.e. cow milking workshops, butter churning workshops, creative egg workshops, beekeeping workshops for chickens, and a bonfire with baked sausages. In the low season, it is possible to organize workshops after prior arrangement. Minimum number of people – 12.

    15. The guest is obliged to use the place entrusted to him in a manner consistent with its intended purpose, keep it clean and tidy and leave it in good condition upon departure. Please remember that Kowalowe Wzgórze is an agritourism farm. In our immediate surroundings there are agricultural machines and we live among farm animals. Therefore, please be careful, especially with children.

    16. The Guest should immediately inform the Landlord about any damage, deficiencies or defects occurring during the stay. Adequate monetary compensation will be charged for any faults caused by the Guest or persons under his care.

    17. Guests of Kowalowe Wzgórze are responsible for the keys entrusted to them. Please also do not disconnect the gate remote control from the key. Failure to return the remote control and keys will cost PLN 100.

    18. There is a free, password-free WIFI network on the premises.

    19. We do not accept pets.

    20. For guests of Kowalowe Wzgórze, there is a free, unguarded parking lot available on the farm.

    21. People under the influence of alcohol or drugs, behaving aggressively and not complying with these regulations - the hosts have the right to terminate the room (order to leave the Farm) immediately, without refund of previously paid fees.

    22. Hosts are not responsible for guests' property.

    23. The kitchenette located on the first floor is available to guests free of charge.

    24. There are two ponds on the Farm, where swimming outside the designated area is strictly prohibited.

    25. Children must remain under adult supervision when near ponds.

    26. The number of people staying in the apartment or room is limited to the number reported when booking. If the number of people is larger than stated when booking, the Landlord has the right to demand an additional fee.

Reviews - Kowalowe Wzgórze

5.0Number of opinions: 15


526 Jun 2024

To było niesamowite! Bardzo dziękuję Kasie i Jareku!!! Ja otrzymałam wszystko co ja chciałam ☺️ Kontakt do zwierząt, fajny klimat, piękna natura i dobre ludzie! Teraz Kowalowe Wzgórze zawsze jest w moim sercu!


523 May 2024

Bardzo dziękuję za gościnę! Było cudownie! Żałuję tylko, że wcześniej nie wiedziałam, że rzut kamieniem od Wrocławia działa TAKA agroturystyka. Dzieci zachwycone mieszkaniem na farmie, gdzie są wszystkie zwierzęta hodowlane (oprócz indyków), dostępne w każdej chwili i chętne do kontaktu. Serio, jak Wy to robicie, że przy takiej rotacji gości one jeszcze chcą się bawić z dziećmi? Psychoterapeutę ma...


521 Jan 2024

Raj dla dzieci kochających zwierzęta, poczynając od tych domowych, na zagrodowych kończąc. Osiołek Bambik skradł serca naszych pociech :) Czysto, ciepło, smacznie! Dla zmotoryzowanych, gdyż sama wieś jest na uboczu. Byliśmy zimą, z pewnością wrócimy do Kowalowego Wzgórza latem. Dzieciaki już nie mogą się doczekać! Bardzo gościnni i opiekuńczy gospodarze. Pozdrawiamy serdecznie i dziękujemy za gośc...


56 Jun 2023

Cudowne miejsce dla rodzin z dziećmi, polecam z całego serca. Place zabaw, zwierzęta na wyciągnięcie ręki, piaskownica - czego chcieć więcej. Dodatkowo przepyszne jedzenie i wspaniali właściciele. Przyjeżdżając z dzieckiem nie trzeba się martwić o nic, na miejscu są sztućce, naczynia, łóżeczka turystyczne, wanienki :)


55 Jun 2023

Cudowne miejsce, szczególnie dla rodzin z dziećmi. W gospodarstwie panuje rodzinna atmosfera. Gospodarze bardzo starają się żeby każdy czuł się tutaj dobrze i trochę jak u siebie. W gospodarstwie znajduje się bardzo dużo zwierząt gospodarskich: zaczynajac od kotów impasów na krowach i kozach kończąc. Spędzanie z nimi czasu na podglądaniu, karmieniu i głaskaniu jest na wyciągnięcie ręki. Gospodar...


52 Jun 2022

Jeśli kiedykolwiek doświadczyliście wakacji u cioci, babci na wsi, to wiecie jaka wieś potrafi być urokliwa. Jeśli nie, to Kowalowe Wzgórze daje Wam taką możliwość. Za sprawą przemiłych właścicieli, nie będziecie się tam czuć, jak gość, bardziej jak przyjaciel, członek rodziny. Panuje tam mega luźny, swojski klimat, gospodarze są na miejscu, zawsze otawrci na wspólną rozmowę 🤗 Co do samego miejsc...


517 May 2022

Jak zakochać się w Kotlinie Kłodzkiej, to tylko w Kowalowym Wzgórzu. Idealne na odpoczynek z dziećmi w otoczeniu natury. Prawidziwa farma ze wszystkimi urokami - kogutem, krową, łąką, słonkiem, łąką, komarami, mlekiem, słomą. Polecam!


59 May 2022

Przemili ludzie, swojska atmosfera, czyściutkie pokoje, pyszne jedzenie i mnóstwo atrakcji dla dzieciaków. Z pewnością tam jeszcze wrócimy ! Pozdrowienia