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Poland, Kashubia Region, Gdańsk Pomerania, Błądzikowo

Hotel / Spa 9 rooms 1 apartment

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Irena Santor was wrong. There are still wild beaches. One of them is located near our habitat, in the buffer zone of the Landscape Park, under the high cliff on which Molmare grew. Right next to it, along a partly wooded track, leads a cyclists' road to Hel itself. The air mixes the smell of the sea and the forest, and we interact with nature, convincing people to visit Błądzikowo with the smells from our kitchen and garden. Just a moment from the Tri-City, a slightly longer jump from Warsaw to the sea of relaxation. A place with design and good cuisine for lovers of aesthetic interiors and local slow food from local hosts. Molmare pretending that a holiday at the Polish seaside may be different than usual.

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A few years ago, we decided to change the big world into a slightly smaller one, but necessarily by the sea. After a long search, we found our dream place in a tiny and quiet village located on the Bay of Puck. Initially, we thought about building a small house with a large garden, but we decided to share this wonderful place and so a larger house was created, adapted to receive guests. We are a lonely habitat far from other buildings among fields, meadows, forests with a view of the sea. Molmare is not only blissful peace and beautiful views, but also an interesting, designer interior. We offer stay in larger family rooms as well as we have an intimate double room with a sea view. We are there - we give guests space and intimacy, but we are always ready to help.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English, German, Russian

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Eco Alert

We have treated tap water
We have cosmetics and cleaning products in reusable packaging
We plant and care for trees
We segregate garbage
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Our charms

Access via the forest/gravel road
Smell of the countryside (farm animals nearby)

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10 minutes from the beach
10 minutes from the beach
Horse stud nearby
Horse stud nearby
A treat for anglers
A treat for anglers
We cook using local products (lots of fish)
We cook using local products (lots of fish)
Longest coastal bicycle route
Longest coastal bicycle route
hot barrel under the stars
hot barrel under the stars

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Where will I relax?

Icon 1 apartment
Icon 9 rooms

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Our habitat is the result of passion for interior decoration. We felt sorry to use only one of a hundred ideas, so we decided to compromise. Each room has its own style: modern, ethnic, classic or ecological. The interiors designed by us presented interior and women's magazines as an example of original guesthouses. Rooms with northern windows will delight lovers of romantic views of the sea. In turn, those with windows to the south will please those who seek forest silence. For slightly larger groups we have 4 and 5-person rooms and for families a 3-room apartment with a sea view. Our guests also spend a lot of time in the common area, where, during long evenings, new acquaintances and sometimes friendships are made, together enjoying the seaside atmosphere and cuisine.

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Barbecue area
Beach chairs
Tables in the garden
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What will I eat?

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Our specialty is long and long-awaited breakfasts. We serve local specialties from nearby farms, fish caught especially for our guests by fishermen, and vegetables and fruits from the garden. We happily respond to special requests for gala dinners by preparing the hostess' specialties, especially fish and sweet pastries. The cost of dinner is PLN 80 per person.

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Food on-site

Breakfast included
Local products(eggs, vegetables, preserves)

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Kitchen access

No access to the kitchen

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We recommend nearby restaurants

Zdrowa Krowa (3 km)
Pod złotym lwem (3 km)
Pierogarnia (3 km)
Smażalnia ryb U Budzisza (2 km)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon By the sea

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The Bay of Puck is sometimes called the "Little Sea". We agree that this is a sea of possibilities: - our bikes are waiting for more or less avid cyclists. Perfectly prepared routes lead all the way to Hel. On the way, we recommend seeing the Enchanted Castle, Kashubian Atlantis, Teutonic Castle in Puck and exploring the secrets of Kępa Potocka cliffs. - it's only 5 minutes to the wild rocky beach of Molmare. You will not find crowds or screens there. - there is a horse farm nearby - fantastic paths in the woods, especially for Nordic walking lovers - windsurfing and kitesurfing schools (storage for sports equipment in Molmare) - the frozen Pucka Bay is the largest ice rink in this part of Poland. It is waiting for daredevils rushing on ice boats and ice-sailing enthusiasts - we recommend the waters of the bay to anyone who thinks about fishing. You will find sea goods here: salmon, perch, pike, eels, flounder, roach, herring and the most interesting: garfish - fish with green bones present only in June! - the only boat pilgrimage in Poland every year in June. A custom revived by Kashubians in the 1980s that you simply have to see. - for amateurs-ornithologists, one of the most interesting bird habitats in Poland.

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For hedonists


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Our pets


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Pałac w Rzucewie (3 km)
Osada łowców fok (2 km)
Średniowieczny kościół farny w Pucku (3 km)

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What’s there for children?

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For children, we have vast areas for running and the most important: dog Boston, two French Bulldog bitches rescued from the pseudo-kennel Luna and Petronela, mongrel Panna Migotka, cat Sultan and Black Mamba. Pony Irys moved to the stable in Rzucewo - he enjoys the company of other ponies and horses. Unfortunately, Lola Pig passed away in 2019 over the rainbow bridge.

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Attractions for children

Children's playground
Children's toys and books
Large safe running space

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Attractions for children in the area

Park linowy (2 km)
Park ewolucji (8 km)
Labirynt w polu kukurydzy (6 km)

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Do Zatoki 8, Błądzikowo, Kashubia Region, Gdańsk Pomerania, Poland

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How much will I pay?

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Additional pricing information
7-day and longer stays outside the high season - 5% discount High season prices apply during holidays and long weekends. We accept payment with a tourist voucher. Included in the price of the room: - breakfast - use of sunbeds Bicycles and double kayaks can be rented for an additional fee Two-course dinner plus water with mint for PLN 80 per person, children under 7 - PLN 60.

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Place rules

Icon We do not accept pets
Icon Maximum number of guests: 30 people
Icon Quiet hours from 22:00 to 07:00

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 16:00 to 22:00
Departure to 11:00
We will stick to defined checkin / checkout times

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Pobyt w Molmare spełnił wszystkie nasze oczekiwania (a nawet je przerósł). Wspaniała, spokojna okolica jest świetną bazą wypadową na bliższe i dalsze wycieczki - także po sezonie, kiedy pogoda nie sprzyja już kąpielom w morzu. Pokoje są przytulne, łóżka bardzo wygodne, a śniadania pyszne. Ponadto mieliśmy dostęp do czajnika w pokoju, kawy i herbaty w jadalni oraz lodówki na korytarzu. Sercem miejsca są natomiast przemili właściciele, którzy zawsze służą pomocą i tworzą niepowtarzalną atmosferę. A gdyby tego było mało, to są jeszcze przekochane zwierzaki. Polecamy Molmare z całego serca!


Cudne i klimatyczne miejsce z ❤️


Pierwsza podróż ze slowhop i jakże udana. Już od pierwszej chwili, w której przekracza się próg Molmare wyczuwalna jest niezwykłą atmosfera tego miejsca. Spokój, pasja, zamiłowanie do człowieka oraz - przede wszystkim - natury. To miejsce, w którym bram strzegą przeurocze i rozbrajające pieski (Migotka skradnie serce nawet najbardziej nieugiętemu antypsiarzowi!), a w licznych drzewkach i krzewach słychać melodyjne śpiewy ptaków (przy okazji - pokój ptasi nie bez kozery jest właśnie tak nazywany, poranne ptasie świergoty towarzyszyły nam codziennie). W pokaźnym ogrodzie każdy znajdzie zakątek dla siebie - czy to do wypicia porannej kawy, zaczytania się w powieści czy po prostu do nacieszenia oka i ducha obecnością prostej natury. Właściciele zapewniają gościom odpowiednią dozę samodzielności i dystansu, ale służą radą przy każdym, nawet najbardziej błahym pytaniu. Ich wkład i serce widoczne są w każdym możliwie najmniejszym elemencie Molmare - w wystroju domostwa, zagospodarowaniu ogrodu i oczywiście porannych śniadaniach, które w nienachalny sposób umożliwiają nawiązanie kontaktów z innymi gośćmi. Jest to miejsce idealne dla osób szukających wytchnienia i chwili spokoju, wyciszenia, wręcz wyhamowania. Sprzyja temu bliskość morza (dosłownie 10 minut pieszo), bujnych lasów i malowniczych klifów. Tuż pod nosem Molmare wiedzie ścieżka rowerowa, gratka nie tylko dla zapalonych kolaży, ale także i rowerowych amatorów (dla nich właśnie możliwość wynajęcia rowerów u Właścicieli - ogromny plus). Świetna baza wypadowa również dla poszukiwaczy plaż dzikich jak i tych bardziej znanych ogółowi. Z całego serca polecam!

4.8 64 opinii