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Siedlisko Niebieski Szczur

Poland, Drawsko Lake District, Karsibór 7

Agrotourism 6 rooms

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With animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats


We cook for you

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A place in the Drawskie Lake District where your senses go crazy. First, there is the smell, I don't know what it is, but you feel inside that the smell is green. Then a blaze of colours, from spring to winter, from white to yellow, everything is as intense as possible. You see horses, dogs and cats, you can't help but touch a pleasantly warm fur when it rubs against you so confidently! And finally, these sounds, surprisingly pleasant because they are not intrusive. The crane's clangour, the cat's meowing, the horse's neigh, and those chants in the morning that you'll miss later. But besides all of this, we have silence here on the property that makes the ears ring and vibrates in the nostrils, making you want to sneeze. In this silence, we read books, drink coffee and talk. And that's where we invite you.

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We are free people who want to give the same to the animals living in our country and our guests, chronic travelers. We learn with a backpack, traversing wild lands, where there is less civilization than ours, but more nature and freedom. It was during the journey that we realized that we wanted to create a place where our rules would reign. We invite you to the Blue Rat habitat, an ecological farm and a sanctuary for horses requiring special care in the Drawskie Lake District.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English, Russian
We are on-site, we give our guests space and intimacy, but we're always ready to help

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Eco Alert

We have treated tap water
We have cosmetics and cleaning products in reusable packaging
Travel without a car
We promote waste segregation among guests
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Our charms

We don't have televisions
Mosquitos on warm days
Steep stairs
Access via the forest/gravel road
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We care about you

We are far away from other residences
We disinfect the rooms between reservations
Common areas are divided into separate spaces
Linens are washed at high temperatures

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Horse riding and contact with animals
Horse riding and contact with animals
Fantastic trails of the Drawskie Lakeland
Fantastic trails of the Drawskie Lakeland
You can bring your dog
You can bring your dog
Near the forest, right next to beautiful lakes
Near the forest, right next to beautiful lakes
Intimate place for families
Intimate place for families
Accommodation in a historic house (5 rooms)
Accommodation in a historic house (5 rooms)

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Where will I relax?

Icon 6 rooms

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A 120-year-old historic house, designed by a German architect really long ago. We have 5 rooms for our guests - including: 2 triple rooms and 3 double rooms. Each room has its own bathroom and is uniquely decorated. The dining room is in the woodshed next to the house. It is a guest zone with comfortable armchairs from sunrise for morning coffee, wood-scented fireplace every morning, hammocks, and a reading room. The dining room is partly open, which makes it possible to enjoy every meal outdoors, regardless of the weather. Dinners during a candlelight storm have already become legendary with us.

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Common space

Living room with couches (30 m2)
Dining room with tables (100 m2)
Fireplace corner
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Tables in the garden
Private forest
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Medium speed Internet / WiFi
Good cell phone reception
We don't have TVs
Projector in the common area

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For your comfort

We clean before your arrival
We clean during your stay on request
Towels (complete set per stay)
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What will I eat?

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We wanted to create an oasis, a place where you can get along with your milk neighbor, a hen friend and someone who bakes cakes perfectly. Managed to. We stand on our head to make food mean something. And so we came to: - honey drahimski, the culinary legend of the area - eggs from the green-legged cock - smoked whitefish - homemade cheeses, milk and cold cuts - our products: we dry herbs, make preserves, marinate mushrooms This is how we serve breakfasts and dinners. In summer - we enjoy tasting in the garden. We cook over the fire once a week. And always, even if the world ends, we will end our dinner with dessert. Always. Each meal is a holiday for us, an opportunity to talk about travel and ideas for life. We can do such long hours. You can count on a celebration, tablecloths, flowers and candles. Like in movies about a holiday in the French countryside ...

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Food on-site

Local products(eggs, cheese, meat and sausages, vegetables, fruits, beer, wine, bread, preserves)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon In / at the edge of the forest
Icon In the countryside

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In our opinion, the Drawskie Lake District deserves more admiration than Masuria and we will stick to it. The roads are curled like tagliatels, there is something new around every turn, almost one hundred percent a lake or a forest. If you like sightseeing, be sure to check out: - - Sławogród in Czaplinek, a settlement like from the times of Bolesław Chrobry and his proud sister - The Military Museum in Bornem Sulinowo, to discover a place that until recently was not on the maps - Lake Drawsko, where miniature submarines were tested during World War II (apparently they are still there) - Połczyn Zdrój with Art Nouveau buildings and the secret of a sanatorium -museum of the Baroque in Pałąc in Siemczyno - Anapon Farm natural cosmetics studio If you prefer to stay with us, we suggest: - extended meals with stories - hugging horses - hugging all other animals that live with us - walking in the woods - swimming in one of the beautiful surrounding lakes - dogtreking -Horse Riding - painting and photography outdoors -music therapy - canoeing trips, Drawa, Rega, Korytnica, Piława - visiting the reserve - Karsibór Torfowiska

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What’s there for children?

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We noticed that children are satisfied with the wild nature of Astrid Lindgren and contact with animals. They have little choice, because we have no TV sets. They don't seem to notice it :)

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How do I get there?

Icon Car

Our address: Brzeżno, Karsibór 7, Drawsko Lake District, Poland

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If, in the final leg of the journey, navigation leads through JUTROSIN - please find an alternative route. Google insists that this is the best route to us, and in practice it is a route through the forest that is difficult for passenger cars to follow (but very picturesque for SUVs).

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Icon Public transportation

Nearest stops

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Train: Świdwin (17 km)

From the train station, please contact us in advance, we will pick up our guests.

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How much will I pay?

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Did you know that our hosts agreed to keep their prices on Slowhop the same or lower than anywhere else? If you feel otherwise, let us know at

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Additional pricing information
During exceptional periods, such as holidays or long weekends, our prices may differ from the standard prices given on the website. We describe unique offers in detail after guests send an inquiry. See you in the forest!

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Place rules

Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats
Icon Maximum number of guests: 16 people

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Icon Other rules
the price includes accommodation in a double room, access to a kitchenette with coffee and tea, breakfast and dinner with homemade dessert

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Spędziliśmy u Ewy majówkę z przyjaciółmi. To był fantastyczny czas, przepełniony spokojem, pozytywną energią i samymi dobrymi emocjami. Ewa, to doskonały Gospodarz dbający o każdy szczegół, a jednocześnie zostawiający dużą przestrzeń dla gości, którzy mogą wypocząć w sposób jaki chcą. Niebieski Szczur jest w odludnym miejscu, ale zapewnia wszystko czego potrzebuje człowiek chcący odpocząć na łonie natury. Jest przestrzeń do odpoczynku, na hamakach, w Kurniku (klimatyczne miejsce z widokiem na pola, las i konie), na trawie itp. Jest miejsce na ognisko. Jazda konno, spacery z psami, wypady rowerowe, bieganie, oraz co też jest swoistym rytuałem - wyprawa do sklepu na lody i piwo ;) To tylko kilometr od Szczura. Szczerze polecamy dom Ewy! Na pewno wrócimy! Dziękujemy!

Host: Ewa

Dziękuję, do zobaczenia !


Pobyt zdecydowanie do powtórzenia :) Piękne, kojące umysł pejzaże. Lekko zamglone poranki i widoki na pola, konie i same siedlisko które ma w sobie wiele fajnych zakamarków. Pani gospodarz robi nieziemskie dania. Wszystko tak doprawione, że człowiek, żałuje, że żołądek ma granice. Pokój który mielismy w raz z mężem był bardzo przytulny i w fajnym klimacie. Nie brakowało niczego. Dało się odczuć klimat Siedliska. Poza tym, w ciąży nie tak łatwo wygodę a tutaj i hamak, piekna okolica do spacerowania, mnóstwo zieleni i świeżego powietrza. Czego chcieć więcej :) Bardzo inspirujący pobyt do którego zachęcamy i z pewnością powtórzymy !


Wspaniałe miejsce, wspaniała gospodyni, wspaniałe dosłownie wszystko! ABSOLUTNIE polecam każdemu, kto potrzebuje wytchnienia od codzienności, szczególnie tym, którzy potrzebują wytchnienia od bardzo stresującego i przebodźcowanego codziennego życia. Udało mi się pierwszy raz od bardzo dawna, mimo krótkiego (3 noce) pobytu poczuć szczery, nieudawany, niewysilany spokój, chociaż przez chwilę. Obawiałam się, czy miejsce sprosta moim oczekiwaniom, ponieważ przemierzyłam do niego około 6h autem ale było jak najbardziej warto. Na pewno wrócę i tym razem wsiądę na konia. Dużo uścisków i samych dobrych dni pani Ewo! ❤️ :)

4.8 28 opinii