
Tiny housePets are welcomeSelf catering
Come with your pet - we love these shelter dogs the most
Go for one-day rafting trips on Wda and Wierzyca
Bike paradise and the most beautiful routes - bring your own
View of the forest from every window
Krąg or Wygonin lakes, and the Wdzydzki Landscape Park around the corner
Exclusive sauna and bathtub in the forest garden

Quick check

On the map of Poland, you will find us between Bory Tucholskie and Wdzydze Landscape Park in Kaszuby. On the edge of Konarzyny village and the forest. From three sides we are surrounded by lakes. From our backyard, through a pine forest, we can see the nearest of them - Krąg. It is situated in Natura 2000 area and serves as a waterfowl sanctuary. You cannot get your feet wet in it, but at any time of the day, you can hear various trebles, and with the naked eye, you can see the singers of these songs. We, city dwellers, our hearts were stolen by stately cranes, white egrets and lapwings. Agata went from being an ordinary person who could not distinguish between sparrows and wrens to an amateur ornithologist. This is how Kashubia affects us. We have a feeling that this place will enchant you as well.

This is our project. From the first line on the paper to the last nail driven. We put a lot of passion, architectural experience and dreams into it, which we fulfilled here. The house is designed for up to 6 people, smells of newness and resin, and has a panoramic view of trees and Lake Krąg.

It was to be made of wood, and it is.
It was to be for good and bad weather, and it is.
It was to be in harmony with nature, and it is.
It was supposed to have unique furniture, and it is ( original, hand-made and renovated classics).
It was supposed to be surprising in the interior, and it probably is, too. In which house would you find a bridge connecting the mezzanine with the bedroom?

We do not impose any optional excursions, we do not give all-inclusive wristbands, and we do not change towels after one bath. This is a home we share, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We invite you as guests, as friends, as members of the Sośniakowa band. Take your pets with you. We love the adopted ones the most - imperfect, multi-racial, the sweetest. Take your fishing rods for carp, swimming sleeves, favourite board games and the most comfortable shoes for walking around.

Free time can be spent in a hammock, cycling, swimming in the lake, barbecuing, reading in our library, sightseeing, eating.

On the downside: birds sing at full volume, especially in spring and at dawn, in summer, tractors can be heard over the fence, and pine cones can fall on your head in the garden.



Agata i Kuba

We speak these languages: Polish, English

We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

This is us - Agata and Kuba, and our joint project - Sośniak. But in fact, Sośniak is something more - it's a place where we want to break away from the rush of the city. We love travelling. Although we rather call them expeditions. We have visited most parts of Europe by bike with panniers. During our trips, we met many amazing people. We believe that travelling is not only about places. What matters is the magic of the moment and the people we meet along the way. We are impatient and very stubborn. If we decide to do something, we go ahead despite the difficulties. We believe that nothing is impossible. That is probably why Sośniak came into being. Every day we deal with architecture and construction, where we encounter many limitations. For us, Sośniak is a unique project, where we could spread our wings - design and build a house without compromises. Our passion is designing and making furniture. We like to give new life to objects by refurbishing old furniture. We believe in things made by hand, those unique and of good quality. See you in Sośniak or anywhere else! :)

The host is an entrepreneur

When you book accommodation on Slowhop, you enter into a contract directly with the Host. Slowhop, our cheerful team, is responsible for the selection of Hosts, the functionality of the platform, payment of the advance payment – ​​the Host for the content of the offer, the method of its implementation and complaints. The Host is an entrepreneur, so you are protected by EU consumer law.

Where will I sleep?


6 ppl. – Dom Sośniak

  • 75 m²

  • Without pets

In Sośniak you will find: three double bedrooms, an open living room with a goat and a large display window overlooking the pine forest, a well-equipped kitchen and dining room with a large table perfect for shared meals, a quiet mezzanine, a comfortable bathroom, 2 wooden terraces


4 ppl. – Czarna Szyszka

  • 42 m²

  • Without pets

In Czarna Szyszka you will find: one bedroom with a large double bed, an open living room with a large display, a goat and a comfortable fold-out sofa, a well-equipped kitchen and dining room with a large table perfect for shared meals, a comfortable bathroom, a large wooden terrace.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • Medium speed Internet / WiFi

  • By the lake

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • Dry Sauna

Our charms

  • Access via the forest/gravel road

  • Flies

  • We don't have air conditioning

  • Mosquitos on warm days

  • You light the fireplace

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Konarzyny 74F, Konarzyny, Tuchola Forest, Kashubia Region, Gdańsk Pomerania, Poland

Place rules


  • Pets are welcome (small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 10 people

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 16:00 to 19:00

  • Departure from 11:00

Other rules

  • 30% non-returnable advance payment payable by the Slowhop system.

    The remaining amount is payable on arrival.

Reviews - Sośniak

5.0Number of opinions: 55


517 Feb 2025

Piękne, malownicze miejsce. Widok z domku na jezioro. W domku ciepło , można ogrzewać kominkiem i piecykami elektrycznymi. Wszystko super , bez zastrzeżeń:)


59 Feb 2025

Wracamy i będziemy wracać z przyjemnością! Wspaniałe miejsce gdzie można wypocząć w 100% Klimatyczny domek, dostępna koza ze sporym zapasem drewna, brzozowy lasek na terenie ogrodzonej działki, (w razie potrzeby) świetny kontakt z gospodarzami:) Polecam z całego serducha!


54 Feb 2025

Spędziliśmy w Czarnej Szyszce 3 dni które były po prostu wspaniałe. Domek jest przepiękny i świetnie wyposażony, niczego nie brakuje. Widać że właściciele zadbali o każdy szczegół. Na regale wiele książek do poczytania przy kominku, każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Do tego kilka gier które umilają wieczory. Leśna okolica piękna dająca dużo spacerowych możliwości. No i właściciele którzy są pomocny...


53 Feb 2025

Wspaniałe chwile spokoju: cisza, ciepło ognia połyskującego w kozie, czas na rozmowy- to wszystko tu odnaleźliśmy. Pogoda na zewnątrz nie miała żadnego znaczenia, bo Sośniak swoim spokojem i pięknym wnętrzem otulił nas jak kocykiem w ten szary styczniowy weekend. Wspaniały wypoczynek- na pewno jeszcze tu wrócimy!


517 Jan 2025

Spędziliśmy kilka zimowych dni w Czarnej Szyszce. Piękne miejsce, na skraju wsi, tuż przy lesie, z wszystkich stron otoczone drzewami, które pukają do okien. W środku czuć umiłowanie do detali, fascynację Japonią, stylem wabi-sabi, na gości czeka bardzo ciekawa, zróżnicowana biblioteczka (także z japońskimi akcentami, polecam "Ukochane równanie profesora" Yōko Ogawy). Generalnie chill, Kaszuby p...


51 Dec 2024

Krótkie jesienne wakacje w Czarnej Szyszce było to ukojenie na przemęczone zmysły. Tego potrzebowaliśmy. Domek przy ścianie lasu. Spokój, cisza, zapach drewna, pomrukiwanie lasu, szum wiatru, to recepta na wyciszenie i naładowanie baterii. Domek piękny, bardzo oryginalny pomysł, dobrze urządzony i wyposażony. W kuchni wszystko co niezbędne do gotowania. A dla potrzebujących restauracji świetna ka...


517 Oct 2024

Uroczy i zadbany domek, wyposażony we wszystkie udogodnienia potrzebne w trakcie tygodniowego pobytu. W pobliżu las pełen grzybów, a w promieniu kilku kilometrów ciekawe restauracje z regionalnymi potrawami.


516 Oct 2024

Wspaniałe miejsce: Szukaliśmy uspokojenia, wyciszenia i znaleźliśmy je w Czarnej Szyszce! W dodatku ‚opakowane’ z gustem w wysmakowanej formie minimalistycznego domku wśród drzew z kojącym zmysły wnętrzem. Jest tam wszystko co niezbędne, by rano wypić spokojnie kawę na tarasie, wieczorem wpatrywać się w hipnotyzujący ogień w kozie, a gdy pada- zatopić się w lekturze. I zapomnieć o reszcie świata!...