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Folwark Miłkowiec

Poľsko, Mazury, Warmia, Mazury Zachodnie, Kozłowo

Agroturistika 12 izieb 2 domy 2 apartmány

Doplňte názov svojho miesta


S domácimi miláčikmi

Vítane sú


Varíme Vám

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In the middle of the Green Lungs of Poland, in the traditional Masurian farm, really far away from the hustle of the city is the President's cat, and Olek and Madzia, the real pigs of the Złotnicka breed. And this is only part of the adventure that has become a dream come true. We overcame hundreds of kilometers to replicate Masurian buildings: we scrutinized, meticulously analyzed, we collected hundreds of building materials and invited local artists to collaborate. We learned diligently and worked hard to finally look at what we were able to accomplish and say that this is what it is. We invite you to a place of peace and quiet where animals and people live in symbiosis. We invite you to our kitchen, where food heals and makes you happy. Miłkowiec invites you!

Tu Slowhop opíše Vaše miesto.

Zbyszek, Monika i Kasia
Pred 15 rokmi som premenil veľké mesto na krajinu. S chodom farmy mi pomáha manželka Monika, pričom o formálne záležitosti rezervácie sa „stará“ Kasia, s ktorou spolupracujem už dlhšie.

Meno, priezvisko a fotku môžete upraviť vo svojich nastaveniach.

Prejsť na nastavenia

O nás

Hovoríme po: poľsky, anglicky
Sme na mieste, ale nechávame hosťom priestor a súkromie

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Eko Alarm

Separujeme odpad
Podporujeme biodiverzitu (nepokosená tráva, skrýše pre zvieratá)

Hotovo! Môžete upraviť tagy Eko Alarm


Naše čaro

V teplom počasí tu sú komáre
Prístup lesnou/ štrkovou cestou
Nemáme klimatizáciu

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Záleží nám na Vás

Sme ďaleko od najbližších susedov
Súkromné domy / apartmány s osobitným vchodom
Jedlá so sebou
Posteľná bielizeň praná vo vysokých teplotách

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oáza pokoja a ticha, jediné, čo môžete počuť, je spev vtákov
oáza pokoja a ticha, jediné, čo môžete počuť, je spev vtákov
naša kuchyňa je naše kráľovstvo, môžete jesť domáce konzervy
naša kuchyňa je naše kráľovstvo, môžete jesť domáce konzervy
dobre vychované zvieratá sú vítané
dobre vychované zvieratá sú vítané
párky a palice v ruke - zapaľujeme vatry
párky a palice v ruke - zapaľujeme vatry
máme vlastnú záhradu - môžete si pomôcť sami
máme vlastnú záhradu - môžete si pomôcť sami
dokážeme ubytovať až 50 ľudí v rôznych miestnostiach a kombináciách
dokážeme ubytovať až 50 ľudí v rôznych miestnostiach a kombináciách

Tu Slowhop doplní a opíše symboly. Môžete ich upraviť.

O spaní

Icon 2 domy
Icon 2 apartmány
Icon 12 izieb

Vyberte hlavné tagy v časti: O spaní

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At your disposal we give the climate rooms a place inspired by local folklore. By reconstructing the region-specific prewar World War I farm, we took care to reproduce every detail. Architectural information was derived from specialist publications, chronicles and archival photographs. Additionally, we have been inspired by numerous travels around the region and the open air museum in Olsztyn. For the construction of the Folwarku we used hand-made brick from the area of ​​Lubelskie Kraśnik - in our opinion, similar to the traditional building of mazurian clay and field stone. Tile to cover slabs, so-called. "Dutch", was acquired on the occasion of numerous renovations - thanks to courtesy of the inhabitants of Warmia and Mazury we covered our buildings with authentic, historic raw material. The window joinery was made for special order by one of the companies specialized in the old craft techniques. We also made sure that the rooms were as comfortable as possible with respect to the canon. The furniture was made according to local patterns, and some of them are authentic antiques undergoing careful renovations. At the decoration of the rooms we asked a friend of Masurian artist - the painter to decorate the walls with his paintings and to put on motifs related to the local nature. Guest rooms are located in the premises, which also refer to the name of the farm. And so we have: TROJAK - Originally a place of accommodation for agricultural workers, today a modern and environmentally friendly residential building. THE HOUSE OF MANAGEMENT - As it turned out, the most impressive of all the farm buildings, historically emphasizing the status of the owner administering it. CHLEWISH - Formerly buzzing building for pigs. Today - built from scratch, hand-made brickwork, delusively reminiscent of original, clay buildings. SZOPKA - A member of the Management Board, is an interesting example of Mazurian construction - completely wooden and erected from logs. GORZELNIA - Symbol of Folwarku, a banquet-conference and residential facility, a design referring to the Interwar, Secession and Art Déco.

Tu Slowhop opíše, kde budú spať vaši hostia. Pokiaľ chcete, môžete niečo doplniť alebo upraviť.


Spoločné priestory

Jogová miestnosť (140 m2)

Hotovo! Môžete upraviť tagy Spoločné priestory



Miesto na grilovanie
Zeleninový záhon

Hotovo! Môžete upraviť tagy Záhrada



Stredný internet/ WiFi
Stredný signál mobilného telefónu
Televízor na izbe

Hotovo! Môžete upraviť tagy Vlny


Pre Vaše pohodlie

Upratujeme pred príchodom
Počas pobytu upratujeme na požiadanie (za poplatok)
Posteľná bielizeň
Uteráky (na celý pobyt)
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O jedle

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You will not find discounts on our products, and we are quite critical about this. We use products that grow in our garden, or we obtain them from our local producers. As you can see, this food is not "anonymous", its origin is known, which makes the food prepared from it healthy and valuable and delicious. In our kitchen are often the king of cereals and rice. We are supporters of poultry meat - turkey, rabbit, chicken, goose or duck, coming from homeland. Fish from our lakes. Own vegetables without pesticides and fertilizers. We do not use shortcuts.

Tu Slowhop opíše, čo budú vaši hostia jesť. Pokiaľ chcete, môžete niečo doplniť alebo upraviť.


Niečo pod zub

Plná penzia za príplatok (90 PLN)
Polpenzia (2 jedlá) za príplatok (85 PLN)
Raňajky za príplatok (35 PLN)
Neskorý obed za príplatok (50 PLN)
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Bez prístupu do kuchyne

Hotovo! Môžete upraviť tagy Kuchyňa


Najbližšie obchody


Hotovo! Môžete upraviť tagy Najbližšie obchody

O sladkom ničnerobení

Icon na dedine

Upravte tagy v hlavnej časti: O sladkom ničnerobení

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See you there are loads of things: Pottery Village in Kamionka - a social enterprise founded on the initiative of the Nidzica Foundation for Development NIDA. The Pottery Village was established with the intention of cultivating ancient folklore craft traditions, technology and customs. In addition to the sale of hand-made goods, there are also folk art workshops and historical-natural history lessons devoted to the region. Garden of Eden Situated in the vicinity of the Garncarska Village, the show garden can boast of 30 thematic corners with several thousand species of plants. In the garden paradise are organized teaching classes. Grunwald Fields Place of historic battle, which occurred in 1410 between Polish-Lithuanian and Teutonic troops. Thousands of knights from all over Europe and more than 100 thousand spectators participate in annual fights. Besides a whole lot of historical monuments, Landscape Parks (as in Mazury :)) and Reserves. For the more active, there are numerous bike trails and a water trail along the Łyna River, paintball in the closed village of "Malga" with preserved ruins of a church tower or a former military training ground with a command tower in Sadek, as if we did not recommend the ski lift in the ride :)

Tu Slowhop opíše vaše atrakcie. Pokiaľ chcete, môžete niečo doplniť alebo upraviť.


Pre tých, čo chcú pokoj

Lesné cestičky
Jogová miestnosť

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Pre športovcov

Kajaky (20 km)
Trasy pre cestné bicykle (5 km)
Futbalové ihrisko
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Naše zvieratá


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Pre deti

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Children are waiting for the Milkowieckie Mini Zoo. Little guests will be under the delight of our Small Farm. Self-picking eggs from hens will be a challenge, but above all great fun. Feeding rabbits or goats will also fall into the memory of the Little One. A couple of our Pigs pigs can raise the fear of their size, but Madzia and Olek are really a nice couple! Like dark-wool sheep of heather, which is as many as 30 pieces. In addition, children will have a playground and an educational garden where they can taste vegetables straight from the beds, which are devoid of pesticides.

Tu Slowhop opíše atrakcie pre deti. Pokiaľ chcete, môžete niečo doplniť alebo upraviť.


Atrakcie pre deti

Detské ihrisko
Hračky pre deti
Práca so zvieratami
Kŕmenie domácich zvierat
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Dodatočne k dispozícii

Detská postieľka pre dojča
Vanička pre dojča
Detská stolička
Detské taniere a príbory

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Atrakcie pre deti v okolí

Wioska Garncarska (15 km)

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Ako sa k vám dostanem?

Icon Autom

Naša adresa: Gołębiewo 9, Kozłowo, Mazury, Warmia, Mazury Zachodnie, Poľsko

Preložené cez Google Translate

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Icon Verejnou dopravou

Najbližšie zastávky

Preložené cez Google Translate

Vlak: Działdowo (15 km)
Na vlakovej stanici v Działdowe je zastávka taxíka.

Doplňte adresu a napíšte, ako sa k vám dá dostať.

Koľko zaplatím?

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S našimi Hostiteľmi sme sa dohodli, že ceny na Slowhope budú rovnaké alebo nižšie ako na iných kanáloch. Pokiaľ to tak nie je, dajte nám vedieť na

Pre kontrolu cien a dostupnosti zadajte počet osôb a dátumy

Počet hostí
Dodatočné informácie k cenám
The prices quoted are not valid for the holiday season (23.12-02.01.) And the dates for the package holiday sales.

Doplniť ceny

Naše pravidlá

Icon Zvieratá nie sú dovolené
Icon Maximálne množstvo hostí: 50 osôb
Icon Nočný pokoj od 22:00 do 06:00

Upravte základné pravidlá pobytu

Icon Čas príchodu a odchodu
Príchod od 15:00 do 21:00
Odchod od 11:00 do 14:00
Pokiaľ je to možné, urýchlime check-in / oneskoríme check-out (potrebné dohodnúť pred príchodom)

Upravte čas príchodu a odchodu

Icon Ďalšie pravidlá
Once the booking has been made, the guest receives a confirmation of the reservation sent to his email address. Reservation guarantee requires a deposit of up to 20% of the total amount of your reservation. The rest of the amount is paid on the spot on arrival only cash.

Upravte ďalšie pravidlá



Fajne, spokojne miejsce. Czas zwalnia, dokladnie takiego odpoczynku szukalismy. No i pyszne jedzenie, duzo pysznego jedzenia:)


Nocowaliśmy w Domu Zarządcy. Bardzo miły pobyt, sprawne ustalenia, sympatyczni gospodarze. Będziemy dobrze wspominać pobyt.


Cisza, spokój, sielskie okolice, wspaniałe jedzenie oraz cudowni gospodarze. Było nam niezmiernie miło spędzić czas w folwarku. Pozdrawiamy

4.7 98 opinii