Rules for adding reviews on


We want the reviews added on the website to be true and give the greatest possible value to people viewing the profiles of places and activities. Therefore, we based them on two principles:

    • Reviews are not anonymous. When writing your review, you must provide your name and surname. We only show your name on the website.

    • Reviews are moderated by the Slowhop team. When deciding which reviews to show on a profile, we look at several elements (see below)


The review must meet these requirements to be shown on the platform:


1. Description of personal experiences

The review can only be written by people who have visited a given place or participated in a given activity by booking it through the Slowhop website.


2. Substantive justification

Regardless of whether a given review is positive (and we hope there will be an overwhelming number of such reviews) or negative, it must be justified. Instead of just saying: "It's great!" or "I do not recommend it", it would be more valuable if you include in your review a description of which elements you liked the most, what appealed to you, who the given place would be perfect for.


3. Objectivism 

We will also not publish reviews that contain offensive language. If you want to give a negative review, please be constructive, friendly and as objective as possible. After all, the point is that all places should be really great. Let's help them improve.