At the beginning we've gathered 16 addresses. As always: agritourisms, family guesthouses and historical palaces and castles, renovated by enthusiasts. But then we've been gradually deleting one after another, because this one is a little shabby, this one too official, in this one there is something wrong with the food, and this is no, no, no at all! ! In the outcome, we have left 11 addresses in the Greater Poland, really interesting, that we can recommend. Greater Poland, whole Poland, as our friends from Poznan say. We dedicate this statement to you. Go somewhere for the weekend. You know where you should book? :)

Przyborowo 11 is important for several reasons. First of all - it's located in the middle of nowhere, by the forest and such places we especially appreciate. Secondly - it's close to Gniezno, where the most exciting part of Polish history begins. Thirdly - Przyborowo has a very sympathic husekeeper and even if the other two reasons are insignificant for someone, the hird should prevail. Przyborowo consists of two houses and a banquet part, so think about it at the occasion of communion, baptisms and big weddings. More on their profile at Slowhop.
„Atmospheric place, beautiful surroundings, very helpful and concrete owner. Thank you for a great weekend!”
Slowhop opinion: Two houses, each can accomodate 30 people. You can arrive with the dog and arrange a family party.

There is a kid friendly agritourism in Greater Poland! It's happening in the Puszcza Notecka, you can feed rabbits, eat healthily and crawl on the green grass with dogs and cats. The idea is - agro for families with children. Atmosphere provided - cool spacious rooms and a fireplace room. It's also slow - shithole on the edge of the forest in addition cool, engaged Hosts and so good food that you have to say goodbye to any diet. Criteria are met, so welcome on Slowhop.
„Great fiamly place, delicious meals which you can't resist. Room are very well furnished and equipped - it feels like home. Living room with fireplace and lots of toys, books for children. The area around - wonderful! Animals very well maintained and the area quiet and peaceful. Hosts lovely and satisafying at every step.”
Slowhop opinion: Six rooms and a cottage called the woodshed for 4 people. Open from April to the end of November.

If anyone ever asked what you can do near Konin - here is the answer. Well, you can visit Norway near Konin. In the woods, ina place where noone would really expected, there is akind of Norwegian agritourism. Reindeers, dog Chrupek and some other animals live there. In total, quite a lot. There live also Agata and Olek, they have passion and they love what they do. They built a barn, which we can call beautiful without any hesitation and where you can arrange a party. For example such as in this article. And the feed reindeers. So now you know what to do near Konin...
„Wonderful place in the forest! Red house on the edge of a forest, just by the reindeer farm is a place where you can relax, hear the silence and saty with your thoughts. Pets are wonderful, dog Chrupek, cats, small and large ponies, reindeers.”
Slowhop opinion: Two year-round houses, barn, woods and hills. For a weekend in the forest and a retro party.
(photos: Arendel)

As every old mill in Poland - this also caused a slight jaw drop in the Slowhop team. Built by the Germans, it looks like nothing has changed sunce their times. Unlike indoors - here, there is a loft style, and if someone is comfortable with factory minimalism, total digital detox and location on the border of two provinces, that a person involuntarily begins to look for lost treasures and chakras - this is the place for him. Personally - we would love to read here some King thriller by a candlelight with wine in hand.
Slowhop opinion: Młyn w Trudnej is exclusive, for rent on a weekly basis. The idea to organize here gothic techno party should be nipped in the bud. For typical calm and quiet stays, no loud music from which cones fall from trees. We weren't able to determine whether you can take a dog or not. Sorry.
(photos: Młyn w Trudnej)

Action renovation, in other words, what you can do with the former state agricultural farm if you want to. What an idea is here! You can organize here huge wedding, of the kind that you'll remember to the grave, but also stay for the weekend. The rooms are quite pretty, there are no TVs (and how owners declare "rather won't be", but instead, there is a nice lake inly 10 minutes away for lazy ones. Please read more in our article about wedding barns.
"Place away from the hustle and bustle, you can rest here for a moment. Loft-rustic interiors and atmosphere, with a little bit of open-air museum make a positive impression. The rooms and bathroom in raw style. I recommend you can definitely forget about everything here."
Slowhop opinion: Nice rooms, cool atmosphere, shared kitchen, possibility to order breakfasts and dinners.
(photos: Ceglarnia w Jarosławkach)

We wrote about Folwark Wąsowo also here, so we won't repeat ourselves and write only that they're known for family events and food, and jars with eco food can be purchased at good ecological shops throughout the country. If you choose to go there for holidays, then you need to arm yourself with historical knowledge, bike and Nordic walking poles and also forget about any diet. Interiors very nice, lots of brick, wood and the spirit of history.
"Great place with great potential. Delicious food... and these goodbye liqueurs... We're enchanted and we'll come back! Greetings to nice Host, who so warmly gave us products of his own."
Slowhop opinion: Rooms in the forge, stable and an apartment in a distillery. It speaks for itself.
(photos: Folwark Wąsowo)

In our almost every list, there is a room for a robe with embroided emblem and paper slippers to the SPA. Well, here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the HOT_elarnia with SPA_larnia (kcal) and it's nice in here. A place where not only girls but also boys who appreciate intimacy, elagance and idea will feel good. Rather for those who simply want to let go of the stress of the week using swimming pool and having facial massage, who want to walk around a little, drink good wine with friends and talk about great facial treatment. Pleasant boutique with view of the Greater Poland Landscape Park. Prices like in a hotel with bathrobes, guests expectations high, the place itself is really nice, but not for every budget.
"Delicious kitchen, comfortable beds, designer decor, wonderful SPA"
Slowhop opinion: You can come with a dog, a great restaurant and all these saunas and baths. For the weekend.
(photos: HOT_elarnia i SPA_larnia)

The hostess of this place is a cheerful person, and if there is a cheerful host, then we have about 70 percent of success. The rest is up to the kitchen, history and design. And it's all here, harmonised. The story is captivating, in the way we like, because it's related to a woman writress and connected to war. Cuisine with long and delicious breakfast, and this always does well. Interiors? Well, see yourselves what happens, when the creative director of the brand associated with interior design, starts renovating the palace.
"We wre amazed by every detail, comfortable rooms and nature around, such as we like - coexisting, not subordinated. We had a delicious breakfast served in the beautiful circumstances. It was hard to say goodbye to the hosts and part of our family wanted to ask for asylum..."
Slowhop opinion: Spacious rooms and you can take dog with you (after anticipation).
(photos: Pałac Osowa Sień)

Four kilometers from the Poznan borders there is such historical marvel with big names. Who wasn't here! Perhaps only Olbrychski acting the role of Kmicic, but who knows... the manor house belonged to Edward Raczynski, the Polish president in exile, and only that somehow arouses interest. Everyone would like to dig through old trunks in the attic. Especially that there are more famous names: Zygmunt Krasinski, Hipolit Cegielski, Tytus Dzialynski, Karol Libelt or Jerzy Lubomirski. New owners dusted off what needed to be cleaned and with respect restored the atmosphere of nineteenth-century village. You can arrive to write a book or a poem. And it will be very in this topic.
"Hmmm, I have no words, these positive. Great place, quiet, calm, only a few people, I actually felt like home, a family home in the countryside. Great service, not pushy, polite. Hearty breakfast, served with beautiful views of the forest glade. I'm going back there in a month, I made an appointment for the story of the manor house, I want to hear the history first-hand :) And I moved back in time..."
Slowhop opinion: Only few rooms and the whole place looks like a candy from the Pinterest. And you can take your dog.
(photos: Dwór Wierzenica)

It was so difficult to find a palace in Greaer Poland, which wouldn't be shabby! Without kitsch and green plush on Ludwik XVI, in which multigenerational family of dust mites lives with relatives from Paris. Well, here it is! At the same time beautiful and historical place that tells the story from the portraits on the walls as in Harry Potter. Kitchen great, cool approach to the complex issue of the "child in hotel" - there is baby's room, there are workshops for older kids geocatching and palace games like Alice in Wonderland. And we bow down before the owners that they renovated this place and they did it in a good style.
"I'm delighted with this place, beyond its unique beauty, it outstands with extraordinary hospitality, warmth and commitment of the owners and the whole service in meeting the desires of guests. Excellent cuisine by chef Andrzej Klimek, attention to details and valuable advices from Bartosz Woźniak assure the success of any event. In addition a beautiful story, which Mrs. Angelika - the hostess - shares with passion with guests."
Slowhop opinion: Here for the story, peace and food. Around there is a beautiful park. No pets.
(photos: Pałac Tłokinia)

Here lives someone, who likes to feed people and has an interesting story to tell. Place chosen by parents for communion and baptisms, because it perfectly fits. The hostess organizes "Heavenly Feats" for some time and then, Italy or France flag waves above the table. Keep checking their FB.
"The place is wonderful. Rooms lovely, that you want to have the same in your own house. Garden wonderful, large and well-kept. Beautiful views outside the estate Luliraj. You can see the sky merging with the field. Something beautiful. Mrs. Agata, the owner, is a phenomenal woman. This, how individually she approaches to the guests is something incredible. Delicious breakfast and coffee."
Slowhop opinion: Four rooms (including one 4-people) and no dogs here.
(photos: Luliraj)