What we have here! House almost on a dune, pirate's hut, near Szczecin design and the Pleasure C onspirators near £ obez. Places that you '' might do not know, food worth checking out, people worth knowing. Come to Western Pomerania. Seriously.

This is not a neighborhood of Warsaw, but forests of Western Pomerania, known for mushrooms and proximity to the sea, and now, for that there is one of the most designer homes on this side of the Odra River. This year, the owners decided to add to this happiness swimming pool and take you shouls take a look at their profile at Slowhop, if you plan to have holidays with a larger group of cool people.
"Great little place away from the hustle and bustle. Great decor and design. The surrounding nature allows to rest."
Slowhop opinion: Cool place for families with children and groups of friends. You can rent the whole house or only half. Here, no pets.

Did you know that "Bla Marine" in Swedish means the most beautiful shade of blue? There it is. Iza, the owner is the sure about that. Previously, she ran one of the nicest guest houses in the neighbourhood (no, we won't say which), and since 2018, she welcomes guests in the cabins. Cool place for families with children, because in front of houses, there is a huge playground with a sandbox, and let's be honest - parents have their needs.
"Great place for those who want time for themselves, surrounded by Scandinavian climate :) Neighborhood delighted us even in winter, the owner willingly advised us in terms of good food and attractions in Kolobrzeg. And, in addition, this place is really dog-friendly, with perfect surroundings for walks with four-legged. I would highly recommend!"
Slowhop opinion: Each cabin for 4-8 people. Wifi works very good and you can take your dog. 15 minutes walk to the beach, but you can rent bikes.

Jeśli macie w sobie choć odrobinę fińskiej duszy po nieznanych przodkach albo po prostu odczywacie jaszczurczą przyjemność z wygrzewania się - Saunowisko jest dla Was. Maleńka osada trzech drewnianych domów z bali, a razem z nimi beczka kąpielowa, sauna solna w ziemiance i sauna na jeziorze. Wszystko to wśród pierzastych lasów, między dwoma jeziorami.
„Bardzo przyjemny domek. Sporo przestrzeni, nowoczesne, bogate wyposażenie. Odwiedziliśmy największy z domków, w środku czysto, wygodnie. Sauny dobrze działają, balia ma bardzo wydajną termodynamikę. Zewnętrzny grill na drewno ciekawą odmianą od tradycyjnych. Sauna na jeziorem doskonałym pomysłem, działa sprawnie. Lokalizacja blisko sklepu wiejskiego (5 min na piechotę). Kontakt z właścicielem sprawny, a obsługa uczynna i komunikatywna.”
Zdaniem Slowhopa: Trzy klimatyczne domki z dostępem do jeziora. Można wziąć psa.

The more we read about Moryń near Szczecin, the more we fell in love with it. The fact that as (at least partially) people from Szczecin, we didn't know about its existence, we deserve the highest condemnation. Not only it's historical place and you can easily feel its story even when you're reluctant to explore the past, but it also have a super clean lake and the best ice cream. And since Osada Ladimorg was established - it's also a designer place where you can stay.
"Beautifully decorated house. You can see that owners pay attention to every detail. Very clean, comfortable beds and everything you need for a few days stay. The welcomed us with the Christmas tree and gifts for adults and kids! It was very nice and I have to admit that I immediately felt like home. In the refrigerator there was waiting fresh milk for a hot cocoa! Everything in the cottage is "right." All the decor, the view outside the window and the owners, full of sympathy and a smile. The cabin was perfect, if someone wants to get away from the hustle and bustle and relax. We were in the winter holiday season. Silence, peace and walks to the nearby, beautifully situated lake. Close to Berlin so you can take a trip. Recommended in 100%. A place where you want to return to!"
Slowhop opinion: Cottage for 6 people, two bedrooms, you can take the dog (after agreement) and 700 meters to the lake.

People, save old houses and manor houses, and it'll be good for you and us! These hosts bought centenarian house and beautifully repaired it, and now they pass the torch to Marcin. And now we give the voice to the the author of beautiful review at Slowhop.
"We've just returned from a week with 2 children- 6 year old girl and a 9 year old girl. We are very pleased, in fact, as promised manor is located in an open field, peace and quiet around, all you can see are fields, fields and forests. Only one remote farm insight. You might think that boredom, especially for children- nothing further from the truth. The girls and also we were delighted with animals-Grafik was our holiday dog and cat Pola made us evening surprises outside the window. The star was obviously cow Krówcia. The hosts (Marcin and his dad) know well how much joy gives children feeding cows with a bottle and they don't forget to include them in these attractions. From the kitchen window you can look at the horses running around the pasture or in the evenings at the beautiful sunset."
Slowhop opinion: Up to 16 people, you can come with a bunch of naughty stick insects and a ferret. Since the spring of 2019 they also have been organising atmospheric weddings.

Food straight from the farm, and when they bring dumplings, the guests applaud. Super horse friendly place just by the water. Rooms are double and triple and there are also two-room family studios. Stunning place.
"It was wonderful. Daughter was riding horses as much as she wanted, from morning to evening she had contact with horses. Girls are fantastic, riding lessons took place in a very positive atmosphere. Lake, sauna, bicycles - everything close and within reach. Food above average. Every wish fulfilled and we aren't an easy group - vegan, vegetarian and carnivorous daughter. I rested here more than I thought I can. Well, there's just beautiful."
Slowhop opinion: Ultra photogenic place, worth getting up in the morning, because they provide here fog and fresh coffee from dawn. You can come with the dog.

We didn't expect it, but it turned out that we found a gem! Nineteenth-century house and oriental flavors in the middle of Drawa Lake region. That there is honey - we knew, that there are horses - we were aware, that there are lakes - it's obvious, but that we will eat there Lvov-Algerian food with French sophistication and cooking family - we had no idea. Great story - go there to listen it.
"Coming to Rawiczówka is like a journey into another dimension. Time slows down, smile arises on your face and doesn't disappear, there is blissfully, harmoniously, peacefully and freely. House with a wonderful atmosphere, around there are views extending to the horizon, friendly animals, delicious food and Best Hostess! Spontaneous arrival was a great decision, we're already planning to return, because this place you can't not miss!"
Slowhop opinion: Three rooms with private bathrooms and you can take your dog.

There is no longer Drawa Lake region without this place. Be sure to come here with small children, seriously - babies feel here like fish in water. They are surrounded with respect, like a small incarnation of Buddha in Nepal and there is really quiet. Even five-year kids don't make noise, but so far we can't believe it. Good home cooking, tasty cakes. The ingenious barn, in which the Owner's dream of the coolest playground was fulfilled. There is a pool, currant bushes and dog Maniek.
"An ideal place to relax with children. On-site wonderfully arranged barn, outdoor playground, space, silence, peace. The area is full of interesting places for shorter and longer trips. Lunches tasty and served in large quantities. Rooms neat. You can see the titular cranes, and a deer :-)"
Slowhop opinion: Two and four-bed rooms. Beautiful porch, from which you have a great look at the children, while drinking coffee. Here, without a dog.

Oh, how we love Siedlisko Niebieski Szczur! We've never asked Ewa, its Hostess, whence the name is from, but surely this is an interesting history. One of those places in Poland, where the horses are treated in a special way. Siedlisko is a sanctuary for them, and hosts equally surround with care people and animals. Wonderful place, full of freedom.
"After a week stay, it was very difficult for us to leave! Each one of my family had their own rhythm and space for themselves. I read, I looked at my daughter riding horses, walked the dog, breathed and cheered apple trees to bloom beautifully... Piotr read, run and took photos, slept and made coffee; Janio played football in any form, Zofcia besides horse riding could sink without restraint in the horse world. The dog sniffed and run like crazy! It was really wonderful!"
Slowhop opinion: Five rooms in historical buildings. You can arrive with the dog.

One of the most designer places on the Polish coast. Houses float on the lake Jamno in Mielno, a few kilometers from Koszalin, beautiful and relaxed as lotus flowers on a calm surface of the water. Somewhere in the back are left waffles with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles, soft serve ice cream and fried flounder. But no worries. It's only 10 minutes to get all of it and buy jelly beans for kids so they can feel like in a resort. You can drink coffee on the terrace with a view of the other shore.
"The most wonderful place we've ever been. Fireplace, sauna, the best breakfast in the world! In addition helpful, smiling staff. We'll definitely come back!"
Slowhop opinion: Mielno has its pros and cons. Houses on Jamno is one big pro that covers all the cons. Great service and good breakfasts.

Year-round cottages on the beach and in the branches of trees in Mielno, equipped with a sauna, fireplace and graduation tower. Nobody got cold here yet, even in February. Frankly we would come here to get a bit warm. There are 11 cottages, each is something between the Scandinavian house and luxury tent.
"Hats off, really. Cool, comfortable, cozy cottages (it can be warm in a tent in February :)). In addition great breakfasts (even our dogs got something in the basket breakfast), very friendly service and I can list pros for so long. In the hotel industry and catering bothers me "mediocrity", and here my jaw dropped, that it's possible to take care of all the details, because that's what creates a unique atmosphere. Thank you for a lovely week. Keep it up."
Slowhop opinion: Even if the summer this year won't be warm - with fireplaces and sauna it'll be a good holiday.

I uwaga, bo idzie ważne słowo. Bestseller! To jest właśnie Jeziorownia, która na Slowhopie dynamicznie zamiata. Ale co się dziwić, skoro ma to wszystko (ang. has it's all) - jezioro i morze, ryby i sauny, kuchnie i blisko do Jarosławca i restauracji. Zgarnęła Jeziorownia pełne bingo, oczko, poker, a ludzie ją uwielbiają.
„Wspaniałe miejsce, wspaniała okolice. Wszystko było tak wspaniałe, że brak słów. Domek przepięknie urządzony, klimatyczny, wygodny, nowoczesny i stylowy. Nawet w zimny listopadowy wieczór koza ogrzewała idealnie zmarznięte stopy i dłonie. Świeże powietrze, przestrzeń, bliskość jeziora i morza.. jeden weekend zdecydowanie za mało, ale i tak dobrze, że są takie miejsca. Bardzo duże podziękowania za akceptację piesków, które mogły wybiegać się na pięknej plaży w pobliskim Jarosławcu. Minusy? Brak.. Ciężko wrócić do rzeczywistości (:”
Zdaniem Slowhopa: Domki jednopiętrowe i parterowe, wszędzie sauny infrared i własne kuchnie. Można z psem!

O Dworku Tradycja to trzeba w kontekście właścicielki. O pani Grażynie było już w Wysokich Obcasach i to nic dziwnego, ponieważ jest osobowością i generatorem prądu w jednym. Nie dość, że gotuje jak szalona z rzeczy, o których nikt by nie pomyślał, że nadają się do gotowania. Napisała książkę o pomorskiej kuchni, kulinarne bajki dla dzieci, odtwarza lokalne tradycje i naprawdę ostro miesza w zachodniopomorskim garze. Do tego miejsca nie jedzie się po "blisko do plaży" i plastikowe cymbergaje. Jedzie się na Festiwal Spiskowców Rozkoszy, na Festiwal Chudej Gęsi Pomorskiej, na Wielkanoc, zachodniopomorskie pierniczenie przy piernikach i na wiele innych wydarzeń.
„Dworek Tradycja to naprawdę magiczne miejsce. Świetny klimat, bajkowa okolica i niezapomniane kulinarne doznania. Polecam każdemu, komu marzy się wypoczynek w pięknych okolicznościach przyrody. :)”
Zdaniem Slowhopa: 9 pokoi 1-3 osobowych i osobny domek dla 4-10 osób. Można przyjechać z psem.