Apartament w Pałacu Pstrokonie

ApartmentSome pets are welcomeSelf catering
3-bedroom apartment for 6 people
royal bathroom with a bathtub on lion legs
7 hectares of a historic park just for you
300 m from the Warta River - we will help you organize a canoeing trip
we recommend movie nights with a projector in the living room
for an intimate, luxurious rest

Quick check

In 19th-century parks people liked to plant: pea cypress, white snowberry, London plane tree and red oak. Among the trees located in our park, as many as 54 specimens would qualify for recognition as a natural monument according to the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment. How do we know? In 2021, an ambitious student decided to devote her engineering work to the historic park in Pstrokonie. She measured the circumference of each tree and inventoried each bush. And we are not surprised at all, because the park also brought us here. 7 hectares, with ponds and an island, was in ruins, as was the palace from 1820. Call it trivial, but among the ashes and weeds, my mother and I saw bushes of white roses, which gave us hope to restore this place to its former glory. For 10 years, as a family, we cleaned the park area and worked on restoring the palace. We designed the interior from scratch, with no ceilings above it.

Today you can see a bathtub with lion legs, antique chandeliers and a long table made of ash, at which, after years of efforts, we finally ate Christmas Eve with the whole family. We see our house. We do not live there every day, but the restored palace in Pstrokonie fills us with pride and joy. We invite people who value places with history and closeness to nature to an intimate holiday. No fuss - you can order a pizza and eat it in the palace dining room, and in the evening start a movie on the projector. You can go kayaking on the Warta flowing only 300 m from here. In the 3-bedroom apartment, we will host 6 people who prefer to go on holiday to a beautifully situated palace by the river instead of all inclusive. And then remember them for the rest of your life.




We speak these languages: Polish, English

We are not on-site, but you can always contact us

Creating Roots&Roses is my personal, beautiful story about growth, humility, work and respect - for myself and the nature around me. It is here, in a place that heals, that I got a chance to get to know myself. It was here, in a place that inspires creativity, that I discovered my passion for decoration and renovation. I felt how much power nature has, how much good it can do for us, how much it can take from us. It was here that I started to build my home, the one inside me as well as the one outside, surrounding myself and attracting wonderful, valuable people. It was here that I let go of my fears thanks to the earth around me, which showed me that I was safe, and everything I need, it has. It was the best time with my dog and friend Whiti, who loved to romp around the park like a wild horse. I wish everyone to find such a place on earth... For now, I invite you to Pstrokoni <3 Carolina

Where will I sleep?


6 ppl. – Roots&Roses Pałac Pstrokonie

  • 300 m²

  • Without pets

Atmospheric Palace in a park with two ponds and thousands of trees. Exclusive use of 3 comfortable rooms, a bathroom with a bathtub, a lounge, a dining room with a rectangular ash table, a fully equipped kitchen and a hall with a piano and an additional toilet. Walk to the river 200 meters.

What do I find on the spot?

Popular amenities

  • Excellent Internet/WiFi

  • In / at the edge of the forest

  • By the river

  • Beach (0.2 km)

Our charms

  • We don't have televisions

  • We don't walk around the house in shoes

  • We don't have air conditioning

How do I get there?


  • Our address: Pstrokonie 89, Zapolice, Łódź Province, Poland

  • You can reach us via the S8 route: Łódź – 49 km Sieradz – 14 km Warsaw – 190 km Wrocław – 147 km Zduńska Wola – 8 km

Place rules


  • Some pets are welcome (small dogs)

Number of guests

  • Number of guests: 6 people

Arrival and departure times

  • Arrival from 16:00 to 22:00

  • Departure from 12:00 to 12:00

  • If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

Reviews - Apartament w Pałacu Pstrokonie

5.0Number of opinions: 4


525 Jul 2024

Prawdę mówiąc aż do przyjazdu na miejsce nie do końca wierzyłem, że ta oferta jest prawdziwa. Cały parter odnowionej posiadłości z XIX w. + wielki park tylko dla nas? W cenie niewiele wyższej, niż niektórzy sobie życzą za małą chatkę z ogródkiem? Niby niemożliwe, a jednak okazało się prawdą. Cały parter, gustownie urządzony w stylu pasującym do miejsca, był tylko dla nas. Park był piękny i ogro...


56 May 2024

Witam, jeżeli szukasz miejsca wyjątkowego, niepowtarzalnego z duszą i historią to Pałac w Pstrokoniach jest idealnym miejscem na wypoczynek. Nasz pobyt w czasie weekendu majowego był czymś innym niż wszystkie nasze wyjazdy i tego właśnie szukaliśmy, Chyba pierwszy raz wracamy z majówki wszyscy zadowoleni co w przypadku moich dzieciaków w wieku 10, 19, 21 lat to dość trudne do spełnienia. Dzi...


510 Aug 2023

Cudowne miejsce, piękne wnętrza, zdjęcia nie oddają charakteru tego miejsca. W takich warunkach nawet gorsza pogoda nie jest w stanie zaszkodzić urokom wyjazdu 🤗 Cisza, spokój, dookoła park, bardzo blisko na spacer nad Wartą. Pani Karolina - Właścicielka zostawia dużo przestrzeni dla Gości. Doskonałe miejsce na nicnierobienie, rozkoszowanie się chwilą. Dziękujemy i życzymy wytrwałości w pielęgnow...


523 Jul 2023

Pani Karolina stworzyła piękne miejsce z duszą. Zaszyliśmy się na weekend w pałacu i w ogrodzie, do którego zajrzały nawet sarny. Jest to przestrzeń, w której da się wypocząć. Cisza, spokój, sklep po drugiej stronie ulicy. Polecam każdemu, kto lubi nietuzinkowe miejsca z historią.