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Lipowy Dom

Poland, Masuria Region, Lipowo

Agrotourism 7 rooms 3 houses

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With animals

We accept small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats


for guests over the age of 15


We cook for you

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Birds observe the blue eyes of the lakes during their flight, and people look up at the fluffy lambs in the sky to the horizon. In this poetic setting, in the village of Lipowo, there is a magical place. Lipowy Dom (Linden House) is located on an almost crystal clear lake, the sight of which opens the heart to contemplation, delight and bathing at any time of the day or night. Visit our unusual house, located in the heart of the Masurian Landscape Park. Taste the blissful rest and the beauty of the Masurian landscape. Take part in yoga workshops, look inside yourself during mindfulness classes, take care of yourself with a Lomi Lomi Nui massage. Taste the original, homemade vegetarian menu, endless variations on morning oatmeal and vegetables from your own garden. Here, you have time. A lot of it. Each morning is different, each morning is beautiful. At 6:30 a.m., take a bath still in the milky glow, then return to the down duvet and have a moment to read. For breakfast, a drink made of yarrow and St. John's wort and a creamy porridge with homemade preserves are placed on the table. At Lipowy Dom, we share what we have, so sometimes the guests help in the kitchen, and other times they use their time only for themselves. I then go out for a walk, come back with dinner. We try to slow down and allow ourselves and you to live a different life. You come to us in the opposite direction of the mainstream.

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When life brought me to this place 15 years ago, I fell in love with it immediately. There was no home here yet, but it already existed in my dreams. However, home is not everything. You have to find a way, especially when your whole life has been associated with the city. I did not want such a beautiful place to be just a holiday oasis for the family. I decided to share it. I love my job. When I cook, give a massage or bustle around the house, I am glad that, just like me, you love Lipowy Dom, that you come back to it and appreciate its homely atmosphere. Laugh and create, absorb this divine nature, practice asanas on the pier, enjoy the freedom, our coffee with cardamom, the lake with the rainbow, silence and the garden fragrant with herbs.

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About us

We speak these languages: Polish, English

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House can host 20 people in 8 double and triple rooms
House can host 20 people in 8 double and triple rooms
View of Lake Majcz Wielki and a few steps to the pier
View of Lake Majcz Wielki and a few steps to the pier
I cook with my heart, vegetarian, seasonally, at home, experimentally
I cook with my heart, vegetarian, seasonally, at home, experimentally
Lomi Lomi Nui massages, yoga, culinary and mindfulness workshops
Lomi Lomi Nui massages, yoga, culinary and mindfulness workshops
We invite adults and teenagers over 12 years of age
We invite adults and teenagers over 12 years of age
Workshop room at your disposal
Workshop room at your disposal

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Where will I relax?

Icon 3 houses
Icon 7 rooms

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Lipowy Dom is the perfect space for a decent rest. Idyllic atmosphere, easy-to-digest meals, yoga, dance or evening film room. A lake with a pier ideal for morning meditation practice. A magical terrace with a breathtaking view. A place for a bonfire and evening tales. A dining room with a decorated Christmas tree in winter and a fireplace room full of sofas and armchairs. We have a lot of nooks and crannies - it is a large area where everyone will find a place for themselves. In addition to group workshops, which are most often hosted by us, we also offer individual stays for adults (15+). There are quite a lot of free rooms and you can visit us for a few days. Of course, we will be happy to cook for you! To be agreed closer to the booking date: do you want our breakfasts, or also for lunch or dinner;) We can invite 22 people, offering accommodation in rural double and triple rooms. In the building on the left side of the yard you will find a 60m2 room on the first floor, in which yoga, massage and dance workshops are regularly held. A projector with a large screen allows you to organize film screenings. There are 4 additional rooms upstairs and downstairs, a small bathroom downstairs. In the middle part - where the kitchen, common living room with fireplace and glass dining room overlooking the lake - there are two additional rooms upstairs and one behind the fireplace on the ground floor. In the building on the right, we and our pets live, and downstairs there are 2 more rooms for guests and the so-called summer kitchen, in which famous Leipzig preserves such as currant jelly or dandelion syrup are made :)

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Common space

Living room with couches
Dining room with tables
Yoga room (60 m2)
Orangery/winter garden

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Excellent Internet/WiFi

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What will I eat?

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We follow family, culinary intuition and common sense. We experiment, we are inspired by seasonal products, but we always make sure that the daily menu is balanced and easy to digest. We cook vegetarian. We use high-quality ingredients and, in the season, vegetables and fruit from our own garden. We have eggs from a hen running along the field. Sometimes you come across gazpacho, add tempeh to salads and sour soup. There are also sweet memories of childhood - dumplings with blueberries made by our neighbor, baked apples with cranberries. Vegan meatballs in mushroom sauce, ramen, creamy carrot soup with ginger and coconut milk, tofu and vegetables in a mild butter-tomato curry land on the dinner table. One hundred varieties of oatmeal is not a problem! For variety, we will serve fruit or specialties from our shop, e.g. blackcurrant jelly. We are shyly heading towards vegan cuisine.

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Food on-site

Local products(vegetables, fruits, bread, preserves, honey, mushrooms, cakes)

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Will I not be bored?

Icon By the lake
Icon In the countryside

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In our country, life flows slowly, without haste. We celebrate each day with attention. Around it, moraine hills, a lake, the heart of the Masurian Landscape Park. Majcz Wielki is a great partner for meditation, asanas and reading books. In summer, in addition to swimming in crystal clear water, we recommend bicycle trips: to Kadzidlowo - there is a museum in an arcaded hut from the 19th century and the Wild Animal Park; or to Krutynia - a canoeing center where rafting trips are organized to Wojnowo - a village with a former Old Believers monastery and an Orthodox church. Horse riding enthusiasts will find several studs nearby. In winter, we suggest visiting the area on cross-country skis, which are available to guests, or downhill skiing in Mrągowo. There are few places where, apart from Mother Nature, the Hosts will also take care of you. We run the Linden House and massage it. This is our specialty. We invite you to a meeting with the Lomi Lomi Nui massage, which is one of the most beautiful in the world, rightly called the massage of loving hands. It brings what we need - it can be a different kind of experience for each person - some people find it wonderfully relaxing and healing, giving freedom from worry and stress; others, as an encounter with oneself, a rite of passage, opening to a new stage in life. We also offer Kobido facial massage - due to its complexity and intensity of techniques, it works on the deeper layers of the skin and muscles. This is the most technologically advanced form of Japanese facial massage in the world. It sounds interesting? :) In the Lipowy House, there is always a fireplace room waiting for you, while full of books, a sunny dining room and a terrace. There are cushions, benches, hammocks, nooks and crannies. Come to wake up!

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Our pets


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What’s there for children?

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We invite adults to the Lipowy House. We host mainly groups, and the intensive program of workshops often calls for space for processes and relaxation. We act in accordance with the needs of our guests, with the aim of providing you with good conditions for development, standing on your head, relaxing, walking and contemplating.

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How do I get there?

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Our address: Lipowo 71, Lipowo, Masuria Region, Poland

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The fee for a pet is PLN 25 per day.

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Place rules

Icon Minimum age of guests: 15 years old
Icon We accept: small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, cats
Icon Maximum number of guests: 22 people

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Icon Arrival and departure times
Arrival from 15:00 to 20:30
Departure from 10:00 to 12:00
If possible we will allow earlier checkin / later checkout (please contact us just before arrival)

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Icon Other rules
The advance payment is 30% - payable by the Slowhop system. In the event of cancellation up to 30 days before arrival, it is refundable. Then no. The remaining amount is payable to the account at the end of the trip.

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Cudowne miejsce pełne spokoju i gościnności. Genialne jedzenie i praktyka jogi. Polecam z całego serca:)


Miejsce jako tako samo w sobie ciekawe, ładne widoki, ale warunki jakie oferują gospodarze są dla nas nie do zaakceptowania. Zatęchłe pokoje ze smrodem stęchlizny w łazience nie da się zastąpić czymś innym, nawet ciekawym jedzeniem. Jednym słowem porażka, nie polecam.

Host: Agnieszka

Dzień dobry Pani Sylwio, przepraszam, że piszę dopiero teraz - moje miejsce było przez ostatnie 3 lata dzierżawione. Przykro mi, że mieliście Państwo takie doświadczenia. Wszystkie pokoje są odnowione, zapraszam więc do zweryfikowania swojej opinii i proponuję 30% rabatu aby zrekompensować Państwu niedogodności sprzed dwóch lat. Pozdrawiam. Agnieszka Dziewolska


Spędziliśmy w Lipowym Domu wspaniały wakacyjny tydzień! Miejsce ma fajny, wiejski klimat, a jednocześnie nie brakuje żadnych wygód. Pyszne wegetariańskie posiłki - na śniadanie codziennie do wyboru różne pasty do kanapek, ciepła owsianka lub jaglanka, świeże warzywa zebrane w przydomowym ogródku, super obiady (kotlety z buraka były ekstra) i ciepłe kolacje. Wspólna przestrzeń w jadalni fajnie integruje i sprzyja pogaduszkom z innymi gośćmi - wróciliśmy do Warszawy z nowymi znajomościami - ale jeżeli ktoś woli spędzać czas samotnie to też znajdzie dla siebie sielską miejscówkę na hamaku albo na tarasie. Na pomoście bywało, że zrzucaliśmy kostiumy i sami wskakiwaliśmy do wody, choć najczęściej spędzaliśmy tam czas z innymi gośćmi. Jezioro jest zresztą wspaniałe i bardzo czyste. Mój chłopak skorzystał też na miejscu z masażu Lomi Lomi, więc poziom relaksu w Lipowym Domu jest wysoki! Pierwotnie mieliśmy w planach wycieczki po okolicy i trochę zwiedzania, ale po przyjeździe do Lipowa stwierdziliśmy, że nigdzie się stamtąd nie ruszamy i to była dobra decyzja! ;)

4.3 9 opinii